Everyone in the mobile company suddenly came to their senses and looked at him with a look that looked at a jingle cat.

"Although our education network, the education machine has not yet come out, but from this idea, we can set our sights on another group of people who need special mobile phones!"

Mr. Xu's eyes suddenly brightened.

"You mean? The market for old people's machines!

"Yes! It is the market for old age machines! Although Gu Chen's Shenzhou mobile phone said....well, it hit basically all the brand mobile phones on the market, but he ignored this sinking market!

"And to be honest, with the high-tech strategic development of Longteng Group, I don't believe that even if they can pay attention to this aspect of the market of the old man, will they really pull down the old man's machine to do it?"

As soon as these words came out, the entire conference room suddenly began to be lively again.

"Yes, after all, just think about it, isn't the reason why this generation of young people use Shenzhou mobile phones because of the super high-tech sense and advanced happiness that Gu Chen gave him?"

"If these young people think of the high-end mobile phone they are holding and the market for the elderly machine, will they not be happy in their hearts? This is a kind of psychological warfare!

At the same time, Mr. Xu's henchman in a corner also began to speak.

"And the most important thing is that the market of old age machines has been controlled by some small brands of mainstream manufacturers over the years, I just calculated the market share, if we can eat it all, it will probably be able to increase revenue by 30% year-on-year!"

Everyone gasped after hearing this data.

Thirty percent What is that concept?

That's close to 100 billion in wealth! If you successfully win this 30% of the old machine market.

Their mobile company can be said to overwhelm Unicom and telecom companies in the future, and instantly become the first of the three giants.

And the most important thing is that in this case, even if Gu Chen and his Longteng Group slow down later?

At that time, the mobile company, which has become the first of the three giants, will still be afraid of a small Longteng Group?


"Don't forget, at this time, we still have the previous plan of the education machine education network!"

As soon as these words came out, even President Xu's face suddenly appeared stunned for a moment.

If it weren't for this henchman of his own to talk about this plan, he himself would have forgotten it.

"This new project we developed, although it was a little hindered, and companies in the education industry such as BBK and New Concepts seemed to be testing us, but it didn't work!"

"Just after we issued the order before Mr. Xu, our special software development team has begun to analyze the most mainstream tutoring machines on the market."

"I think that when we seize the market for elderly machines, we must also lay out this teaching machine!"

An expression of admiration appeared on Mr. Xu's face.

He suddenly had a feeling.

"All of you present are my Xu someone's Crouching Dragon Phoenix Hatchling!"

"If our strategic layout can achieve a complete victory in the future, it must be the credit of everyone here!"

"At that time, everyone rest assured, I will definitely live up to your efforts!"

Mr. Xu said impassionedly, and all the henchmen of the mobile company began to shout as if they had beaten chicken blood!

"Down with Longteng Group, down with Shenzhou Mobile Phone!"

"Long live the old man! Long live the learning machine!

At the same time, this President Xu also smiled and stabilized everyone's emotions, and waved his big hand to silence the audience.

"Okay, now that we have decided our basic policy for the future, let's start preparing now!"

So, in this hot summer, a new dream burned in the hearts of Mr. Xu's mobile executives.

The afternoon passed quickly.

Everyone's time is different.

It's as if the people of the mobile company are discussing the Dragon Group.

And what about Gu Chen, the biggest boss of Longteng Group?

It was Cai and Xu Yang Guxiao who happily walked out of the water park.

"Brother Dust, the nine-fold water ladder in this paradise is too luxurious and fun, I really haven't played enough!"

Xu Yang is worthy of being a teenager's heart, and he has been in a state of excitement since he came out of the water park.

Gu Xiao felt that he was tired and half dead, and the whole person seemed to fall apart.

But when Gu Xiao looked at Gu Chen, who was like no one around him, and Gu Chen's perfect inverted triangle body.

He said in a sour tone.

"Gu Chen, how did you say you came over every day? Will it make money not to say, the figure is still so good? Are you hanging up?

Gu Chen was really stunned when he heard this.

Thinking that he was indeed on hanging, and this kind of hanging never let him down!

However, of course, he couldn't tell Gu Xiao the truth.

Just said with a smile.

"Because in my eyes, health is also a kind of wealth, a part of life, exercise well to be able to stick to your wealth!"

"....don't talk about chicken soup that is not there, be normal."

"Actually, I'm not as strong as you think, the reason why you think I'm in good health is because you found the wrong person to compare with, or because you're too weak."

Gu Xiao heard that you were too vain, and suddenly the whole person froze.

All of a sudden, I fell into the constant echo of your too vain.

Xu Yang almost laughed on the side.

Gu Chen did not stimulate this Gu Xiao again, and pulled him with Xu Yang to prepare to leave for dinner.

But at this time, Gu Chen received an unfamiliar call.


After thinking about it for a while, Gu Chen always felt that after he answered the phone recently, there was nothing good.

So he hung up the phone directly without the slightest hesitation.

But it was as if the person on the phone predicted Gu Chen's thoughts.

The second time the phone rang, he quickly hung up, and then dialed again.

Gu Chen frowned and connected the phone.

"Hey! It's me! Jiang Min! A

youthful and beautiful voice came from the other end of the phone.

It is a beautiful eyebrow that seems to have a double ponytail appearing around you and spinning and jumping.

However, Gu Chen is not the kind of person who is easily tempted.

He pondered for a moment, and he had never given this call to himself.

So where did she get her own number?

"Do you have something going on?"

Gu Chen asked in a flat tone.

It was as if it was a stranger to this Jiang Min.

Immediately, this Jiang Min's side came with a frustrated voice.

"Pity me for you, I don't hesitate to become a super hacker to clear those troublesome headlines and trolls for you, and also for you to know the root of this problem! The result is this kind of treatment of yours woo-woo! I'm so hard! After

some bombardment, Gu Chen couldn't understand what this Jiang Min was talking about.

Because her speech speed was really fast, but Gu Chen still heard some headline water army and other news.

His voice suddenly became cold and said.

"You did what happened before?"

Jiang Min was stunned there, this time he was really aggrieved and wanted to cry!

"Wow, you didn't listen to me seriously! I'm so wronged! You have wronged me! "

I actually cried when I said it.

Gu Chen's face was a little stiff, and he didn't know why this cry was getting louder and louder.

Gu Xiao and Xu Yang both reacted when they heard this voice.

Xu Yang originally wanted to come over to see what the situation was and care about his Brother Chen's private life.

But Gu Xiao, a sensible adult, directly grabbed this Xu Yang and asked him not to disturb Gu Chen....

"Eh, wait, don't misunderstand!"

And by the time Gu Chen found that the two were gradually walking away, it was too late to explain something.

He could only show an embarrassed expression, and at the same time, he received encouragement from Gu Xiao with a thumbs up.

As if to say.

"Don't worry, I won't tell Chu Xinyi about this!"

Gu Chen's outstretched hand was also awkwardly standing in the air....

"Okay, don't pretend."

After a moment of silence, Gu Chen said to the phone that was still crying continuously.

Suddenly, those howlings immediately began to become quiet.

"Wow, it's my idol, you guessed it!"

"But how did you think I wasn't crying? I really feel so wronged! Saying

this, Jiang Min even began to sob a little again.

"Okay, okay, let's explain things quickly!"

Maybe it was the helplessness in Gu Chen's tone.

Jiang Min on this side finally disappeared all the sounds of his recorded crying.

In his place, a very calm voice said.

"Okay, then I'll tell you about what happened on the Internet during this time."

"I'll send you these pictures first! You pay attention to check it. Gu

Chen just wanted to say yes and was ready to send her his email address.

But unexpectedly, a prompt to receive an email had appeared on his mobile phone.


Gu Chen felt surprised but didn't say anything more, just clicked on this email to see.

"Is it a picture of me and Tong Zixin before?"

"It's just that it's not coded, what does that mean?"

Gu Chen continued to watch with this doubt, and soon saw the scene after he left.

Tong Zixin had a sad expression of tears on her face.

And the photographer who came out of another corner later... And the crying look that instantly disappeared on Tong Zixin's face at this time.

"So that's so..." After

Gu Chen saw all the photos, he gradually had a little understanding in his heart.

"From the beginning, this was a bureau designed by Tong Zixin himself, in order to let me release Li Jiajun?"

"That's why it first appeared on the hot search on this network, but it was a photo with a code..."

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