In fact, to be honest, Xin Yu is the first time that others have affirmed her about her acting career.

Moreover, Gu Chen looked very handsome, and Xin Yu, who had always been grinning, began to blush.

"I can't act at all!"

"You can act in your true colors!"

To be honest, Xin Yu still has a little unreal feeling.

I didn't even think that I had been denied for so many years.

I didn't expect to meet a handsome director who appreciated me in my own store?

Her mind is really a little confused right now.

"How about everyone sit down and eat something before we talk about things?"

And at this time, Xin Yu's mother appeared with a pot of thirteen-spiced lobster, and the pungent aroma made everyone immediately divert their attention.

Xu Yang's anger also slowly decreased with this fragrance.

At this moment, everyone was beaten by Xin Yu's mother and forgot their original purpose.

Even Gu Chen felt a little hungry.

He took a look at this lobster restaurant, and many of the guests were silently quiet because of themselves and others.

Some timid diners put down their guys and focused on their side.

"Eh, let's eat first."

So, not wanting to delay taking up the time of these innocent people, Gu Chen proposed this idea.

And he himself was the first to sit down.

Lang Tuan looked at Deng Xianxi with a smile.

The latter also silently saw Gu Chen sit down, and only then carefully sat down as well.

"Can I sit here then?"

Lang Tuan asked silently.

Deng Xianxi glanced at Gu Chen and said with a sigh.

"Okay, you can."

The entire lobster house is filled with a scene of joy at this time.

Gu Chen and the three also began to enjoy the food.

After a lu battle, Gu Chen's three people solved the lobster that was close to twenty pounds, while Deng Xianxi and the others on the other side were more because of the number of people.

After the lobster was eaten, it was a little crooked, and Gu Chen let Xin Yu, who had been silently stir-fried the lobster and then personally served, stop.

"Almost, I'm going to vomit if I eat it again."

Xu Yang smashed the bar, smashing his mouth, as if he was not finished.

Xin Yu nodded and noticed the situation, so after returning to the back kitchen, he took a covered noodle and stirred it with the garlic shrimp.

Suddenly, Xu Yang's whole person was wowed, and he began his gluttonous journey again.

At this time, although there were still many people in the lobster restaurant, they did not reach the point of explosion.

Xin Yu is not as busy as before.

They can even transfer to serve Gu Chen's table.

"How about we talk somewhere else?"

Gu Chen felt that it was almost the same, now Xin Yu is not busy, there is no trivial disturbing, isn't it a good opportunity to talk about things?

So Xin Yu pondered for a while and readily agreed.

Of course, Deng Xianxi, who had never diverted his gaze from Gu Chen, saw that Gu Chen seemed to be taken away by Xin Yu.

He immediately called the two signed little artists to follow him.

After all, this Xin Yu that Gu Chen fancy at this time is the sister of the two little artists he signed.

"Then round up, isn't I the veteran director that Gu Chen fancy?"

Thinking about it like this, Deng Xianxi's whole person was refreshed, and he felt that he seemed to have a very good tone, and his forcing suddenly rose again.

When he followed the two little artists to the upper floor of the lobster restaurant.

Gu Chen and Xin Yu both stared at the three of them.

"President Gu!"

And Deng Xianxi has been in the entertainment industry for so long after all.

Of course, he will not retreat directly because of Gu Chen's eyes, and thick skin is the most important key to mixing circles.

"Is there something going on?"

When Gu Chen saw this, Deng Xianxi actually knew in his heart what he wanted to do.

Isn't it just begging yourself?

Anyway, I definitely won't promise him much.

Because before this, he had promised to accept Nasun Masayoshi to become a member of one of the directors' team of the East Sea Pearl Radio and Television Tower.

And Son Zhengyi did not deal with this Deng Xianxi.

If he also accepted Deng Xianxi at this time, there would definitely be two different confrontational voices in the team in the future.

It is too troublesome and does not conform to Gu Chen's development ideas.

Therefore, Gu Chen sentenced this Deng Xianxi to death from the beginning.

"That's nothing, it's just listening to the martial arts movie you said before, I'm very interested, I came to learn from you!"

Xin Yu was not very nervous at the beginning.

After all, even if Gu Chen is rich and famous, she doesn't know.

Therefore, Xin Yu has always been able to maintain a normal mind to look at Gu Chen.

But at this time, the appearance of Deng Xianxi suddenly broke this balance in Xin Yu's heart.

It plunged her heart into a state of tension.

"Mom, it's a little far away before, I really didn't see that this is Deng Xianxi."

"But as soon as I get closer, my mother feels that the characters in the TV have come out and come to reality..." This

is what Xin Yu thinks now, very dreamy.

Probably he could see the nervousness in Xin Yu's heart.

Gu Chen said.

"I don't have anything to learn from here, but your face seems to scare Xin Yu."

Saying that he put his gaze on Xin Yu's body, Deng Xianxi was first stunned, and then sure enough, he found the stiffness on Xin Yu's face.

"Then, wouldn't it be better if I put my glasses on."

Deng Xianxi said and put on his big sunglasses, covering half of his face again.

Xin Yu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Chen nodded and said yes.

Deng Xianxi happily wanted to say something.

But he didn't expect that Gu Chen didn't plan to give him a chance to continue talking.

Directly turned his head to look at this Xin Yu.

"In short, I am very optimistic about you, I think you are not suitable for being a girl group, but an actor."

The topic suddenly returned to the previous question.

Xin Yu was still a little hesitant.

"I don't understand what you're talking about, I've been practicing singing and dancing with the goal of a girl group since I was a child, and at this time you suddenly told me that I am not suitable and I really feel that you are hitting my dreams."

Even she voiced the doubts in her heart.

Before Gu Chen could speak, Xin Yu's two little sisters began to get anxious.

"No, Sister Xin Yu, what are you talking about!"

"Apologize quickly, apologize quickly, this is a big man that Director Deng has to deal with, and if he promises him, he will definitely hold you!" Don't be stupid! The

expressions on the faces of the two were also very serious.

However, Xin Yu was very hesitant.

"But I really can't act! I finally learned to laugh and dance on stage, and if you asked me to perform emotionally rich characters at this time... I'll screw it up! This

is where Xin Yu hesitates the most.

She knows how many pounds and taels she has, in order not to let her Bole feel that this Maxima is a fake horse garbage horse....

Xin Yu would rather not agree to Gu Chen's request and would not waste Gu Chen's kindness.

"I can answer this question, can I?"

Deng Xianxi probably saw something, and took the initiative to ask Gu Chen to say that he could help convince this stubborn girl Xin Yu.

"Your name is Xin Yu?"

Xin Yu nodded blankly and said.

"Yes, Director Deng..."

"What I want to tell you is that I have seen many people in this world perform, and to be honest, they are not fundamentally different from you."

"The only thing they've experienced is just a little more training than you, you know what I mean? Training.

"Many of them are from science classes, and their level of knowledge about acting is superior to yours!"

"But when they first entered school a long time ago, they were all the same characters who didn't know anything about acting, and to be honest, even an orangutan was better than those orangutans."

"But in the end, after a systematic study, didn't they all become the people they wanted to be?"

Deng Xianxi said and took out his mobile phone and looked at his photo album for this Xin Yu.

Among them, there are really some stars named by Xin Yu, and those youthful videos when they first entered school.

The performance above is very stiff and strange.

This made Xin Yu immediately fascinated.

Xin Yu's two little sisters also came together at this time.

"Eh! Did you show it?

Deng Xianxi really wanted to say this, but thinking of the relationship between the two of them and Xin Yu, he thought of Gu Chen.

He still held back this sentence alive.

"You see, there is always a process, this process makes people grow, no one is born strong."

"No one can succeed all at once."

Deng Xianxi said this, and relaxed his voice.

The whole person became very soft.

Xin Yu also seemed to be moved a little, and the whole person became a little different.

Especially when she saw Gu Chen, she seemed to be thinking about something and didn't seem to think about anything.

But Gu Chen saw her wavering look with her eyes.

"This Deng Xianxi is a bit level!"

Gu Chen praised this guy in his heart.

And Deng Xianxi looked at this Xin Yu and felt that it was almost the same.

So he started flipping through some other videos.

"And these are the joys you can never experience as a girl group."

Deng Xianxi released all the grand scenes about the actors recorded on his mobile phone.

Give this Xin Yu a good popularization of the difference between being an actor star and becoming a girl group star.

Suddenly, Xin Yu's eyes were no longer the same confusion as before, but completely filled with an idea called I want to be an actor!

"So being an actor can also live so much colorful life?"

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