Gu Chen nodded and said yes, why not count.

"Okay, okay, anyway, I won't explain this problem to you on this issue."

"You give me your card number directly, and I am ready to give you all this hundred and forty million first."

Gu Chen's opening was immediately Wang Fried, and suddenly this Duan Fei wanted to say something more.

They were all desperately pinching the flesh on their fingers by his girlfriend, constantly feeling the warnings brought by the pain, but Duan Fei wanted to say something more.

Probably his own intentions were a little too obvious.

Gu Chen directly interrupted him.

"I said if you were so worried that I would do bad things with this virtual university of yours, then why don't you just continue to work in this virtual university?"

"In this case, you can not only supervise me well, but even worry about your work, how about it?"

"Isn't my proposal perfect?"

Gu Chen's words immediately made this Duan Fei stunned.

Zhou Zhi also forgot to pinch her boyfriend in a trance, and the two did not believe what their ears heard at all.

Not only to pay a fortune for something they made on a whim, but even to give him a decent job?

What kind of immortal is this?

Duan Fei suddenly said to Zhou Zhi.

"You pinch me again, am I dreaming?"

Then Zhou Zhi pinched his palm fiercely without any hesitation, and Duan Feilong's teeth grinned in pain, but there was no scream.

"It's all true, no doubt."

Gu Chen was amused by these two people who couldn't do it with many scenes.

"But why?"

Duan Fei asked again, he still couldn't figure out what Gu Chen, a super rich man, thought.

"Because... I need talents, don't look at my Longteng Group's casual revenue of tens of billions a quarter, but as the old saying goes, it's a tall building!

"Our building is getting taller, but the foundation is still that foundation, which is not okay!" So we must keep broadening our foundation, strengthening and deepening!

"And what is the method of this three-plus, of course, it is to use talents from all walks of life as the pillar of our Longteng Group."

"So I want to open a university for the whole of society in order to realize this blueprint of mine."

"Do you understand when I say that?"

Gu Chen looked at Duan Fei and Zhou Zhi.

Zhou Zhi actually only listened to a few keywords.

"In the first quarter, tens of billions of dollars, Longteng Group, ten thousand high-rise buildings!"

She had only one thought about it.

"What kind of Versailles speech is this!"

Duan Fei, on the other hand, was thoughtful, and his tone became respectful.

"So you're planning ahead? Take one step to see a thousand steps? Or the layout of the subconscious? Speaking

of this, Duan Fei did not dare to continue, because he always felt that his speculation was very terrifying.

It was so terrifying that he expected Gu Chen to seem to be playing a big chess game.

And he is not even a pawn now.

If he could really make this virtual university, it would achieve the kind of final effect that Gu Chen had in mind.

Then you might be able to use the whole project as a pawn...

but that's terrible....

Duan Fei lowered his head silently and didn't know what he was thinking, but Gu Chen could see that this Duan Fei had a strong understanding.

A little clear understanding of what you have in mind, good and promising, then it is even more impossible to let you go.

Gu Chen thought like this, and also said with a smile.

"How's that, have you thought about it?"

When he asked this, Duan Fei of course made a decision between electric flint.

"It's decided, I'll join!"

He said this sentence directly, because he could see that if he didn't agree, no one knew what Gu Chen would do in the end.

It's better to take the initiative to see everything without saying it, which is the safest.

However, in fact, it was this Duan Fei who made up his own brain and thought too much.

Even if he didn't agree, Gu Chen wouldn't do anything to him.

But now that he could say yes, it would be the best.

As for the other six people, since they were able to let Duan Fei come to the Dragon Teng Group as a representative to negotiate with him.

He believes they will be able to join his university as a whole collective.

"Good, you made a very wise choice."

When Duan Fei heard Gu Chen say this, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

At the same time, when Gu Chen asked about the card number in his hand again, this time Duan Fei directly reported all the card numbers to Gu Chen without any hesitation.

"Trouble, directly all of them will be sent to your account, and you will transfer them again."

But Gu Chen's brows frowned and felt very troublesome, so he simply beat all of this for 140,000 to Duan Fei.

After Duan Fei's mobile banking received the SMS prompt, Zhou Zhi also instantly came over and kept counting the zeros behind....

Both of their eyes widened.

I didn't expect Gu Chen to be so bold, and that Duan Fei also immediately returned the favor and took out all the transfer documents.

Gu Chen did not hurry to sign.

Instead, he found a lawyer from the company's legal department and asked him to take a good look at these documents.

Of course, Gu Chen also asked this lawyer to write Duan Fei and their group of seven into these documents and contracts, and the fact that all of them joined the Longteng Group.

At the same time, Gu Chen also chatted with this Duan Fei about their future work.

"President Gu."

Duan Fei's change of mouth was very smooth.

And he also directly said what he had been distressed about.

"What about the students we enrolled before us?"

"Simple, one to add money to let them drop out, one if you add money to refund and don't want to quit, then come in and study, but this situation can only be regarded as our business school students, not the kind of diploma university in the outside world."

Gu Chen gave a very standard answer.

"I understand the first one, but I don't understand the second one, what is a business school? Not a diploma university, so how do we attract talent to enroll in our school?

Duan Fei directly raised doubts about Gu Chen's words.

Gu Chen is also a very patient person, he said.

"Business school is actually to cultivate talents in business, because we are a private campus, so the diplomas awarded must be different from the formal, but this is only temporary, and we will talk about it later."

The main thing is that now, these business school graduates will directly enter Longteng Group to work, and the salary depends on their ability to take, which means that to put it bluntly, they have obtained the pass of Longteng Group."

As Gu Chen said this, Duan Fei's eyes widened.

As a loser who was constantly looking for work on the Internet.

He had also seen the recruitment work of Longteng Group for a long time.

But every time, he didn't dare to report to Longteng Group... No way, the pressure of competition is too great.

And in some positions, his undergraduate degree is simply not enough to see, are some graduate students or something.

Now Gu Chen came to this sentence, as long as it is a graduate, they can enter the Longteng Group to work, isn't this equivalent to...

Order class?

Duan Fei, who thought of this, immediately understood, this is Gu Chen's blatant cultivation of people from a young age to rob people!

"It's too strong!"

Duan Fei sighed, and at the same time, he felt more and more that Gu Chen was unfathomable.

On the other side, Zhou Zhi's attention was completely out of their body, because he couldn't understand it at all.

She looked at this little brother of the lawyer who carefully checked the documents, and felt so handsome!

Duan Fei was not clear about this, and his attention was completely attracted by Gu Chen.

"And in addition to business school, what I want is a special talent like you, and as for this special definition, I actually have an immature idea."

You? Immature? Duan Fei almost believed his nonsense, if he was immature, there would be nothing mature in this world.

"You say you say!"

But thinking so in my heart, I still have to be respectful, after all, I am my future boss.

"In fact, it is to make some decryption tasks and distribute them to some of you or the seed players I think can be, and when there is a step by step decryption to the end point we set, these people are the special talents we are looking for."

Gu Chen also did not politely directly say his thoughts.

But Duan Fei was stunned when he heard it, he didn't understand that these tasks were...

"It's up to you."

But after asking Gu Chen, Duan Fei directly got such an answer.

"I'll play my boss privilege at this time, it's no problem to shake my hands, I gave you the idea, it's up to you."

"If there is a problem with funds, you can tell me that I can solve it."

"But this is the first task I gave you, and you have to complete it well."

Hearing Gu Chen's words, Duan Fei seemed to have a feeling of getting on a thief's ship.

If it weren't for Gu Chen, the chairman of Longteng Group, opposite him, he would have felt that he was playing on himself.

"Wait a minute, Gu Chen's eyes are a little wrong when he looks at me!"

"How do you feel like it's lively?"

The corners of Duan Fei's eyes twitched, he looked at the playful look in Gu Chen's eyes, and probably understood that Gu Chen had an idea in his heart for a long time, but he just didn't say, hey, just play~

No, no, it should be a test of them.

"So this is the first difficult problem assigned by the leader?"

Duan Fei thought for a while, and at the same time, the lawyer of the legal department also completed all the inspections and made annotations.

The new supplementary agreement was entered, so that Duan Fei and Gu Chen could sign it with great peace of mind.

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