Gu Chen explained it to Chu Xinyi.

His own Longteng Group is that towering building, and he is the main wall!

If you want to push yourself down, you want to directly push down Longteng Group.

But how many people in this world can tear down the entire Longteng Group in the shortest possible time?

The answer is none!

Even if they want to carry out real merger financing, it is their Longteng Group swallowing other companies!

Gu Chen is still very confident in this.

Especially after he watched these posts that commented and insulted Gu Chen were deleted in an instant, Gu Chen became even more confident.

"I just don't know if it was Jiang Min or the mobile company who deleted these comments."

"No, it should be Jiang Min, after all, he is also my personality admirer, even if he does a little bizarre thing, it is normal."

"In this case, this Jiang Min has once again proved his strength, then there is no need to worry about future cyber warfare, which is very convenient!"

Gu Chen thought in his heart, and Chu Xinyi's voice seemed to be calling from his secretary.

"Sister Xinyi! Sister Xinyi, where are you!? I can't find you anymore!

"I'm here, come right away!"

Chu Xinyi immediately responded, and after saying goodbye to Gu Chen, he hung up the phone directly.

And Gu Chen also put away his mobile phone.

He looked at Wang Wei, who had appeared in his office from the beginning.

After seeing a look of worry written all over his face, Gu Chen knew that it was time for him to explain to this Wang Wei why he would allow the news on the Internet to cause this kind of smear behavior.

"Here, show you these things!"

Therefore, Gu Chen directly took out his own evidence from Jiang Min and Tong Zixin that had been prepared long ago without saying a word.

Wang Wei's eyes suddenly lit up when he looked at the photo above.

The worry and anger on his face disappeared.

In its place, there was a deep admiration for Gu Chen!

"Mr. Gu! What a god you are! You've collected all these photos! It turns out that you are the last super black hand!

"Ah, I understand, Mr. Gu, you are giving people a trap, right!"

When Gu Chen heard this, his face was suddenly full of question marks.

"I just said, how can I be a person who covets beauty? There must be something else going on!

"And Mr. Gu, you know that you have been wrong for so long, no, no. It should be that since you became famous, you often encounter bad people with ulterior motives who want to master your wealth code... Or maybe catch your pigtails! Wang

Wei is still constantly making up from his mind.

What is brain supplement? Of course, Gu Chen had long expected such a day to come.

Since everyone else is struggling to get their own scandal or wealth code.

Then he will directly create one himself, and let all of you cows, ghosts, snakes, and gods come out and kill them one by one!"

"It turns out that this is the case, Mr. Gu, your trick is too high!"

"The most important thing is that you have the final evidence of invincibility from the very beginning! This trick is really high, really high! Suddenly

, Gu Chen was bombarded by Wang Wei's rainbow fart like a series of cannonballs.

Gu Chen suddenly thought that he was the kind of man who controlled everything in Wang Wei's mouth.

"But I can really walk a little in this direction!"

"In this way, I can see who those guys who want to fall down the wall and everyone pushes them!"

Suddenly, Gu Chen prepared a small book, and he wanted to see what other companies wanted to help this mobile company to develop itself.

"When you free your hand, that's when you prepare for the big reckoning!"

Gu Chen couldn't help but give this Wang Wei a thumbs up in his heart.

However, on the surface, it is still very cold, but it shows a faint and ordinary appearance.

"You can see this? It's not easy, Wang for you, there is indeed a place to grow!

"In that case, can I trust you with these matters?"

"After all, you can be my super helper!"

After saying these words, this Wang Wei suddenly felt Gu Chen's heavy gaze like a mountain fall on his body.

It made him feel a heavy weight.

But Wang Wei was not afraid at all, and even took the initiative to take a step forward.

"Mr. Gu, you can fully trust Wang Wei!

"I am always ready to contribute to our Longteng Group!" You can rest assured!

"I will definitely take those rats who covet our Longteng Group out of the ground one by one, and let them accept the cruelest punishment under the sun!"

Wang Wei obviously gives people a feeling of being on top.

But now Gu Chen needs such a top tool person, and he needs him to help him meticulously complete the tasks he gave him.

So Wang Wei walked out of Gu Chen's office with a death-like pace.

Gu Chen, who had not had time to rest, saw Zhao Shiwei, the manager of the propaganda department, who was sneakily sticking out at the door.

"Come in! What are you doing there on the sly?

Gu Chen shook his head helplessly and called this Zhao Shiwei.

Zhao Shiwei immediately nodded and came to Gu Chen.

"That, Mr. Gu, I'll report to you."

"First of all, you must not be angry after listening to my report!"

"Okay, no problem, you say."

Gu Chen nodded and agreed to Zhao Shiwei's request, and he began to talk about what happened after the countdown.

"Mr. Gu, the situation on the Internet seems to be a little bad now, and there are some of your beauty fans who are helping you speak before."

"Wait, what do you say? My beauty fan? What does that mean?

Gu Chen directly interrupted this Zhao Shiwei's narration.

"It's literally Mr. Gu, you see!"

Zhao Shiwei said and handed the document he had printed out before to Gu Chen to see.

"Ah this."

Gu Chen couldn't laugh or cry when he saw it.

"I didn't expect that I still have so many female fans!

However, after saying this, Zhao Shiwei had a strange embarrassed expression on his face.

"That Mr. Gu, these beautiful fans of yours are all men."

The smile on Gu Chen's face suddenly stiffened, and he didn't know what to say.

Just thought of a word.

"Men are always the easiest to attract men..."

After a moment of silence, Gu Chen continued, "Don't tell me these irrelevant little things, talk about the current situation."

Zhao Shiwei immediately took the paper reports that Gu Chen handed over.

Suddenly, Zhao Shiwei always felt as if he had narrowed the road.

"Then I will continue to report, according to the current popularity on the Internet, your topic attention has exceeded 180 million, and it is still rising, of which we analyzed that the rhythmic water army is about ten percent."

"It can be said that their voices now have no way to completely control such a large number of netizens like before."

"But the bad thing has also appeared, and now these groups of netizens who follow your fake scandal photos have different points of view."

"I roughly divide into the following types, one of which is a pure love warrior who feels that you are sorry for your partner for doing this."

When Zhao Shiwei mentioned this term, Gu Chen was stunned for a moment.

But he didn't say anything, but continued to listen.

"They think that loving someone is about being faithful, not like you... Then not being responsible is a very bad thing, and there are even some emotional minors clamoring that you are not worthy to be the chairman of Longteng Group..."

"But this is only a part, the proportion is not very large!"

Probably seeing Gu Chen's silent face without speaking, Zhao Shiwei immediately changed his painting style.

"There is also a feeling that the existence of a person like you should not be bound by this worldly situation, and understand you from the perspective of a rich person, such as meeting a better woman in the case of a girlfriend, and being obedient to you, who can stand this?" It's just challenging people's weaknesses!

Zhao Shiwei said and his face showed a look of great agreement with this statement.

"Eh! Okay, that's it! You still don't have to say what the views of these people are.

"You directly say that according to your current professional analysis, when is it appropriate for us to publish it next to clearly prove that I am not a scumbag?"

Gu Chen directly interrupted Zhao Shiwei's words, and he didn't want to let his ears be bombarded anymore.

It's really overwhelming.

On the other hand, he also has to ask when he can blow the horn of counterattack at the most appropriate time.

"President Gu, that's why I came to you now with these data!"

"When I found out that neither China Mobile Unicom nor Telecom could control this huge group of netizens, I knew that now was the time for us to strike!"

"Only by quickly clarifying your situation can we stabilize the situation before the situation changes drastically."

"Otherwise, even if you publish these photos later, the Shenzhou mobile phone and the ecosystem of Shenzhou Auto that we established before will be affected to a certain extent!"

"The terrible extent of the loss at that time is not something I can estimate now."

Listening to Zhao Shiwei say very seriously, Gu Chen immediately fell into thought.

"Is there such a way to hedge risk?"

After Gu Chen finished thinking, he looked up and looked at Zhao Shiwei and said something about the old man's machine.

"For example, we use this news to attract their attention and attention."

"This, in theory, is not impossible."

"What is that saying, when there is a big news on the Internet, the best way to make people forget him is to cover him up with a bigger news!"

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