This is the low-price promotion plan of the old man's machine that Mr. Xu came up with to grab the market for the old man's machine with Gu Chen.

After listening to it, the manager of the product development department immediately called the factory on the spot to ask when the other party would be able to make the goods they needed after working overtime.

"Don't ask when, give them the order to die, Gu Chen, it will take 7 days for their old man's machine to go online, we will understand in four or five days?" The sooner the better!

Mr. Xu roared, and the manager of the product development department was so frightened that he hung up his mobile phone directly to express his firm position.

"Got it, Mr. Xu! I will fly to their factory right now, and I will supervise them without eating, drinking or sleeping! You can rest assured that you will be able to seize the opportunity before Gu Chen and them are released! The

manager of the product development department immediately booked tickets, which reduced Mr. Xu's anger by three points.

Unicom and the telecom boss continued to steal fun on the side, if the three of them combined could not fight Gu Chen's Longteng Group in the ring.

If the mobile companies fail...then they will swallow the mobile market, and it is not impossible to have another three-pronged situation.

Of course, mobile companies are basically not going to fail, and they know that very well.

Jiang Min's face was already a little tired at this time.

People who are really fighting offensive and defensive wars with themselves, how to say, are too tenacious.

Whether it's a Dolls attack or other server worms, both sides can discover each other's tactics and destroy them.

It is equivalent to two evenly matched opponents who can only win by relying on rich experience and mistakes of the other side.

But until now, although Jiang Min said that he had not made a mistake, he also did not catch the other party's mistake.

The situation suddenly became anxious, and in the end, the other party probably felt that it was too troublesome to continue like this with Jiang Min.

So during Jiang Min's next long-range packet loss bombing, Jiang Min found that the other party had disconnected everything.

"Depend, if you can't beat it, pull the network cable!"

Jiang Min immediately reacted, the other party directly made such a move, physically surrendering the network virus.

"Awesome, but finally you can take a break!"

Jiang Min stretched out, and his bones crackled.

This time the battle really consumed a lot of her mind.

However, when I picked up my mobile phone, I saw several push news released by Gu Chen.

Jiang Min knew that this crisis was completely lifted, and Gu Chen also earned enough eye exposure by relying on this crisis.

"Old man machine, it's quite interesting."

Jiang Min dialed Gu Chen's phone and reported to him about his results today.

"Jiang Min?"

Gu Chen looked at the call prompt on her mobile phone here, and thought of the third-party forces mixed among these netizens that she had disappeared before.

"Is this good news for me?"

However, it is not.

"I'm sorry Brother Gu Chen, I failed, the other party is too cunning, I tracked each other with him until now and have not found his flaws."

Jiang Min's tone on the phone was a little lost.

However, Gu Chen had already been mentally prepared in his heart, and he would not turn his face with Jiang Min because of this little thing.

On the contrary, Gu Chen also thanked Jiang Min for his righteous action.

"Haha, it's okay, you don't need to say sorry, it should be me thanking you!" Fortunately, thanks to you, we were able to gain an advantage in numbers!

"If it weren't for you and the other party's hackers, I'm afraid the pressure on our side would definitely be very great!"

Jiang Min was quite happy to hear this.

After all, who doesn't like to be praised, especially by their idols.

"But Brother Gu Chen, have you offended anyone recently? The hacker who shot this time is not our countryman, looking at the final IP jump, I can basically determine that the other party is in the Dutch border. And

Jiang Min's previous confrontation with the other party's hackers was not completely without any gains, at least he knew the approximate location of the other party.

It can be regarded as providing a direction for Gu Chen.

"Holland? How could it be... I haven't violated anyone's interests lately, nor have I opened up new markets, although I do have this idea, but I haven't put it into action yet, will they all be prophets?

Gu Chen was in a good mood and made a joke, but Jiang Min did not laugh.

"In this way, then Brother Gu Chen, you have to be careful, I always feel that behind this hacker is not just a person, it is very likely to be an organization, and it is very likely that it will also be attacking you... So I'll go and ask you if anyone would like to be your cybersecurity consultant, so I'll be at ease. "

What is Jiang Min's operation called, when you want to sleep, the pillow will naturally come by itself.

Before Gu Chen thought of asking Jiang Min to contact the members of their Red Alliance organization for him, but now that he had not yet raised it, Jiang Min took the initiative to talk about this matter.

Oh! Jiang Min yyds!

"yes, that's great! I just had the same idea before, let's think of going together! The

two hit it off and soon agreed to do it before the summer vacation.

Compared with the happy cooperation of the two, on the other side, Zhou Le was working diligently, and Gu Xiao was also helping to move things.

Zhou Le received a call from home.

"What's the situation, doesn't it mean that there is no need not to contact me?"

With a somewhat puzzled emotion, he came to the side and answered the phone.

"The situation has changed, you continue to be your own photographer, we miscalculated Gu Chen's financial resources and network strength and cunning, this time it was actually a big drama directed and acted by himself!"

"He's dangerous, even more dangerous than we estimated, and smart, so you must not show any horse's feet, you know?"

Zhou Legang wanted to say rest assured, he had no problem.

As a result, he saw Gu Xiao's reflection through a piece of glass on his head.

His heart suddenly clicked.

"It turns out that it has already set eyes on me! When was it exposed? It shouldn't be!

Zhou Le took a deep breath and yelled directly at the phone.

"I said I want to chase my dreams, none of you want to stop me, if you have to stop me, then don't blame me for breaking off all relations with you!"

His emotional acting skills exploded at this moment, causing Gu Xiao to be taken aback.

"Is it so rigid, do you want to break off the relationship?"

After Gu Xiao heard Zhou Le's resoluteness, he seemed to understand something, and slowly left the place thoughtfully.

Zhou Le watched Gu Xiao leave in the reflection, and only then did he breathe a sigh of relief in his heart.

"What's wrong?"

The other end of the phone listened to him and asked.

"Gu Xiao, it's Gu Chen's little hair, just behind me to eavesdrop on me, it seems that Gu Chen has long suspected me."

" It seems that what the old man said before was too much to make Gu Chen defensive, so that you continue to stay and maintain your personality, and you don't have to worry about other things, just assume that you were really expelled from the Zhou family by us, understand?"

Zhou Le's brows furrowed, but he never had the courage to resist his brother, and he could only nod silently to indicate that there was no problem.

However, after he nodded, he remembered that his brother was not around, and he hurriedly said, "Okay, no problem!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Le began to format the phone again very crisply.

Gu Xiao came to the other side with his mobile phone and prepared to call Gu Chen.

Who knew that when he opened his mobile phone, he found that the network war had ended, and Gu Chen had won a comprehensive victory!

It's just that Gu Chen looks at the woman in this photo, and the more he looks at it, the more familiar he feels.

"Groove! Isn't this Tong Zixin? Gu Chen... Gu Chen, is this self-directing and self-acting, did you do everything? All

of a sudden, Gu Xiao's heart was as turbulent as thunder.

"No, I'm afraid of something, Gu Chen and I are teammates, and he can't do anything to me!" Scare yourself! Telling

himself in his heart that there was nothing to be afraid of, he dialed Gu Chen's phone.

"Gu Chen, Zhou Lele should have no problem."

After coming up, Gu Chen received Gu Xiao's concluding words, and his brows instantly furrowed.

"So the suspicion of this Huamu Road has been ruled out? The third party should be the old guys they call who have paid attention to me for a long time.

"It seems that it is time to find a chance to go back and see what kind of medicine these guys are selling in the gourd."

Gu Chen thought so, but his mouth was saying.

"Okay, I see, thank you Gu Xiao, but I still have to ask you to pay more attention later."

Where would Gu Xiao refuse Gu Chen's request.

At the moment, it is as if a military order has been made, and when it is no problem, leave it to yourself!

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Lele's voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Brother Xiao, have you seen my number fourteen wrench?"

Gu Xiao was so frightened that he almost dropped his mobile phone.

"I didn't see it, but you can look for it from Director Sun, his treasure chest is quite a lot."

After stabilizing his good mind, Gu Xiao went back to work like a nobody.

It's just that he didn't know that before he turned his head, Zhou Lele's eyes were full of teasing.

It was as if it were a beast eyeing its prey.

At this time, it was like a beast, in addition to Zhou Lele, there was also Li Jiahao on Xiangcheng Island.

He shook his goblet, and the deep shallow hook of the red wine in the glass was against the wall.

Just by looking at it with your eyes, you can tell that this is a glass of famous wine worth a lot.

Beside him, a man with gold glasses in a suit and leather was elegantly and without making a sound, cutting a bloody steak.

"Father, this time the preparation is not very sufficient, only cashed out a billion mobile shares, and at the same time in order to avoid Longteng Group to check that we did not touch the stocks related to it at all."

Li Jiahao is still very satisfied with his youngest son's caution, especially his tricky investment vision, which perfectly inherits his genes.

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