Li Jiasheng did not understand Tong Zixin's operation, but he still honestly gave the mobile phone to Tong Zixin.

Tong Zixin took the phone backhand and said.

"This phone will be used for me for the time being."

The expression on Li Jiasheng's face was stunned.

"What do you mean?"

"Literally, your father only installed a lot of backdoors in my phone, and if I continue to use my own phone, our plan will definitely not succeed, and you know."

"I, ah, only have one chance, and at the slightest danger I will quibble him!"

Tong Zixin faced Li Jiasheng's doubts and directly said some dirty things that his biological father did.

Li Jiasheng was speechless.

"Okay, but during this time, if someone calls you, especially if you see some English names, such as Coco, Alita, or something, don't answer it!"

"They are all my relatives."

Tong Zixin became the one who was speechless this time.

"You have quite a few lovers!"

Who knew that Tong Zixin was just such a simple complaint, but this Li Jiasheng directly put on a straight face and said very seriously.

"They are not my simple lovers, they are my wings, they are my family! It is the one who gave me the meaning of surviving in the darkness! "

In the face of Li Jiasheng's persistence, there is still that fanaticism.

Tong Zixin had to say okay.

"Then I apologize, rest assured, I won't connect your phone indiscriminately, and I'll leave like this!"

After saying this last sentence, Tong Zixin left the place dashingly.

Only Li Jiasheng was left alone thinking in his heart.

"Wow, nothing will happen these days! Why do I always feel that my eyelids are constantly beating? Tong

Zixin never imagined that in the end, it was family that triumphed over work.

On the way, Tong Zixin first returned to his home and turned on his music, faking a feeling of being at home. At the same time, it is also the preparation of the red wine glass.

Always creating the appearance of himself drinking, setting a timed time, Tong Zixin slowly tiptoed to close the door.

After approaching two hours.

There will be a sound of drunken falling to the floor in his room.

It was deliberately made up for the listener to listen to.

The sound of music is turned off by its own remote control.

Thoroughly disguise the illusion that you are at home.

However, in fact, after Tong Zixin had already recorded Gu Chen's phone number, he walked towards the home address that Li Jiasheng gave him.

Don't ask why you didn't drive, there are monitors in the car.

Don't ask why you don't take a taxi, ask is the taxi industry's business, which is also one of Li Jiahao's shareholding industries.

If you accidentally expose yourself because of the taxi incident.

That would be embarrassing.

Therefore, Tong Zixin preferred to carefully sail the 10,000-year ship to the address provided by Li Jiasheng by relying on his No. 11 bus.

It will definitely not take a ride.

"Not bad!"

"Li Jiasheng, this kid can!"

When Tong Zixin opened the door of the room where Li Jiasheng provided the address, he found that it was a very large loft apartment.

If the upper and lower floors are combined, it is estimated that there is a space of nearly 200 square meters.

This is in the inches of land on Xiangcheng Island, which can be said to be a very luxurious mansion.

After all, the house prices here were completely hyped up by Li Jiahao.

Especially the space of this lot, which is a full 210,000 square meters.

However, sighing and sighing, Tong Zixin did not forget to do his own business.

She took out her mobile phone and entered Gu Chen's number, and only heard Gu Chen's voice after a while.


Suddenly, Tong Zixin almost cried, especially after Gu Chen's words, he found that Tong Zixin did not speak, and immediately his brain began to run rapidly.

At that time, Gu Chen looked at the caller ID on his mobile phone and immediately thought of Tong Zixin.

So a little idea came to mind.

"The number of Xiangcheng Island, is it Tong Zixin?"

Therefore, Gu Chen said.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm good, I'm fine, thank you Gu for your concern!"

Tong Zixin responded to Gu Chen's question very seriously, and the two exchanged two pleasantries before cutting to the point.

"That's the way it is, I've convinced this Li Jiasheng to stand on our side!"

Tong Zixin told Gu Chen exactly what he had done as if he was inviting credit.

It sounded like watching a mega TV series.

The whole person was a little surprised.

"So, did Li Jiahao directly raise a white-eyed wolf?"

Is that the point? Tong Zixin was suddenly speechless, she hoped that Gu Chen could continue to praise and praise herself more, but Gu Chen's focus seemed to be completely off!

"Well, you can't say that they are white-eyed wolves, after all, these two people are not good things, they can only be said to be the legendary upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked!"

Tong Zixin gave Gu Chen a very perfect explanation.

Gu Chen coughed twice in embarrassment, indicating that he took the topic and continued.

"Hard work for you, it seems that I have almost been able to receive this Li Jiahao's invitation in the recent period."

"Yes, that's right."

When Tong Zixin heard this, he was silent for a while.

"What's wrong?"

probably sensing that Tong Zixin's mood was a little wrong, Gu Chen immediately cared about this little pitiful.

"Mr. Gu, I'm worried..." "

Worried about what?"

Gu Chen doesn't mind helping his employees solve psychological problems.

"Worried about you, you must know that Li Jiahao's strength in this Xiangcheng Island is really very terrifying! If you're not sure, don't come! "

Who knows, this Tong Zixin's concern is not herself at all, but Gu Chen.

Hearing Tong Zixin say this, Gu Chen smiled again.

"Don't think about so many things, if I dare to come to this Xiangcheng Island, it means one thing, I won't be afraid of this Li Jiahao's power at all."

"That sentence says so, the body is not afraid of the shadow oblique!"

Listening to Gu Chen's arrogant answer, Tong Zixin was still very worried.

After all, Gu Chen can be regarded as his last hope, and if this last hope is also shattered.

That for her Tong Zixin, it is tantamount to having played the world!

"President Gu, I think you should not be so anxious, how about you make plans after I get back all the information of the four major families in Li Jiasheng's hands?"

"This is okay, but don't think that after I get all the information of the four major families of Xiangcheng Island, I will feel that I am excited, or I will retreat!"

"I won't back down at all!"

Gu Chen said something earth-shattering again, and Tong Zixin's heart was full of emotion.

"Well, since Mr. Gu, you will never be confused and retreat! Then so am I!

"As long as we work together, I believe that sooner or later we will be able to drive Li Jiasheng and Li Jiahao all out of Xiangcheng Island!"

When Tong Zixin said these two words, he shouted out.

Gu Chen felt that his ears were very vibrating on the other end of the phone.

It shook so much that he silently moved his phone away from his ear.

But his own voice was indeed very cooperative and roared.

"Brave cow oh cow, not afraid of sleepiness and difficulty!"

Although Tong Zixin didn't quite understand what Gu Chen was talking about, she probably guessed that Gu Chen's current thoughts were definitely on her side.

With this conclusion, what else is the bicycle? It's done!

The excited Tong Zixin almost couldn't sleep that night.

It feels like the whole person is in the sky, constantly walking among the clouds, and after walking to a place.

Directly encountered a pure white and holy angel.

"Gu Chen's eternal god!"

Finally, Tong Zixin made such a sound.

Of course, before this, Tong Zixin had to silently snore a little to feel it.

In this way, it can be shown that he is really at home and does not lie at all.

When Gu Chen hung up the phone here, his face began to become a little gloomy.

"I didn't expect it to be so dangerous this time! Sure enough, these 100 million were all earned by the people of Xiangcheng Island!

"I said, their attack and cut point this time are very precise" "

The feeling is that this boy Zixin is helping in it!"

Gu Chen kept thinking in his heart about whether there was anything to believe in what Tong Zixin said.

Don't ask why, ask is that in fact, in Gu Chen's heart, he still doesn't trust this Tong Zixin very much.

If he is just an ordinary person.

Then he definitely won't have so many flowery intestines.

But because Gu Chen's current Longteng Group has a big business, Gu Chen wants to protect his company well.

You have to be accountable to your employees.

And how to be responsible? It must be to do a good job in every plan of the company.

"Forget it, I don't want to think so much!"

Gu Chen was thinking about what might happen when he entered Xiangcheng Island.

Then he silently called his secretary.

"Bring me a cup of coffee."

Drinking the rich super black bitter coffee, Gu Chen's thoughts began to be highly concentrated.

He constantly draws the layout of everything in his mind.

On the other hand, Mr. Xu of the mobile company is now borrowing alcohol to relieve his worries.

"Why is my life so bitter!"

He drank and looked at the bill for the company's loss that his salary and finance had estimated.

"Hey, this is really blind!"

Mr. Xu's heart was very remorseful.

Why do you provoke Gu Chen when you are fine, why do you make yourself like this?

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