Just thinking about Gu Chen like candy in his heart, Jiang Min's mood is quite stable.

But after all, it was still a little sad, after all, the countess was her biological mother.

"Forget it, I don't want to be that much, let's hurry up and buy an evening dress."

Thinking so much that Jiang Min forcibly gave himself a wave of gas, the whole person began a new journey.

Time just passed by minute by minute.

It's just that when Jiang Min went out, it was still a little late after all, and it happened to hit the evening peak.

Traffic jam is just two words, Jiang Min has to say it thousands of times.

The butler was also quite anxious to see ahead.

After all, the woman behind him is not a good stubble.

After experiencing the wave of the countess, the housekeeper no longer dared to treat Jiang Min as a child.

He was very worried, and it would be very embarrassing if Jiang Min found out that he would definitely be late, and blame his anger on him.

So, the butler is now very low-key.

So low-key that he began to hold his breath.

Jiang Min felt that the whole person was a little about to run away, especially after thinking that after buying this expensive evening dress, it was not good to get off the car and take a motorcycle or ride over.

Otherwise, walking on the street is very cheap.

So there was no way, Jiang Min had to call Gu Chen.

"Hello? Jiang Min, I'm almost there, ah it's okay, it's okay, I'll wait for you for a while. After

Gu Chen connected the phone, he knew the intention of Jiang Min's call, and suddenly slowed down his speed.

The cars behind him instantly felt the pressure, and they also slowed down their speed.

Gu Chen didn't know what the situation was, and suddenly so many cars appeared behind him.


However, after hanging up the phone with Jiang Min, Gu Chen still quickly reached No. 18 on the Bund.

Park your own sports car in a dedicated parking space.

In fact, it was not without doormen to sneak for Gu Chen, but when they saw the internal structure of this sports car, the doormen all chose to retreat one by one.

If they accidentally scratch it, it will make them become workers for the rest of their lives.

And it's the kind of one that never gets paid.

Gu Chen was also considerate of these people's thoughts.

So I didn't forcibly comfort them.

Standing on the vantage point of this area of the Bund a little and enjoying the style of the crowded people, I think it is not interesting.

Just get ready to go straight into the restaurant and wait.

"Hello sir... Sorry, today our restaurant was chartered, thank you for your support, here is a coupon, you are welcome to use it next time, we will also give you a free mojito as compensation. Gu

Chen walked to the building that was somewhat similar to the old mansion, who knew that he was actually directly resisted.

Well, it's not resistance, it's just a kind of obstruction.

Although the doorman who guarded the door was very handsome, he looked very mediocre in comparison with Gu Chen.

So it is inevitable that there is a little inferiority and jealousy, which leads to this guy talking without any good feelings.

However, Gu Chen would not think too much about him, just said with a hehe.

"Yes, I know that you are chartered today, I am the one who chartered the venue, can you let me in?"

When the doorman heard Gu Chen's words, he was first stunned, and then a trace of disdain and contempt flashed in his eyes.

Then Gu Chen saw that the waist plate that had been bowing slightly by this doorman was also straightened at this time, as if he was in a non-working state.

This change made Gu Chen very strange, and felt that there might be something wrong with this doorman waiter.

However, the next words of this waiter made Gu Chen feel even more inexplicable.

"That's the gentleman, we do have a gentleman in the restaurant today, but that gentleman is now in and is eating with his friends!"

"Although I don't know where you got the news and think that you can impersonate someone else to eat at the restaurant, but I'm sorry, your plans are doomed to fail today."

Gu Chen's puzzled look made the doorman waiter even more disgusted.

What he hates the most is this kind of person who is obviously here to take advantage, and he has to put on such a look, he is a real victim.

It's disgusting.

"But..." So

just as Gu Chen was about to speak to defend himself, the little doorman, who did not want to be named, began to continue.

"If you still have a little conscience, I advise you to leave me now!" Don't be embarrassed here!

"Also, if you are willing to leave, this coupon of mine can still be given to you, but the cup of mojito representing compensation is sorry, you will not be blessed!"

Even in a state of intimidation, this guy still maintains a certain degree of professionalism.

And Gu Chen's inexplicable feeling became more and more aggravated.

He almost laughed out loud because of this guy's words.

"No, what kind of talent can eat on this inch of land on the Bund!" Can't you reveal an eye-opener to me? "

Because Jiang Min is still a little far away on the road, Gu Chen's side is not in a hurry to take the initiative to enter the eighteenth Bund to enjoy the happiness of food.

I think it's interesting, so why can't I continue?

However, perhaps Gu Chen's soft appearance was too intimidating, and the last smile on the boy's waiter's face disappeared.

In its place is endless indifference.

"Eye-opening? Is it up to you? The

waiter doorman scanned Gu Chen up and down with his own eyes.

As if thinking about Gu Chen's worth.

And Gu Chen was relatively low-key when driving before.

Therefore, ah, he did not let the waiter of the Bund 18 see his car.

As for the original parking porter, it was a special service for the entire Bund.

"Yes, that's me."

So Gu Chen just used this guy to have fun.

As for whether he will be shocked by this guy after the truth is exposed, Gu Chen can only say that all this has nothing to do with him.

Who let him encounter so many things recently, so much that he was a little irritable?

Although he didn't show it, the feeling in his heart really made him feel a headache.

Just as this doorman hit his hand.

The most important thing is that from the words of this doorman, Gu Chen heard that someone came to the eighteenth Bund before him, and then directly seized his own name and entered it to eat happily?

This made Gu Chen a little happy.

Therefore, if you want to blame, you can only blame the boy today for his bad luck.

"Eye-opening, I don't think it's a question of whether you deserve it, it should be whether you want to or not."

Gu Chen looked at the little waiter doorman directly with a smile, and he said that he would definitely not touch other things just by going in to see.

You can even read it directly and leave, without leaving him with any trouble.

"No, I found that you don't seem to understand other people's speech?"

"I've already said no, so why are you struggling with me here?"

"In short, if you don't leave again, I will call someone!"

The doorman waiter seemed to be getting more and more impatient.

I even felt that if it weren't for the fact that No. 18 on the Bund was chartered today, if I was usually entangled and troubled by such a Gu Chen, I would have to invite him in to eat the chef's saliva.

But today is different, the doorman can't let a stranger into the private party of the big guys.

Otherwise, his manager would not have let him go, a weak and innocent little pitiful.

"That's right, but if you think about it, if you stand guard outside, where there is a situation where the guests are desperately rushed out, I can't go in as if I were a staff member to go around?"

Gu Chen said and took out two tips that he had prepared before to shove into this little guy's hand.

Who knew that this guy's principle was quite strong, and when he saw Gu Chen's operation, he actually shouted three times and retreated directly.

It seemed that he was worried that Gu Chen would bring him to ruin, and at the same time he was still talking.

"If you look like this again, I'm going to ask someone to ask security to get you away, how can anyone bribe someone like me!"

"You're not a rich man at all!"

This little doorman waiter directly said what was in his heart.

Directly rejected Gu Chen's "good intentions".

This made Gu Chen a little impressed by this doorman waiter.

"You're quite principled."

Therefore, seeing that his method could not corrupt this doorman waiter, Gu Chen directly collected all the money in his hand.

But it's a different way.

"Do you think that such a high-end restaurant will always have some noble or rich people coming in?"

Gu Chen began to use the art of language to persuade this doorman waiter.

"No, you have to mess around with me here! Don't you have anything to do?

"You answer my question first."

Gu Chen did not pay attention to the doorman's counter-question, but asked him to talk about his thoughts.

After being entangled in Gu Chen's dog-skin plaster attitude, this doorman waiter could only say that he was unlucky.

At the same time, it is not good to do it with customers who come to eat, otherwise the work will not be guaranteed.

Even the safety of one's own personal and property cannot be guaranteed.

Therefore, until the last moment, this doorman waiter will definitely not take the initiative to turn his face with Gu Chen.

So there is no way, he can also see that this Gu Chen seems to be a curious baby.

If he doesn't answer her question here, he estimates that he will have to mess with himself for a long time.

So there was no way, this doorman waiter really told Gu Chen to answer the question.

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