Just facing Chen Yu, who is like a dog skin plaster.

Gu Chen actually didn't have any good way to send him directly.

After all, Jiang Min is still in front of him, and everything he does has to consider the feelings of the other party.

"But at this time, if it was Chu Xinyi who went out to eat with me, there might not be so many things!"

Gu Chen thought so in his heart, but his attitude towards Chen Yu was still very tough.

"Well, so what?"

Gu Chen still wanted to know what this guy wanted to do, so the three sentences did not leave Chen Yu's main purpose.

And this time, Chen Yu also said his purpose very cheerfully.

"So we want to pursue you!"

Chen Yu said the wrong word quickly, but Chen Yu, who was in a state of excitement, did not find that he had said the wrong thing.

But these words fell into the ears of Gu Chen and Jiang Min.

It was like a stormy wave, and I felt the illusion of a pupil earthquake.

"I heard you right!"

"We? Pursue?

Jiang Min's heart began to float, and the whole person felt very strange.

It was so strange that he wanted to be far away from this Chen Yu.

So as not to run into something dirty.

And Gu Chen's face became more and more difficult to see, he was ready to press the service bell on the table and let the security guard of this Bund No. 18 restaurant throw this Chen Yu directly. Probably Gu Chen and Jiang Min's reactions were very strange.

Chen Yu seemed to be still thinking about it after discovering this.

"Eh, why did President Gu and this person come to ignore my words directly? Did I say the wrong thing?

Suddenly, Chen Yu seemed to have thought of something.

He thought of what he had said earlier.

"Groove! What did I say, pursuit?

"I'm not dreaming, am I?"

Chen Yu realized his mistake and quickly began to want to correct it.

"I'm sorry Mr. Gu, I just said something wrong, I'm sorry to see you is too nervous!"

"I'm not talking about pursuit, but we want to follow you!"

"It's just that recently I saw this Longteng Group's recruitment information, but found that Mr. Gu You don't seem to be recruiting for our finance-related positions!"

"But I guess the three-way competition will be very big, even if I can get it, my brothers and sisters can't!"

At this time, after explaining, Chen Yu returned to a state of secretly very confident and extremely confident.

Gu Chen and Jiang Min almost laughed.

"Really, Mr. Gu, don't believe it! Our teams work together to make the most of it!

"If you go it alone, then I'm sorry, it's just a piece of scattered sand!"

"If you say this, Mr. Gu and this beautiful young lady, can you understand?"

Jiang Min was still a little happy when he heard this guy call himself a beautiful lady.

It's just that when I think about it, I have the idea of tossing him again.

Looking at Gu Chen's slightly better face.

Jiang Min said to Chen Yu.

"What's the use of you saying this, you have the ability to directly show your achievements!"

"And I'm not a young lady! You don't shout nonsense, okay!

Chen Yu was really a little stunned when he heard Jiang Min's words.

Gu Chen glanced at Jiang Min, who directly stuck out his tongue embarrassingly at Gu Chen.

However, Gu Chen didn't say anything more, just silently watched what way this Chen Yu wanted to refute Jiang Min.

"Hey, hey!"

But who knows, this wave is as if it hit the muzzle directly.

After Gu Chen saw this Chen Yu let out a strange laugh, he ran back to his desk, as if asking one of the girls to hand him a document.

Then this Chen Yu came to Gu Chen's side with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Gu, look, this is our brilliant record since this time!"

Chen Yu said, and came to Gu Chen's side very innocently.

"Mr. Gu, you see, this is a trading review of one of my electrical finances, and I have helped the company make a total profit of nearly 200 million.

"But afterwards, this team actually asked our gang to squat aside, saying that this review is not our business!"

"I was just very angry, very angry!"

As this guy spoke, Chen Yu's attitude also began to become indignant.

"If I hadn't had feelings for my old company, I would have stopped doing it a long time ago!"

Chen Yu, who was very angry in his heart, buried an idea in his heart at that time that he wanted to put everything right.

Then he started working on job hopping.

Just after checking and checking, Chen Yu found that he didn't seem to have any company that he could leave.

After all, the top ranking financial firms are very good at all.

What is lacking is all kinds of coolies!

Chen Yu was deeply aware of this, so he did not jump ship and ran from one pit to another.

Isn't this still the same reverse operation for Chen Yu?

So in this case, Chen Yu knew that there was another company in this world called Longteng Group.

There's also a company that treats people as people!

Gu Chen watched Chen Yu's expression gradually recover from struggle.

He took out his various projects one after another, wanting to win Gu Chen's good impression.

And now Gu Chen didn't seem to be very interested in these documents in his hand.

It's just that Chen Yu didn't choose to give up because Gu Chen didn't like it.

It's like being born that phrase.

"You don't like it, but it doesn't mean others don't like it!"

Gu Chen listened to Chen Yu continue to tell his excellent history endlessly.

Therefore, Gu Chen really didn't want to waste more time listening to this Chen Yu tell the story now.

"So how exactly did you find me?"

"Or did you already monitor me?"

So, Gu Chen decided to scare this guy!

So there is a very angry feeling in the tone.

Chen Yu was very worried, did he say the wrong thing!

"Ah, without President Gu, how could I dare! I definitely didn't!

Chen Yu directly denied the three consecutive to show that he absolutely did not have that many ideas and means.

And began to tell how he found the restaurant No. 18 on the Bund that Gu Chen ordered.

It's actually a coincidence.

"At that time, we had just resigned en masse because when we chose to short the shares of Mobile Mobile, we were opposed by our own bosses!"

As soon as he said this, Chen Yuke immediately became energetic!

"Originally, we were not very optimistic about the mobile company, after all, we had a few rounds of fighting with Mr. Gu before!"

"But I can see that this mobile company does not look as reliable as Longteng Group in terms of hardware and software, as well as internal and external!"

"So when the network war broke out and there were old people's machines, we decisively chose to short the shares of mobile companies!"

"But in the end, it was completely denied by the leader!"

"The reason given is also very ridiculous, actually saying that we are not professional! As a result, they ended up doing more and losing money!

"Then I wanted to find someone to come out and back the pot, and I actually thought of us at this time!" It's ridiculous!

Chen Yu was telling his tragic experience, but then found that Gu Chen and Jiang Min's eyes were getting more and more wrong.

The two looked at themselves as if they were looking at fools.

This made the expression on Chen Yu's face stiffen even more.

He immediately coughed and began a new round of narration, only this time it was very fast.

Thinking of this, Chen Yu felt that the anger he had received in this company before was instantly eliminated a lot.

"In short, it is certainly impossible for us to endure this kind of grievance!"

So in a fit of rage, I just offered to resign! I didn't expect my colleagues and my brothers and sisters to support me so much! All of a sudden, they all left with me!

Chen Yu said here, Gu Chen and Jiang Min finally understood why there was such a large group of people outside.

"It's just that this guy was actually able to drive so many of his brothers and sisters to resign together without resigning himself!"

"This shows that this guy's work attitude, as well as his own kind of manager spirit, are very good!"

Thinking about it, Gu Chen's heart began to feel that Chen Yu, this guy, seemed to sound quite good from the end!

But you haven't said the root cause of why you're here."

Gu Chen's words sounded aggressive, and seemed to be very reasonable.

Chen Yu scratched his head in embarrassment and continued, and then it was the real reason why several of them would run to the eighteenth of the Bund.

"Actually, at that time, it was mainly because we worked overtime every day to make up for our physical problems, so in order to make up for their madness during this time."

"I decided I wanted to treat them well, or have a farewell banquet with them."

"Since it's because I want to eat, it's still a loose meal. Then I must indulge well!

"So I came here, The Bund. It has the most luxurious restaurants and the most expensive chefs.

Chen Yu told the scene at that time.

Gu Chen could almost predict some of the scenes at that time.

"I'll talk about it next!"

"It should be that at that time, you found a high-grade Bund No. 18 in so many shops on the Bund, and there were no people from the outside!"

"You think you've gone by shit luck and picked up a place where you can treat yourself to dinner with peace of mind!"

"I didn't expect to find out that No. 18 on the Bund was actually given down, so there is no shadow of anyone, right?"

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