"Don't worry, in three days, Director Sun and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer!" "

Since this is the case, then it depends on you, waiting for your blockbuster." Gu

Chen and Gu Xiao got busy after making a call.

Gu Xiao walked towards Son Zhengyi, who was burying his head in preparation.

Xin Yu also gathered around him and looked at his own performance on the screen....performance?

Both of their expressions were a little serious, and they looked very focused.

On the other side, Xiao Ruoyi's eyes looked at this from time to time.

There seem to be a lot of dislikes in my heart.

The main thing is that the two men he cares about most now are not surrounded by himself, and this bad feeling makes Xiao Ruoyi very disliked.

And just as Xin Yusun looked at the screen, Gu Xiao looked at them.

Xiao Ruoyi looked at the three of them, and there was a more matryoshka doll, and Zhou Lele secretly used his own camera on the side to point at these four people.

At the same time, he was also secretly playing the video of Gu Xiao and Gu Chen calling that he had filmed before.

Despite the distance, there was no sound at all.

But it doesn't matter....

Because Zhou Lele can read lips.

After probably understanding what Gu Chen said to Gu Xiao, he hid directly in the toilet and made a call to his brother Zhou Li.

"Hey, brother!" "

What's the matter, call me at this time?" Zhou

Li's voice was not very happy, as if he was interrupted by his own brother for something important.

"Yes, there must be something, otherwise how could I call you!" "

I heard, no, I saw the call between Gu Chen and Gu Xiao, it seems that Gu Chen seems to be going to come up with a car king APP.

"So we're going to start rushing here."

Zhou Li took a heavy breath and said.


, then it's over." Zhou

Lele's voice sounded a little innocent.

"If it weren't for my brother, I wouldn't have let you go undercover!" "

I asked you to find a way to contact Gu Chen, you don't dare, let you probe the news, you will find out the name of an app?"

"Don't you even know what the content of this so-called app is, just know a name?

Zhou Li directly reprimanded this guy for his incompetence.

Zhou Lele's whole person felt so innocent and miserable!

"No, brother, they didn't talk about other things... I can only figure out so much.

"You really can't blame me for this!" Zhou

Li didn't want to deal with Zhou Lele, sighed before saying.

"Anyway, you have to figure it out, forget it, you don't have to do these things, you are ready to give me back after the shooting of these two commercials!"

"What? Come back?" Zhou

Lele was shocked, he wasted so much time and energy before, and the last one returned to the Zhou family after shooting the advertisement?

Looking at the black skin of the camera reflecting Qian and his reddened arms, Zhou Lele suddenly had a feeling of wanting to cry without tears.

It's like getting on a thief's ship but there is no way to turn back, only to find the feeling of having nothing.

Face this loss and the behavior of not being rewarded for your efforts.

Zhou Lele began a trance in his heart.


Subconsciously, he directly said such a sentence.


Zhou Li was ready to hang up the phone.

Who knew that his stinky brother, who usually only promised him, would actually say such rebellious words at this time.

It really surprised Zhou Li a little, so surprised that he began to think.

"Is it true that his rebellious period has arrived?" "

No, is there really someone who begins to have this kind of rebellious mentality when they are in their twenties?"

So he asked repeatedly.

"Are you talking to me?"

he thought he had given his stupid brother a step, and he would borrow a donkey downhill to pretend that he didn't talk to himself.

"Yes, brother, I want to stay.

"Growing up, you thought I was a

drag-backer!" But today I want to prove myself, I am definitely not a drag

!" "

Brother, believe me!" Listening

to his smelly brother's speech, it simply shocked Zhou Li's heart.

He was silent, and he began to think about what he should do.

Finally, after thinking about it, after some entanglement in my heart.

He spoke slowly.

"Since that's the case, you've made up your mind, which is good.

"I'm willing to respect your decision, but can you tell me?"

"What are your plans, maybe I can help you perfect them." Speaking

of this, Zhou Lele's cold sweat was about to flow down.

Because he couldn't think of any plans for him, or what he could do if he stayed.

The reason why such a bloody packing ticket is actually his inner self-esteem.

"Ah, this, sometimes my brother's plan will not work if he says it

directly!" "But don't worry, I will definitely not let you down!" "

This wave I will definitely be able to make you impress me!" Therefore

, Zhou Lele, who had been silent for less than two seconds, directly thought of the easiest way to shut his brother's mouth.

That is, directly perfunctory him in a wave.


?" "You mean you don't have any plans at all?"

"What kind of stinky boy you gave me a special hurry back!"

But Zhou Lele's arrogant tone suddenly made Zhou Li, who knew him very well, understand one


"This kid is hiding his weakness with such an arrogant attitude!" "

This stinky boy is just framing me!" In

an instant, he began to get angry.

I just don't know why, even when he was angry and let this guy come back, although his tone was very angry and impatient.

But there was a smile on the corner of his mouth

! "Wow, brother, I'm going to get busy now!

I'm talking to you when I have time!" "

You don't have to call me when you're fine

!" "Goodbye goodbye!"


Lele heard his brother's anger, where did he dare to continue to talk to him.

So I hurriedly hung up the phone.

His whole body seemed to be dehydrated and left the toilet.

"So, this stinky boy has grown up!" On

the other side, after Zhou Lele hung up the phone, Zhou Li really didn't look angry.

On the contrary, I feel that such Zhou Lele has matured a lot.

He was also very relieved.

At the same time, I also have a lot of worries.

"Gu Chen, understand the car king, what is this for? Is the car selling software

developed for Shenzhou Auto?" "Then Gu Chen's pattern is not very big!"

Thinking so, Zhou Li got up and began to contact some people.

After Gu Chen hung up the phone here, he came to Chen Yu's side again.

At this time, Chen Yu had finished eating, and even packed up all the dishes and chopsticks, and even cleaned up the table.

"Where did we go? yes, you go to the onboarding first.

"Then prepare to prepare. The

previous sentence, Chen Yu was still very easy to understand, but this latter sentence made Chen Yu a little blinded.

"Prepare? Prepare what?"

said Gu Chen with a strange look at him.

"Of course, I am preparing to go to Xiangcheng Island to split and list! Have you forgotten?" "

Ah, no, of course no, no, it's just that I have recently..."

"I haven't slept well recently, my brain is not clear, I will memorize it, okay, I know, anyway, today you are familiar with your new company and new environment."

"Today, go back and have a good rest, tomorrow I will ask Wang Wei to take you to the project department of Shenzhou Automobile to understand the specific business situation of Longteng Group Shenzhou Automobile."

"Then you use your own experience to see how many steps we have to go before we go to splitting up and going public."

"Okay, let's go like this. After

Gu Chen ordered this Chen Yu a few words, he sent this Chen Yu to join the company.

Chen Yu was still a little in a trance when he left.

Because Gu Chen's attitude of doing what he says is very strong.

Chen Yu, who was so strong that he was originally a doer, couldn't react a little.

Even after reacting, he felt that Gu Chen was simply a super good boss.

"You don't care who I am, you can directly trust me unconditionally like

this?" "My God, is this a suspicious person who doesn't need to use people without doubt?" "

Hahaha, my Maxima, finally ran into my own Bole!

Of course, this kind of laughter must be in his own mind, and he does not show it at all.

As for Gu Chen, after Chen Yu left the office, he silently dialed this Wang Wei's phone.

"How's the check?" there

was no polite remark at all, Gu Chen asked straight to the point.

"Mr. Gu, according to some basic information provided by Chen Yu, we probably learned what his family background is, and he doesn't have too deep a relationship.

"Both parents opened a small factory in their hometown, not to say that they are rich and noble, at most they are a small rich second generation."

"There is nothing suspicious about the identity, and there is nothing in doubt.

Wang Wei on the other end of the phone recounted his findings as if he were a robot.

Gu Chen listened quietly until the end before speaking.

"So, find a way to invest in their small factory with an investment salary outside the circle."

"Don't let Chen Yu know. Gu

Chen's words were not too clear.

Wang Wei knew what he had to do.

"Okay, Mr. Gu, I'll arrange it!" After

hanging up the phone, Gu Chen did not speak.

Just thinking in my heart.

"You must not have a harmful heart, and you must have a defensive heart!"

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