"Okay Mr. Gu

!" "The final result is that relying on my three-inch incorruptible tongue finally proved your true character Mr. Gu!"

"I directly gave an example to tell you about the recent period when you led us through difficulties and maintained an invincible demeanor since the beginning of the Internet war!"

The whole person seems to be talking about crosstalk.

"Eh, the point!"

Gu Chen reminded Wang Wei again.

Wang Weiwei touched his head awkwardly and said.

"The point is, actually... I said so much, and in the end, this soup core came only a sentence I don't believe. When

Gu Chen heard this, his face was suddenly full of black lines.

"You dare to make such a long foreshadowing and make

a useless work?"

"It can't be considered useless, because after I have said so many of your glorious achievements, she said a sentence that I don't believe, but there is another sentence behind." "

“... Say. Gu

Chen was about to be vomited by this Wang Wei's sentence.

"Hehe, she just said, I don't believe it, unless I let me see Gu Chen, it's a donkey that pulls a horse out and slips around!"

"Then when I heard this, I asked rhetorically, is it that as long as you get along with my family Gu and make sure that what I say is the truth, you will directly sell Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. to us?"

Then Mr. Gu, guess what, this Tang Xinwei directly agreed! She agreed!" Wang

Wei said all in one breath without any broken sentences this time.

But at this time, Gu Chen's face became very strange.

"So, are you selling me here?"

"That's why I came to you as soon as I got back to the company."

Wang Wei's tone gradually weakened a lot.

Gu Chen sighed, this is a matter of one thing after another, and he doesn't give himself a chance to stop.

"Okay, I know, you confirm the time and place with Tang Xinwei."

"Then everyone will talk about it when they have time." Saying

that, Gu Chen got up and prepared to pack up his things and leave.

However, Wang Wei was still in place, opening his mouth wide, looking dumbfounded.

It was as if he hadn't finished saying something.

However, from Wang Wei's expression, Gu Chen seemed to understand something.

"As a result, you have already made an appointment with Tang Xin, and it's tonight, right?" Wang

Wei heard Gu Chen so predictable, so he had to nod awkwardly.

"Hehe, yes, Mr. Gu, you are such a god.

"And the location is not very far from us, in the three-star Michelin restaurant near the Huahai International Convention and Exhibition Center."

Gu Chen shook his head helplessly, he couldn't rest for a day.


Xinwei told me that it was around 19 o'clock, and she also said that she might be late. Gu

Chen didn't want to get used to this young lady's temper.

He said directly to Wang Wei.

"No, I can understand the appointment, but it's definitely not okay to be late!" "

Anyway, as long as I get to the point, I will leave, regardless of whether she comes or not!" Gu

Chen made up his mind and let this Wang Wei call Tang Xinwei directly.

Wang trembled and agreed to Gu Chen's request.

"What are

you still standing here for?" "Don't you hurry up and call?"


Chen looked at Wang Wei, who was still standing still in place, and after sending him to call, he sighed silently in place.

Silently walked to his office closet and began to choose tonight's uniform.

No way, since this Wang Wei has exaggerated his image by three points.

Then you can't tear down your own people's platform yourself, can you?"

Gu Chen looked at some of the clothes that Chu Xinyi had chosen for herself, and after choosing a light-colored small suit, she began to match them.

And Wang Wei, who walked out of the door of Gu Chen's office, was distressed.

He couldn't think of what kind of reason he should use to make it up, and he could make Gu Chen not wait when he was on time.

It can also make Tang Xinwei not bored with himself.

"Wow, I'm so difficult, doesn't President Gu know that being late is a woman's natural right?" "

Forget it, die and die!" Finally

, watching the time pass by minute by minute, Wang Wei still didn't think of what method to use to get the best of both worlds.

Then you can only tell the truth.

But just after Wang Wei called his goddess in fear.

It was as if he couldn't say anything anymore.

"Hey, Wang Wei, what are you calling me for now?"

came a question on the other end of the phone.

Wang Wei opened his mouth, and the thinking in his brain began to run rapidly.

He thought of a brilliant idea, and between this electric flint, he said in his heart.

"The reason why I called Mr. Tang is actually very simple. "It's

that we always think that meeting at the Michelin restaurant at 19 o'clock is really a little late, and if you go home in the evening, we will be worried about safety on the road, so we better make an appointment to meet at about 18:30."

"In this case, a little earlier is good for everyone!"

"And I have already booked the location of the Michelin restaurant, you don't need to bother to report our Gu Zong's name directly after you get there!"

Wang Wei's words first made Tang Xinwei's brows frown, and he felt that half an hour earlier was very compressed for his makeup time.

Just want to reject outright.

But Wang Wei didn't give this Tang Xinwei a chance at all, and directly made a series of speeches.

In an instant, this soup core was confused.

In the end, he actually agreed to this Wang Wei's request in confusion.

"Great, if you can agree, okay, then I won't bother you first!"

After speaking, Wang Wei hung up the phone.

Only the soup core was left alone, and he had not reacted in place.

By the time she finally remembered what had happened, Wang Wei had already started the next phone call.

Picking up the mobile phone, Tang Xinwei put him down ghostly.

"Forget it, it's better to see Gu Chen, the man who was thrown by Wang Wei

earlier!" "

If I misunderstood, he apologized, if not!" Tang

Xinwei silently prepared a bottle of perfume on his desktop.

"If not, I'll splash this bottle of perfume on this Gu Chen's body to cure this scumbag!" "

And what about 18:30? No, I'll arrive at 19 o'clock half an hour late!"

Tang Xinwei thought that he had just sped up three points and slowed down again.

No one can stop what she decides in her heart.

Wang Wei on the other side has already begun to call Michelin Samsung.

Because it was Tang Xinwei's temporary intention, he didn't have any preparation at all.

So at this time, Wang Wei didn't know if there was still a place.

"What? The whole venue is full

?" "Even the seats outside have been booked empty?"

"Think of a way I can add money!" "What is it that this is not a matter of money, I can't give 10,000 more lines

!" "

Lying groove, don't drag, today I still have to use money to get this done!"

Saying that, Wang Wei hung up the phone and rushed directly to the elevator, ready to set off towards the three-Michelin restaurant.

As for Gu Chen, he was still resting himself in his office.

"Trouble. Gu

Chen looked at himself in the mirror and was already very handsome, but Gu Chen didn't want to be so handsome.

It's too easy to overlook talent.

Time passed quickly, and Gu Chen looked at the time and was almost ready to go.

At the same time, Gu Chen also received news from Wang Wei.

"Mr. Gu, I have arranged the location of three Michelin stars, it is in the Tianzi No. 1 box, you can go directly to report your name." "Good

. "

This guy moves quite fast, but I don't know when the position is set.

It seems that Wang Wei's energy is still possible

!" "It's okay, just let me worry about it!"


Chen thought, and also began to set off towards the three-Michelin restaurant.

At this time, the time has come to 18:30.

In the agreed time between Tang Xinwei and Wang Wei, it was now the point.

But Tang Xinwei was just about to leave at this time.

"Half an hour late is a girl's prerogative!"

thought silently while dressing up for the final dress, who generally deliberately made this half-hour soup core.

As for the king who initiated this dinner, he was a little sore at this time.

At that time, he learned that the seats were full because he talked to the waiter of the three-star Michelin hotel.

I was also told that even if I added money, I would not be able to successfully get a private room position.

Therefore, Wang Wei deliberately ran to the location of this three-Michelin three-star hotel in advance to prove a sentence.

"Money, it's really omnipotent!" he

didn't make a fuss or go to the Michelin staff.

Just silently called and notified the person who answered the phone before said.

"You know what? It won't be long before someone starts leaving the box!" "

I'll book this box then, do you know what I mean?"

"....sir hasn't left the box yet..."

"If you really want to eat, I can book you the box for next week."

Wang Wei pouted.

"No need, someone will come and return the box later."

As he said this, Wang Wei saw someone walk into a Michelin restaurant.

He just hung up his phone and rushed out from the side and asked.

"You booked a box at a Michelin restaurant?" "

Who are you! I'm sure you're not going to have a deal!"

"What do you mean? Don't be a dog, look at people, uncle, I'm fixed!" "

You really booked a private room?

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