When Gu Chen heard this, he knew that this manager had already been fully prepared.

"Since that's the case, then I'm relieved, you go about things!" "

Okay Mr. Gu, please wait to see us perform!"

said the manager of the propaganda department and retired.

Wang Ming was very nervous at this time.


thought there would be no press conference, I wouldn't have to be a narrator, who knew this guy had already prepared everything."

Gu Chen looked at Wang Ming's pale face, and immediately knew the psychological pressure of this Wang Ming.

Who made him always a tech nerd.

"It's not a big problem, you just do what you want.

"Besides, this press conference is just an online explanation about understanding the Car King APP, and there is no audience in the audience."

"You can just think of it as a live broadcast!" Gu

Chen got up and patted this guy's shoulder, which made Wang Xi calm down a little.

"Then, then I'll go and prepare first!"

Wang Xie said tremblingly, and after getting Gu Chen's nod, he immediately pulled out his legs and ran.

The entire two departments of Longteng Group are carrying out the final countdown.

It's time to test the results of this period! At this time,

the online conference page about Longteng Group was also made public.

Countless people poured into the live broadcast room.

"Lying groove, it's actually Longteng Group, how many hot searches are they going to be on this month!" "

I know that I know, so deep code can only be done by a company like Longteng Group

!" "Don't say that

we have to take care of the dust, we have to take care of the dust!" "Ah, without Gu Chen, I am going to die, the male god is coming out soon!"

Gu Chen silently watched the comments of these netizens and smiled, especially watching the number of people in the background soar from 10,000 to 70,000.

This is still not the beginning, Gu Chen estimated to wait until the online release officially started.

The number of people can at least break through to 200,000, and the number of downloads that Gu Chen set for the king of cars today is about 100,000.

That is to say, as long as one out of every two people who watch the live broadcast today will download the Chewang app, it is enough.

"This wave, it shouldn't be a big problem!" With

Gu Chen's estimation, the countdown entered the last second, and the originally static countdown screen began to rotate.

For the arrangement of this online conference, Gu Chen did not interfere at all.

Therefore, he didn't know at all that Wang understood that the opening warm-up they chose was actually an advertisement that he only took back yesterday.

"What's this, suddenly put a

movie?" "

Lying groove, is this Longteng Group issuing benefits, wait, what I want to watch is Gu Chen, what are you showing me the movie for?"

"Don't make a noise upstairs, maybe Gu Chen also participated in this movie, now release it to see our attitude first." "

Makes sense, I'll calm down now!" Don't

talk, this movie is not simple!"


at the beginning, the feeling of this tape picture texture was so strong that all the audience thought they were watching a movie.

So, one by one, after the initial excitement, they all calmed down and admired the ad.

Similarly, because of this well-qualified picture, Gu Chen found that the number of people in this live broadcast room was constantly soaring.

Soon the number exceeded 200,000, and the people of the propaganda department are now constantly making efforts.

Various links to the live broadcast room on the Internet are constantly forwarded, and the number of viewers has exploded.

It completely exceeded Gu Chen's prediction, and directly soared to the million level, before it began to grow slowly.

At this time, the advertisement also arrived at the very beginning, Xin Yu and Xiao Ruoyi appeared.

"Don't ask, it's my goddess

!" "Can I lick the screen? How can there be such a good-looking person, oh my God! Give me a knife!"

"Is it really a movie for us, the welfare of Longteng Group is too strong!" I love Gu Chen!"

Countless netizens were shocked by Xin Yu and Xiao Ruoyi's appearance.

Even before the advertisement was over, someone had already cut out to search for Xin Yu and Xiao Ruoyi.

But sorry, in addition to Xiao Ruoyi, who had also participated in the filming of Son Masayoshi before, he could search for it.

Xin Yu's news was simply blank.

But this does not hinder netizens' love for Xin Yu in the slightest.

A search called "Who is this woman?" instantly rushed to the hot search.

Everyone was conquered by the looks of the two of them.

So much so that in the end, even if there are some incoherent places, everyone chooses to be invisible.

But the discussion is getting louder.

"Ten Thousand Blood Book Requests the Name of the Goddess!X1"

Some people even launched Solitaire, and some people played terriers.

"Why are all of them pursuing my wife? Can you people be normal?"

"Lie in the groove, this is gone?

This is

actually an advertisement?" "Regardless of whether he is an advertisement, I can't watch it enough, I still want to

watch it!" "I really didn't expect that I would one day watch the advertisement so fascinated! Which big brother has just recorded the screen!"

"This Nima's can be sold? die!" They

finally found that it was like a movie but not a movie advertisement, and the popularity was completely inflated.

Gu Chen looked at the number of people who had broken through to 1.2 million, and nodded slightly.

"The stage has been set up, Wang understands that you are here!" The

black screen gradually disappeared, and a literary man in a white shirt on a bar stool stood up.

"Welcome to the online conference site of the car king app, I am the chief designer of the car king Wang understanding.

Gu Chen looked at Wang Zhi very restrained and said, introducing his opening remarks, obviously you can see Wang Ming's nervousness.

At the same time, Gu Chen also found that as Wang Zhi slowly narrated and answered the questioner's question, his expression gradually became indifferent.

The whole person seems to be confident for three points, and he looks a little handsome.

"Therefore, the purpose of our research and development of Car King is to help those who do not have much research on cars, or like cars, but do not have access to cars."

"Help them know what kind of car is suitable for them, and know what is the most suitable car for

them!" "

Let them take fewer detours and be less deceived by unscrupulous businesses!" With

Wang Ming's narration, netizens also broke away from the state of continuing to indulge in Xin Yu and Xiao Ruoyi at the beginning.

All that was left was the idea of listening to the speech in secret.

I bought a car before because I didn't understand anything!

"Me too, I don't understand the parameters of the car at all, and I have been tricked several

times!" "Plus one, this is the pain of my life!"


they learned the utility of the car king app that Wang understood what he said, everyone was boiling.

Each of them was frantically downloading the Che King APP

on their mobile phones, so when Gu Chen came to the product research and development department, he saw at a glance that the numbers on the huge electronic screen in the center were beating rapidly.

From the 109,000 that he came in became 160,000.

"Is this the number of people registered?" Gu

Chen looked at the time on his watch and estimated that it would only take an hour to release this software now.

There are already so many downloads.

"Is this the preparation to break through 500,000 today?" Because

there were so many busy things, not many people in the propaganda department cared about the fact that they were estimated to have entered their offices.

Gu Chen looked at the busy people with a smile, and his heart settled a lot.

I feel that many things may not need to be cared about at all when I get to this point.

And in fact it is.

Gu Chen saw these reliable subordinates, so he turned off the live broadcast and went to do other things.

As for what the other things are.

Of course, Gu Chen saw from the crazy comments of previous netizens that they paid attention to Xin Yu and Xiao Ruoyi.

"If this is the case, then you can buy Mengmeng Lime Culture Co., Ltd. while the iron is hot, and then sign the two of them!"

Gu Chen thought so, but he knew that his plans were too idealistic.

So much so that Gu Chen forgot to consider the problem of time.

"I almost forgot..."

Gu Chen thought so, and directly called Wang Wei.

But very rarely, Wang Wei did not answer the phone today.

This made Gu Chen a little strange.

"This guy usually comes back in seconds, what's wrong today?" Thinking

like this, Gu Chen silently dialed Chen Yu's phone.

This time, Gu Chen did not wait too long, and Chen Yu connected the phone.

"Who's busy!" probably

because this Chen Yu didn't see clearly who the caller ID on his mobile phone was, so he spoke a little more irritable.

But Gu Chen didn't mean to be angry.

"It's me.

He just responded to Chen Yu with his own voice.

After Chen Yu heard Gu Chen's words, he immediately jumped up.

"Gu, Mr. Gu, I didn't mean to, I'm really too busy to look at this caller ID!" "

But Mr. Gu, don't worry

!" "I'll immediately replace your caller alert directly with a unique special ringtone!"


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