Thinking like this, he connected Mr. Gao's phone, and Gu Chen heard his hearty opening.

"Brother Gu, I have already drawn up the

list!" "I'll send you this list later!" "

Are you sure that if there is no problem, I will start sending out invitations!" When

Gu Chen heard this, he immediately remembered that he was going to recruit a vice president.

Thinking that he was a little busy, he was more and more looking forward to the arrival of his vice president.

"Then I'll thank Brother Gao first!" After

a pleasantries, Gu Chen asked Mr. Gao to send the list.

After opening the list from the computer, Gu Chen only felt a surprised voice coming from his ears!

"Wow, golden legend!" Gu

Chen looked at the names of the people on the list, as well as some of the introductions and main deeds about them collected by Boss Gao later, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Brother Gao has worked hard this time, such a detailed list is really beautiful!" Gu

Chen thought so, feeling that it was not too enjoyable to read on the computer, and directly printed it out with the printer.

When it came time to get the paper list, it was more perfect to face it, and it also made Gu Chen's selection smoother.

I don't know how long Gu Chen watched it.

His notebook has been scribbleed and revised many pages.

Finally, after Gu Chen finally finished reading the people on this list, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Awesome!" "

I didn't expect that there are so many capable people in Huahai City, it seems that I underestimated this city." At

this time, Gu Chen only had one thought, that is, if only the people on this list were all employees of his Longteng Group.

In this case, he can completely throw away all the projects he discovers.

You don't need to worry about other problems at all, just do it.

"Call Brother Gao!" Gu

Chen fantasized a little, and knew that this was impossible, so after retracting his thoughts, he directly called Mr. Gao's phone again.

"How did Brother Gu see it!" "

Four words, breathtaking!" Mr

. Gao laughed when he heard Gu Chen's evaluation.

"That's for sure, these talents, who see that they are not hungry, they all rely on their own strength to get to their current position! "

And I don't know if I don't sort out this list, it turns out that the big guy is next to me!"

"This shows that Brother Gao, you are also a big guy, otherwise how could you have such a wide network of contacts

!" "And if it weren't for Brother Gao, I wouldn't know that there are so many people with energy in our Huahai City!"

Gu Chen's words made Mr. Gao very satisfied, and at the same time, it also opened a new wave of business mutual blowing.

In this regard, Gu Chen said that he was familiar with ah, and Mr. Gao was also a human spirit.

The two praised each other and became embarrassed.

In the end, Mr. Gao couldn't help but change the topic.

After all, Gu Chen's Longteng Group is really awesome, and his East China Sea Pearl is just a tourist project, which is not comparable to ah!

"Then when do you think it's appropriate for us to start preparing the banquet?"

Gu Chen actually wanted to hurry, but thinking of the upcoming trip to Xiangcheng Island, if he hurriedly arranged it at will, in case something happened or something, he wouldn't be able to reach it.

So this thing is really sloppy.

Gu Chen would rather he bother a little more now than ruin the current foundation of the Longteng Group.

"It's about the end of August, so if you want to refer to the auspicious day of the zodiac."

"Well, then I'm clear, I'm still thinking that if you can't spare time to really do it before, I still have to figure out what to do, and now the end of August is good, I can set up a little more space and arrange something." "

Yes, that would be too much trouble for Brother Gao

!" "What's the trouble with my own brother!"


relationship between the two became more and more harmonious, and the laughter was continuous.

Until Mr. Gao felt that it was almost the same, he could retreat.

"Okay, then Brother Gu, I won't bother you to do things, you get busy first!" "

Wait for Senior Brother Gao, it seems that the first stage of your Donghai Pearl Radio and TV Tower Plan is almost completed now, right

?" "It seems that there is such a thing, what's wrong with Brother


When he said this, Mr. Gao actually thought of what Gu Chen wanted to do in his heart.

But my heart is still constantly drumming.

"It's nothing, I just think that your investment funds should not be enough recently, right?" "

In this way, how about I hit another 200 million?" "

Oh, oh, my brother Gu, you can tell me, how can I say that you are good!"

The boss Gao on the other end of the phone patted his thigh fiercely.

Engaged in a very embarrassed look, Gu Chen thought that this guy didn't want this investment yet.

Just about to say something.

Who knew that Mr. Gao's next sentence immediately made Gu Chen realize that he was still too young.

"How else to say that we are our own brothers, you are simply the only one in my life! Confidant!" The

last three words were frustrated, sonorous, and powerful!

Let Gu Chen sigh to himself and smile in his heart.

"Human favors that can be solved with money are not called human favors!" Mr

. Gao's exaggeration did not bother Gu Chen, nor did it give Gu Chen a headache.

He faced Mr. Gao with a very indifferent attitude.

"There is nothing wrong with that! "

That's still the previous account, I'll call another 200 million?"

"Yes, yes, it's the previous account, there is no problem in this!" "

Okay, good, I'll go to the side of the account now and wait for the check!" Gu

Chen and Mr. Gao hung up the phone and went directly to the finance office, but thought about it.

"I didn't seem to have said to the boss just that this is a public account or a private account.

"If it seems a bit troublesome to go back and sign any agreement, then forget it, I'll pay him myself."

"Anyway, there are still many places that will be used to this old man after that, and when his East Sea Pearl Radio and TV Tower is established, he will not be able to run the temple even if he is a monk." Thinking

so, Gu Chen quickly remitted two billion to Mr. Gao.

Mr. Gao is also a person who knows the current affairs very well.

After receiving Gu Chen's 200 million, he immediately sent a message to say.

"Received! Thank you Brother Gu, I will definitely use this money properly!"

Mr. Gao looked at Gu Chen's reply, and didn't care, but silently walked to his computer and looked at the many zeros on the screen.

Again he broke his hand and counted it.

"One, two, three..." Finally

determined, it was indeed two billion and then excitedly spinning in place.

When this momentum passed, Mr. Gao sighed again.

"Gu Chen, this person is not simple, I always thought that I saw people very thoroughly, but he really made me unable to see through.

"Fortunately, now that he and I are on the same front, I don't have to think about too much trouble."

"As long as I have a good relationship with him, I always feel that my East China Sea Pearl Radio and TV Tower can not only do a good job, but even rush out of Southeast Asia and go to the world in the future!"

But after calming down, Mr. Gao directly called his henchman with a call.

"Mr. Gao, are you looking for me?"

"Yes, I asked you to dredge up the land finance bureau of Huahai City before.

"Now there is a little bit of progress, there is a plot of land in the suburbs west of Huahai City that is recently going to be auctioned, and we can bid in advance to buy this land as our base."

Mr. Gao nodded with satisfaction when he heard this, but that was just a choice when he had no money before.

"No need, you can see where the land is more suitable for us near us or in the urban area, as for the problem of money, you don't have to worry!"

"We have now received another two billion investment from Longteng Group. Hearing

Mr. Gao's words, his henchmen were immediately shocked.

"In this way, together with the billion that has not been spent before, we have a total of three billion that can be used to purchase and build our TV towers." "

Coupled with my connections, builders can build buildings at some cost prices, although the price of land is still relatively expensive!" "

But I estimate that about fifteen billion can do everything!"

Mr. Gao's henchman became more and more excited the more he spoke, so excited that he directly lay on the ground and began to write some of his own thoughts after planning.

"Hey, calm down!" This

made Mr. Gao very uncomfortable, especially when he lay down, his butt was still upturned.

It has the meaning of the first buttocks of the East China Sea Pearl.

Let Mr. Gao can't wait to go up and kick him.

"With all this money, whether it is to fight relations or engage in equipment and construction, it is completely enough."

"Even the early operation or something, we can at least pay the salary for the first

half of the year!" "And our unique advantages are placed here, and with the help of Longteng Group and Gu Chen, I don't believe we can't make a profit for half a year!"

Mr. Gao also nodded indifferently and said yes.

But his heavy breathing revealed that he was not at all as calm as he seemed.

And it was the man who caused all this.

Gu Chen.

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