Li Wan, still doesn't know who he provoked.

But his ferocity had already made Guan Yi a little frightened.

Especially when there is no one around to trust, Guanyi only feels that he seems to be doomed today.

So he subconsciously held Gu Chen's palm.

It seems that he wants to get a sense of security from Gu Chen.

But Gu Chen was a little unhappy.

"This woman is nervous about sweaty hands!" Of

course, this scene fell in Li Wan's eyes, and he thought that what he said made Gu Chen know each other a little.


, good, good, you're very conscious!" "

I'll invest in you to make movies in the future!" Li

Wan's arrogance made Guan Yi's heart very painful, and she couldn't figure out why Gu Chen let go of her hand.

"Is it still an ordinary person after all?

At this time, several people also came to the pick-up gate.

Li Wan, still very arrogant, was ready to go one step ahead of time to welcome the return of his prey.

But there was a man next to him who was faster than him.

That is Tong Zixin.

"Eh, who are you, didn't you see that your Uncle Li was picking up people?" "

Such a big face!" Li

Wan's call was angry, didn't he understand why people are so brave now?

But Tong Zixin didn't mean to deal with this Li Wan, but just came to Gu Chen and stretched out his palm to Gu Chen.

Gu Chen smiled and directly held Tong Zixin's palm, and the two expressed their emotions with slight force, and exchanged feelings in their hearts.

Gu Chen said softly.

"It seems like it's a little late.

Because he obviously felt that Tong Zixin's palm seemed to be much drier than before.

Tong Zixin's complexion was not as magnificent as when he was in Huahai City before.

If Tong Zixin in the past was a proud rose, she is now in the moment of withering.

But fortunately, Tong Zixin himself does not think so.

"No, you came at the right time. "

She feels that her current state is very good, putting aside all false formalism, completely revealing her natural state, she is not a proud rose, nor is she a moment of withering.

The two looked at each other and smiled, although Tong Zi couldn't see his face, he could still feel Gu Chen laughing.

This made Tong Zixin also laugh happily.

But Jiang Min looked at Tong Zixin with a very vigilant look, as if he regarded her as an imaginary enemy in his mind.

Chen Yu was beating in his chest, I don't know how many times he jumped up, and his heart was very moved.

"Ma, is this a fairy?" but

Xuan Yi was still too scared to speak.

Coupled with the fact that after being ignored by everyone, Li Wan, whose anger had climbed to the top, came up directly at this time.

Has let the care of the Yi silently put his body further and further back.

But there is no reason to feel a little more secure in my heart.

Because she found out, when Gu Chen and Tong Zixin, who picked up the airport, appeared.

It seemed that Li Wan's attention shifted from her to the two who completely ignored him.

"If I wait for them to fight, I'll just run away!" "

It's not that I don't want to stay and share their suffering!

"I will definitely repay them in the future!" thought

Guan Yi, just in time to see that Li Wan's had come behind Tong Zixin, took a deep breath, and was ready to roar.

However, Tong Zixin, who had long noticed the footsteps behind him, directly released Gu Chen's palm, turned his head and faced Li Wan.

Another beautiful woman is about to suffer!

She feels a little guilty in her heart, but a little happy.

Then someone helped her divert her attention.

Her chances of escaping were even greater,

but the scene of Li Wan's roar in Yiyi's imagination did not happen.

Because Li Wan, at the moment when Tong Zixin turned his head, he locked all his deep breath in his stomach.

Hiccups after getting yourself out of breath alive.


, Tong, Tong, Hiccup!" "What? What Tong Sister?

Guan Yi was stunned, didn't quite understand why Li Wan's anger and roar directly, and was directly frightened and kept hiccuping?

"Did I meet the real big guy?"

"But is there any powerful person named Tong on Xiangcheng Island?"

Li Jiasheng, who was observing the dynamics of the pick-up port from a high place, smiled.

"Is this waste Li Wan's ability, I think he has how much he can endure?" "

Dare to be affectionate is just a big sluggish! It seems that it is bullying and bullying the lives of ordinary people! What rubbish!"

"I also want to see what earth-shattering behavior Gu Chen will have in the face of such a scene?"

As a result, Guo Jianglong's strength was not detected, but a shit bug appeared. Shame!" Li

Jiasheng couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

I always feel that I should not be able to see anything today.

In addition, the behavior of Tong Zixin and Gu Chen before seemed to be too ordinary.

This caused Li Jiasheng to be not very sure whether the person who came from the Longteng Group this time was Gu Chen.

"I can only take one step and see one step!"

thought Li Jiasheng and continued to observe.

"Sister Tong, what a coincidence, how is it you!" Li

Wan's attitude at this time had changed by 180 degrees from before.

From the very beginning, the crazy look of saber rattling has completely become the face of a flatterer.

But all this fell in Tong Zixin's eyes, and she was particularly disgusted.

"Put away your face for me, it's really ugly to cry!"

"Why can't you learn from your brother to be gentle


"Are you still learning to pick up someone else's plane here? Are there so many bodyguards like you to pick up the plane?"

After being recognized by Li Wan, he kept scolding Li Wan.

Frightened, Yi Fang's heart trembled.

"Oh my God, what is the origin of this girl! Good-looking, this Li Wan, who was actually scolded by her, did not dare to have any rebuttal! "Wait

, this

woman is already so awesome, isn't this Gu who was picked up even more awesome?" Suddenly

, Gu Yi felt as if he had directly bet on the right treasure!

Guan Yi suddenly became excited, how could she not have thought that Gu Chen and the others were so big

! "Damn it!

Don't show your worth earlier

!" "I thought it was just an ordinary rich person, and it didn't make sense at all!"

"Ah, I refused to give up my seat on the plane before, so I won't be hated by this little girl, right

?" Guan Yi's emotions were like a roller coaster, and she felt that she was directly holding a super thigh.

But after thinking about what he did on the plane, Guanyi felt as if he had lost this opportunity to hold his thighs.

After hearing Tong Zixin's words, Li Wan, silently turned off these switches on his body completely.

The brilliant lights before an instant were all muted, and Li Wan's transformation from a colorful and colorful soil round fertilizer became an ordinary soil round fertilizer.

Tong Zixin still didn't intend to let him go.

"Tell me, what do you want to do just

now?" "Star chasing?" "

Well, what else are you doing to bully other passengers?" Gu

Chen almost laughed out loud when he heard the two words of bullying.

But now is completely Tong Zixin's performance time, so he will not add drama to himself.

It will not disturb Tong Zixin's joy at this moment.

Because Gu Chen felt that when he came to Xiangcheng Island and met Tong Zixin smoothly, Tong Zixin seemed to have a feeling that he had been suppressed for a lot and began to prepare to explode.

It was as if she had finally waited for someone to support her, and she could get angry at will.

Gu Chen, who felt this, would let Tong Zixin be so open.

Otherwise, I am afraid that Tong Zixin would have said two words, after all, his arrival on Xiangcheng Island is someone else's territory.

It is not Huahai City, who can let himself walk sideways!

In addition to Gu Chen, who felt Tong Zixin's irritable changes, there was also Li Jiasheng, who was observing from a height.

"What's the situation, today's Tong Zixin seems to be full of aggression?" "

And it's completely different from her usual Taoguang Yanghui! So flamboyant and personality?"

"Strange, in the past, Tong Zixin was bullied by the name of the Li family, obviously very repulsed, but now Tong Zixin seems to enjoy the privileges brought by this identity?"

This made Li Jiasheng feel strange and also made Tong Zixin feel very cool.

Especially looking at Li Wan, who was just in front of him, he became very kind of contrast at this time.

Special to Tong Zixin.

"Eh, this feels pretty good!" Li

Wan, however, didn't think this way at all, his heart was very apprehensive.

I regret it very much now, why did I come to pick up the plane

! And then I happened to meet this female devil!

The moment he saw Tong Zixin's face, Li Wan's direct memory of the sad scene at that time.

Li Wan, remembering that it was a very perfect night.

He was about to look for his friends to spend the night with tonight.

As a result, he finally found the unique Tong Zixin directly in the thousands of flowers.

Her cold temperament and the feeling that no one should enter the world immediately moved Li Wan.

All of a sudden, Li Wan's inextricable scene fell into an inextricable scene.

In the end, it made Li Wanwan rush over fiercely and directly court.

As a result, this request went directly to the iron plate.

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