Just don't break my legs!

Li Wanwan wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and finally calmed down a little in his heart.

He looked at Gu Chen and Tong Zixin and said.

"No problem, this little thing can be wrapped directly on the little brother

!" "There is a Paramela parked outside the door, and two giant BMW AX series cars that I use to carry these bodyguards!"

"I am not only a means of transportation for our distinguished guests, I think that the identity of your guests must need security guarantees!

When Gu Chen heard this, his face was a little strange.

"Are the people on Xiangcheng Island so rich and instigated?" "And Paramela and BMW are not a small amount, so it is said that giving someone away is giving it away?" "

Tong Zixin seems to be mixing well on Xiangcheng Island! In this case, does she really want to overthrow Li Jiahao?

Because Li Wan's initiative to contribute benefits is too strange or something.

Gu Chen began to be a little suspicious.

But after doubting, Gu Chen chose to believe it again.

"Forget it, doubts don't need to be used! This trust still has to be given to Tong Zixin."

"Otherwise, when I just landed on Xiangcheng Island, someone should have started to arrest me, or get off Mawei or something, and I don't need Tong Zixin to greet me again!" Gu

Chen put his worries completely into his stomach, and he watched this Li Wanwan generously let the bodyguard behind him hand over all the car keys.

I saw

Tong Zixin smile and glance at Li Wan, who was worried in his heart and smiled on his face.

Directly picked up the car key in Li Wan's hand, and then put it in front of Li Wan.

"How can my sister take advantage of you for no reason!" "

Sister can just take one of your BMWs! As for what bodyguards, we won't be idle at all, so to speak, my sister has saved you a lot of money!

"Happy, must be happy! I'm super happy!" His

smile began to become very far-fetched, this is the legendary slap in the face, but also to give others a smile.

However, Tong Zixin began to reason with Li Wan, as if he was serious.

"Don't think that my sister is bullying you, I'm already very kind, if you run into other people

, do you know what will happen to you?" "

For example, if it weren't for me, do you know what our distinguished guests you provoked would treat you?" Tong

Zixin looked at Li Wan, whose face was full of far-fetched, and gave up Gu Chen's figure.

Li Wan's mind also thought of this at this time.

"Yes, the people around Li Jiahao like Tong Zixin must be very powerful!"

If Tong

Zixin hadn't taken the initiative to jump out and stop in front of us, wouldn't I have been hurt even more cruelly?"

Thinking about it, Dade's thoughts, which were originally just hypocritical gratitude to Tong Zixin, changed at this time.

"It turns out that Tong Zixin is really protecting me! This! This! Is this beating or scolding love?" "

If you infer it this way, Tong Zixin is actually curious about me! No, I like it! Yes, she likes me!" Li

Wan, at this moment, played his final form of a Puxin man.

At once, all the original resentment for Tong Zixin in his heart was converted into love.

And Tong Zixin's behavior of hitting himself in the face has all become an expression of Tong Zixin's love and protection for him.

All of a sudden, Li Wan's smiling face towards Tong Zixin really became a very sincere one.

"I've seen this kind of smile!" Tong

Zixin felt a familiarity.

Once on Li Jiajun's face, he often saw this kind of smile.

She suddenly had a bad premonition.

Therefore, she didn't talk to this Li Wanwan anymore, but just began to invite Gu Chen to leave.

Gu Chen did not have any hesitation and left directly.

The concerned Yi was dumbfounded, but still followed very cheekily.

Jiang Min was one step behind, and now her vigilance against Tong Zixin was a little deeper.

"I always think this guy will become a stumbling block for me in the future!"

Chen Yu looked a little silly.

I didn't expect that I had just landed on Xiangcheng Island, and I actually encountered such a stimulating slap in the face.

Li Wan, who looks invincible, not only apologized and admitted his mistake, but also directly compensated for a car, what is this treatment! The treatment of the protagonist

!" "Sure enough, it must be right to follow President Gu!" "

And this Sister Tong is also so powerful! The people around President Gu are so strong!"


came to the parking lot with different ideas and followed Gu Chen and Tong Zixin.

At this time, Tong Zixin turned her head and saw that she was still following their concern and said.

"Miss Guan, your terminal station has arrived!" Hearing

the eviction order, Concern Yi directly and silently removed the scarf on her head.

Showing his face that was ripe enough to be picked completely, he bowed to Gu Chen and Tong Zixin and said.

"Thank you two for saving my life!" "

If you don't mind, I want to ask the two of you to leave your contact information, I will definitely thank you in the future..."

But before he finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Tong Zixin.

"Okay, okay, I've seen a lot of past stars like you! Don't act here!" "

Do you think showing your face will make us impress

you!" "Since you shit lucky, we Gu Zong is very atmospheric and willing to protect you, you will be content all of a sudden, if you still think about it, then I'm sorry, it's impossible!"

Every extra word Tong Zixin's words made Xuanyi feel a little more blush on her face.

"This, I'm not...

Explanation is a cover-up, a cover is a fact, you go, don't let us see you again!" Tong

Zixin directly expelled this concern again.

Jiang Min looked at the teary-eyed concern Yi covering his mouth and ran away directly, and suddenly, Jiang Min didn't really want to have any conflict with Tong Zixin again.

It's good to be as cold and indifferent as it is now.

"President Gu, you won't blame me, right?" And

after driving away Gu Yi, Tong Zixin asked Gu Chen cautiously.

"Blame you? Why blame you, this woman originally came up on her own to use me as a shield, and now you have taken away a troublesome essence Why should I blame you? I should thank you!" Gu

Chen smiled and patted Tong Zixin's shoulder, which also made Tong Zixin's heart very relieved.

"Then let's talk as we go!" Tong

Zixin directly took out his car keys.

The distribution result of the last two cars was that Gu Chen Tong Zixin had one car, and Jiang Min and Chen Yu had one car.

Although Jiang Min was still a little reluctant in her heart and wanted to share the same car with Gu Chen, Tong Zixin looked at her with a smile, and Jiang Min felt that Tong Zixin's gaze seemed to be able to eat people.

So in the end, Jiang Min still chose to share a car with Chen Yu.

Tong Zi smiled happily.

She feels that she is happier today than she was in the previous year.

Moreover, such a bright slap in the face also made Tong Zixin's heart very satisfied.

So, when the two people got into the car, Tong Zixin said to Gu Chen before he started the car.

"Thank you, Mr. Gu. "

This is a little strange for Gu Chen.

"Thank you for what you did well.

"No, I just wanted to thank me for meeting you."

Tong Zixin was on fire and said this to Gu Chen, and her eyes were full of light.

Also full of confidence in the future.


Gu Chen said with a smile, and the car started the two to move forward together.

Li Jiasheng, who followed him to the parking lot, also took advantage of the time when the two were talking, and directly sneaked to the exit where the two had to pass.

Finally, he saw the face of Gu Chen, who finally took off his mask and sunglasses in the car.

Although it was only for a moment, Gu Chen's handsomeness seemed to be a needle piercing into this Li Jiasheng's heart.

"Lying groove, there are actually such handsome people in this world! It's not very scientific! It's obviously very handsome and outrageous looking at the photos! Why are real people handsome?" Li

Jiasheng was originally very satisfied with his Sven scum image.

But now after seeing Gu Chen's appearance, he suddenly felt that he might be a joke.


!" "But now it can be confirmed that the person from the Dragon Teng Group is Gu Chen

!" "This is incredible!"


Jiasheng always felt as if he had caught the little tail of some big conspiracy.

All of a sudden, the beginning of a huge whirlpool was touched.

"Concealing his identity, but having contact

with Tong Zixin, and the intimate feeling between the two, it won't be wrong!" "My feelings won't be wrong! The two are now on the same front

!" "In this way, I can deduce that Tong Zixin and Gu Chen have teamed up to deal with the old man!"

Li Jiasheng felt that his whole body suddenly seemed to be slashed by thunder.

"Where did she get the guts!"


don't know the family background of the dead old man, don't Tong Zixin know it?" "

Or does Tong Zixin think that Gu Chen has capital that can compete with the dead old man?"

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