Finally, these doctors and nurses breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the various medical figures on the precision instruments were completely in a stable and acceptable range.

"Mr. Li, such high-intensity exercise is still too reluctant for you!"

a middle-aged doctor at the head of one of them said to Li Jiahao.

His face was full of concern.

"No need, I'm not old enough yet!"

"And I can't move anything, what do you professional teams do?

Li Jiasheng was also on the side and lowered his head indifferently.

"Gu Chen really didn't come?"

But this does not mean that Li Jiahao will ignore his existence.

"Didn't come.

"But why did my people tell me that I saw someone exactly like Gu Chen following Tong Zixin. Li

Jiasheng's pupils shook, and he suddenly seemed to think of something.

"Gu Chen really didn't hide himself, and even appeared on Xiangcheng Island so openly?"

"No, no, in my judgment, Tong Zixin should have joined forces with Gu Chen. "

Gu Chen is frank and has no fear, but shouldn't Tong Zixin not do anything without any action?"

"Or is it that Tong Zixin did not rebel, and the person who exposed Gu Chen's identity is Tong Zixin?"

"I don't know, I only saw Tong Zixin coming out of the airport with a man and a woman.

"But that man is not Gu Chen at all.

"So if your informant said that he saw Gu Chen, I think it may be that Gu Chen used other methods to get to Xiangcheng Island."

Li Jiasheng's humility made Li Jiahao look at him twice.

But soon he said again.

"Are you so sure that you haven't thought that it's your lack of ability?" The

words made Li Jiasheng's heart tremble.

Could it be that the old man wanted to tell me in this way that I was not as good as that waste Li Jiajun?" Thinking

of this, Li Jiasheng felt that if he didn't say something again, he might be led by Li Jiahao by the nose.

"As far as I know, Gu Chen is not so easy to deal with, if President Li has to use this way to deny my work and talent, then I can only say that I am a professional genius in finance, not a crappy master born as a detective.

Li Jiasheng's courageous rebuttal made Li Jiahao look at him twice.

But it made the doctors around me a little flustered at a loss.

Is this what they can hear? How do they feel so flustered?

And even more is yet to come.

After Li Jiahao listened to Li Jiasheng's words, his heartbeat did not have any ups and downs.

But the words that came out made everyone's hearts tremble.

"So, you are very brave?" "

Then the 5G base station work of the Wanhao Stock Exchange that Longteng Group initially decided to have was handed over to you."

"If you do well, you will continue to do it, if you don't do well, I will let Li Jiajun come back to take your place, understand?"

Li Jiasheng sneered in his heart, he didn't expect that he had worked hard for the Li family's business empire for so many years, paid so much, and consumed a lot of his energy.

In the end, it ended up like this.

"Is it true that long-term affection is not as good as the momentary concern of others?" "

He Li Jiajun is just a prodigal son who turns back and makes you completely change your heart!

He was completely disappointed in Li Jiahao and felt that his efforts were not worth it.


Therefore, Li Jiasheng did not refute or say anything explaining, and directly and very simply agreed to Li Jiahao's request.

At the same time, he left the place without looking back.

It was not until finally Li Jiasheng silently closed the door that Li Jiahao silently felt a slight sadness.


the loser does not need to continue any headache business, nor does he need to look at people's eyes, the wealth of the island alone is enough for future generations to live happily for ten lifetimes."

"Or didn't I tell him the truth, so he didn't understand?" In

short, no matter what, Li Jiahao's heartbeat finally had an upward and downward at the end.

It's just that he doesn't know that the two of them are in no hurry.

Li Jiasheng, who was walking on the road, was thinking about how he could save himself.

"Or should I first inquire about what Li Jiajun did with that waste to impress the dead old man?"

At the same time, he was also thinking about whether he should go to Tong Zixin at this time.

But soon Li Jiasheng pondered again.

"In case it was Tong Zixin who poked out the news of Gu Chen's arrival, wouldn't that mean that she was attracted

to Li Jiajun?"

"Indeed, if Li Jiajun really spent ten billion to marry her, it would be hopelessly touched by women."

"In this way, Tong Zixin has probably already sided with Li Jiajun, and may have already told Li Jiajun all the information about me and her."

Even, she also sold Gu Chen. This woman!"

thought Li Jiasheng, suddenly feeling that these three-faced women were too terrifying.

"Whoever she helps can be the ultimate ... Winner..."

After realizing this, Li Jiasheng's face was gloomy.

Tong Zixin, who was engaged in the cruise ship, suddenly sneezed.

Jiang Min immediately looked over with his tearful eyes and asked Tong Zixin with great concern.

"Sister Tong, is it too windy outside, you better hurry up and go in, save the cold!" At

this time, after listening to Gu Chen's story, Jiang Min had completely understood what Tong Zixin had gone through.

Her heart was filled with sadness.

There was even a little regret, feeling that his previous attitude towards Tong Zixin was too bad.

It's excessive, so he feels very guilty now.

"It's okay, I just suddenly sneezed, it's not a big deal!"

Gu Chen also looked at Tong Zixin and said.

"It's okay, we've been blowing the wind outside for so long, and it's time to go back and feel the warmth of technology." Since

Gu Chen said so, how could Tong Zixin have the idea of refusing.

At that moment, several people returned to the cabin together.

At a glance, I saw Chen Yu, who was still writing hard.

"Hard work on you!" Gu

Chen felt that he and the others were enjoying the time of beauty and nourishment in a dashing time, but they kept Chen Yu working in the cabin.

It is indeed a bit of a suspicion of oppression.

But isn't this exactly the purpose of Gu Chen bringing Chen Yu? Let Chen Yu

, a professional,

analyze the financial problems.

For example, over the years, Tong Zixin has mastered some of Li Jiahao's bad debts and bad debts.

Although these accounts were settled by Li Jiahao, they still left a little trace after all.

It's just that the effort required to find these traces is a lot of work for Tong Zixin, but she doesn't dare to let people help her.

Otherwise, who can trust this Xiangcheng Island, which is closely controlled by Li Jiahao?

"I'm not sure if these files are useful. But

Tong Zixin has another problem.

"It's okay, these are just a fuse.

Gu Chen didn't have any worries.

After all, he didn't believe that he could trip Li Jiahao just by relying on some small documents.

That's simply impractical.

"Then Mr. Gu, what should we do tomorrow?"

"You asked me to inform Li Jiahao that you have come to Xiangcheng Island, I said this, but Li Jiahao did not fool someone to arrest you."

Tong Zixin was still very puzzled, she didn't understand Gu Chen's thoughts and behavior.

Obviously knowing that Xiangcheng Island is under Li Jiahao's control, if there is basically no obstruction, he will definitely be discovered by Li Jiahao.

But Gu Chen, who knew this, also knew that he let Li Jiajun go to the detention center for a few days, but he still didn't have any defense.

He even took the initiative to let him expose his whereabouts.

All this made Tong Zixin very incomprehensible.

So in order to make himself understand a little, Tong Zixin took the initiative to ask Gu Chen and said.

"Then Mr. Gu, what should we do next?"

said Gu Chen as he put down the red wine glass in his hand.

"It's simple, I already have the arrangement.

"Tomorrow, you take Chen Yu to the Wanhao Stock Exchange to see the situation, and Jiang Min and I will go to find someone."

As soon as these words came out, several people looked at Gu Chen.

"Do you act separately?"

Tong Zixin was a little suspicious.

Chen Yu was even more nervous, he didn't know about the Longteng Group at all, how long had he been in the company to suffer such a cruel test

, "President Gu, I don't seem to be very good, right?" Jiang

Min didn't care or even a little happy, because wouldn't he be able to act alone with Gu Chen again?

Gu Chen first looked at Chen Yu, who was the most uneasy among everyone, and said.

"Believe me, no one is better than you, if it is, what is the name of the person in charge of Wanhao Securities?"


Zixin, who was swept by Gu Chen's gaze, immediately responded.

"Yes, if this Chen Mouren talks to you about financial issues, you will talk to him.

"If I ask you a question about the Dragon Teng Group, you will either smile and not speak, or it will be a trade secret, and you will not have to worry about other things." "

Just set these two standards for your subconscious."

Gu Chen's words made Chen Yu feel a little relieved, but he still felt a little unreliable.

But Gu Chen obviously didn't want to say anything more to him.

Just tilted his head to look at Tong Zixin.

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