Sun Shulan shook her head and looked at Gu Chen with a smile and said.

"The fact should be that Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo did not have the power to execute, and after giving a price wrongly, it led to a disordered situation in the market, so as the largest director, I must re-evaluate!"

When Gu Chen heard this, the whole person laughed.

"Is there such a statement? I really heard it for the first time!

"But do you really think my valuation was wrong?"

"Why don't you ask your boyfriend first what price I offer to make them both willingly intend to pass on the risk with me?"

Gu Chen made a gesture of invitation.

Sun Shulan's smile remained unchanged, and she looked directly at Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, who were trembling.

"What do you mean by money and house in the text message? How much money and where is the house? It

turned out that Xiang Senluo was very worried that he had not contacted his girlfriend Sun Shulan for so long.

She would forget about him, or hold a grudge against him or something.

Therefore, Xiang Senluo did not dare to call Sun Shulan at all, and could only inform Sun Shulan of what happened here by sending text messages.

However, because Xiang Senluo wanted to surprise Sun Shulan, he did not expose the price given by Gu Chen.

"Ah, this, the condition that President Gu gave us to pass on the risk is the five of us, each of us 10 million Xiangcheng Island coins, and one person has a thousand-foot mansion at an average price!"

Xiang Senluo was still a little unconfident at first.

But the more he spoke, the more Xiang Senluo felt.

"Eh, 10 million plus 1,000 feet mansion! What is this concept?

"I can just get a job and retire!" I should be proud! "

The fact that you have a house alone is more than countless people!" Why should I be so unconfident?

So Xiang Senluo said, in the end, the whole person's chest was unconsciously up.

But Sun Shulan didn't look any happy, just looked at her boyfriend's silly look and shook her head.

"Call you stupid, you still don't admit it!"

However, Lin Wanxiang also said on the side.

"Moreover, Mr. Gu also took the initiative to bear all our debts!"

"With a total debt of more than six million, President Gu directly gave us seven million repayments! The extra money is still divided among ourselves! Mr. Gu is really a good person!

Sun Shulan looked at Lin Wanxiang, who didn't like to talk much before, and directly and unabashedly slapped Gu Chen's, she felt a little unreal.

Because Lin Wanxiang was not a very talkative technical house in the past.

Basically, when chatting, up to ten sentences are said in an hour, and more than five of them are umm, ah, oh and other non-nutritious words.

But now? Lin Wanxiang simply seemed to have become a different person.

"That's the charm of money? Or did the previous suffering directly convince Lin Wanxiang?

When Sun Shulan thought so, Lin Wanxiang was still sparing no effort to praise Gu Chen.

Although he was telling the truth, Gu Chen was a little embarrassed to say it.

"We just returned the money that Mr. Gu transferred to us to our grandpa and aunt, and you don't know how bright their eyes are when they look at us!"

"I really, really like the way I totally believe in us! Loved it to the extreme!

"And all this is the credit of Gu Chen!" That's why we agreed to pass on the risk!

"But if you really sit like this now, I don't think it's really good..."

Lin Wanxiang said earlier, still very impassioned.

But after the words came to the end, Lin Wanxiang seemed to be a wizen, and the more he spoke, the quieter he became.

After all, Gu Chen is right, but this does not mean that Sun Shulan is wrong.

The start-up capital of the money is indeed from Sun Shulan.

Moreover, Sun Shulan sits on the ground and starts at the price, and she is not the only one who will benefit when the time comes.

It's definitely everyone's share.

So in the end, Lin Wanxiang really couldn't find any reason to refute it.

He glanced at Sen Luo and wanted to say something to Sen Luo.

But at this time, Xiang Senluo had already silently closed his mouth, lowered his head, and became the biggest girlfriend of heaven and earth, and he couldn't count on it at all.

So Lin Wanxiang had to glance at Gu Chen with apologetic eyes.

"Sorry, Mr. Gu! It's really not that we deliberately sat on the ground and started the price! But Shulan was really the style of the big sister in the past!

"In the past, Sen Luo was still able to compete with her, but now..."

Lin Wanxiang sighed silently and didn't care.

Sun Shulan probably knew Gu Chen's good and Gu Chen's wealth after understanding the situation.

Therefore, she silently turned her head and said to Gu Chen.

"Mr. Gu, I don't think I can accept the price of your 10 million money plus a thousand-foot mansion."

"I think we should revisit our own project and give you a new offer!"

"In this way, it will be absolutely fair and just for both of us."

"Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible for me to transfer ownership of our blockchain project to you!"

Sun Shulan's words were categorical, making her boyfriend and teammates feel the hot shame on their faces...Jiang

Min even more unceremoniously began to say to Sun Shulan.

"You're not sitting on the ground, you're getting carried away!"

"This little sister, I don't know what you call it?"

"Me? My name is Jiang Min, you can call me Sister Min! In

the face of Sun Shulan's advantage, Jiang Min unceremoniously chose to pay tribute to her.

"Oh? It turned out to be Jiang Min's sister, it was like this, they made the transaction without my knowledge, which actually did not constitute legal benefits.

"Because they are not the controller of this blockchain at all, to put it bluntly, I am the only one who can decide!"

"Then in that case, isn't it reasonable for me to ask for a new negotiation with President Gu to discuss the issue of discussing the price?"

Sun Shulan didn't mean to get used to Jiang Min.

He also called his sister very unceremoniously, and at the same time seemed to explain to Jiang Min, in fact, he was explaining to Gu Chen the reason for his move.

Gu Chen looked at Jiang Min and always felt that she seemed to be Sun Shulan's undercover agent.

Every word she said gave Sun Shulan a step down.

"Reasonable? Then come, if not my brother Gu Chen feels that Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo are pitiful to stay in a dark small computer room and enjoy the ravages of radiation! He wouldn't have paid so much money and a house!

But Jiang Min continued unrelentingly.

This also made Sun Shulan look back at the two who were very weak-hearted.

"Is everything she said true?"

"Would you rather hide in that kind of ghost place than ask me for help?"

Sun Shulan obviously knew what Jiang Min said about the small broken machine room, so she was very angry.

The bald head Chao and Ah Yue were the same, feeling that Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo seemed to distrust them too much.

"Forget it, settle this account later!"

But Sun Shulan looked at Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, who did not speak or explain, and felt that now did not seem to be a good time to blame the two.

Instead, he turned his head to look at Jiang Min.

"Thank you."


Originally, Jiang Min was ready to parry Sun Shulan for what mess she was going to say to herself.

The result? Thank you?

This is a bit beyond Jiang Min's understanding, as if when two people are about to fight, the other party suddenly calls you to go back to his house for dinner.

This made Jiang Min fall into thought.

Sun Shulan also had the opportunity to re-discuss the previous problem with Gu Chen face to face.

"President Gu, since you are kind to us, then I will directly open the skylight and say bright words!"


Gu Chen behaved very gentlemanly.

"The first is your assessment of the value of our blockchain project."

"You must have seen his value and thought that he must be able to have more than fifty million, no, fifty-seven million and the potential value of five thousand-foot mansions!"

"Otherwise, you wouldn't have done anything at a loss!" In other words, you think that our project has unlimited value potential!

Sun Shulan said to Gu Chen with an affirmative tone.

Gu Chen smiled and motioned for Sun Shulan to continue.

"The second most important thing is that you have a feud with Li Jiahao, and you should know the reason why Li Jiahao suppressed us before!"

"He also wants us to merge into his ... digital empire? I have to say that your summary is very clever, but I think it might be better if it were changed to a data empire!

Gu Chen pondered what Sun Shulan said, and actually felt that there was some truth.

Moreover, Sun Shulan seemed to have guessed what Gu Chen wanted to do.

"Therefore, what you value about us is the potential and development, and we can become a sharp knife with your support, a sharp knife that can directly break through Li Jiahao's business empire!"

Gu Chen finally heard his final answer from Sun Shulan's mouth.

He couldn't help but applaud Sun Shulan, and the smile was as happy as winning the lottery.

"Good, good, you guessed right."

"But have you ever thought that you really have so much potential to become this knife?"

Gu Chen's eyes roamed over Sun Shulan's body and Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo and the others.

Sun Shulan's smile immediately stiffened on her face.

"You plan to train us?"

She slowly retracted her smile, feeling that things were going in an unexpected direction more and more.

"Yes, otherwise, why would I waste so much effort to run a trip myself?"

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