After making such a decision, Gu Chen once again took the lead in stacking those tables and chairs before.

It began to slowly move to its original position.

Originally, this little waiter wanted to intervene.

But in the case of the dog's head being super one person top two, he actually completed his solo show directly.

So in the end, he didn't have a chance to get started.

After the tables and chairs blocked in the doorway were all restored to their original state.

Gu Chen silently walked to the door.

After listening to the quiet movement outside the door, he prepared to open the door.

The dog head chao very loyally crossed Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others and came to Gu Chen's side.

"Mr. Gu, I'll protect you!"

"Okay, thanks."

Gu Chen did not refuse his kindness, because no one knew the situation outside the door now.

Therefore, after the dog head chao pressed the switch of the roller shutter door, everyone couldn't help but chuckle in their hearts.

Because there are still some people on the side of the road outside the door.

Only this time they didn't stay where they were for fun or other situations.

It's because they're all wounded.

It turned out that there had been almost an accident before, although there were no fatalities.

But there were also many injured.

So there were many wounded.

The dog head chao stopped in front of Gu Chen for the first time.

And just after the café opened, many people looked at this side, and even prepared to come over and want to do something.

But after seeing the dog's super strong figure and height, they all silently gave up their ideas.

It's just that some people's eyes are full of malice when they look at this side.

Gu Chen didn't know what to say.

"It's a mess."

He looked through the glass door to the originally luxurious Causeway Bay neighborhood.

In the past, some smart stores closed their doors in time when there was an accident.

But the roller shutter door was not lowered.

As a result, the glass door was also directly broken by the crowd.

Now there are really not a few people who sweep glass.

Gu Chen looked at the scene in front of him and didn't know what to say.

Because not far away, there are many cars that have been smashed with glass and broken engines.

"What is this called!"

After Lin Wanxiang came out with Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and the others, they also felt a little compassion in their hearts.

"It's a bit too much!"

"Yes, I knew at a glance that this was something that their two cars were working on!"

"That's right! This is vicious competition! Several

people complained about this barbaric act.

I was very angry in my heart.

Gu Chen didn't speak, but he felt that his previous thoughts were also a little too extreme.

"Even if it is to deal with Li Jiajun, it cannot be a reason to harm innocent people."

He thought that if he would fight with Li Jiajun in the future, or even start a digital financial business war with Li Jiahao after he arrived.

Will it be these innocent ordinary people who will suffer at that time?

"Could it be....can the Dragon Slayer really turn into a dragon?"

Gu Chen pondered this question.

Finally, when he decided to deal with Li Jiahao himself, he must not be able to cause other people's lives to change drastically because he wanted to urgently annex Lee Jiahao's business empire.

"Otherwise, if the ordinary people of the entire Xiangcheng Island can't eat at that time, then my guilt will be great!"

Gu Chen thought so, and felt that it was very reasonable.

"Who let Li Jiahao and the four major families occupy the commercial system of Xiangcheng Island too much."

"Or because of their existence, this Xiangcheng Island can exist with such a large commercial system, otherwise, I am afraid that this is still a remote small broken island."

However, Gu Chen thought that this might not be possible.

After all, this Xiangcheng Island is close to the sea, and as a port city, it can dock its own inland territory.

There are turnstiles that can communicate with the outside world, such two-way passages.

You can all rely on this kind of opportunity to eat second-hand taxes and fees.

Basically, it is the unique advantage of Xiangcheng Island.

"Therefore, even if there is no Li Jiahao and the four major families, there will be other people who will come out to take their place!" What is this called? Isn't this still a pyramid theory?

Gu Chen shook his head, although he felt that this situation was very irrational, but he had no way to get rid of this fate of a top rich businessman.

"Forget it, don't think about it so much, after I become the richest man on Xiangcheng Island, I should also make the life of the entire Xiangcheng Island a little better."

"Otherwise, the people of Xiangcheng Island would be too miserable."

Gu Chen thought of those pigeon cages and the public rental housing he saw before.

The quality of life is very poor.

Can you imagine?

When you're sitting in an office building near the CBD on Xiangcheng Island in a brand-name outfit, you're doing a job that sounds good to outsiders and gives your relatives a thumbs up.

The whole day was glamorous, but when I returned to my home, I found that even the toilet had to be shared with others.

Even when you want to get on a large size, your stomach already hurts without limits.

No one would want to experience this feeling of queuing twice.

And the most important thing is that the environment in which you live is a ratio of two people per square meter.

I don't have my own privacy, I don't have the living conditions I want.

It is completely inversely proportional to your state during the day.

This worst contrast is basically something that no one wants to experience, especially Gu Chen from Huahai City.

He didn't like it, so he wanted to change the place where the most expensive house in the world was.

The road to the richest man in the world starts from Huahai City, and the next step is this, Xiangcheng Island.

After Gu Chen thought of this, he silently said to Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and the others who were still sighing.

"Okay, almost, we should go!"

After saying this, Gu Chen let the dog head chao open the door.

At the same time, Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan, and Jiang Min also followed Gu Chen, and several people began to leave this Causeway Bay.

And Uncle Liu, who was on the center stage, was looking at the mess all over the ground, and his face was gloomy to the limit.

Especially when I saw my cars that were smashed hard.

This Uncle Liu's angry direct teeth were about to crumble, and the bite was moisturizing.

He thought of the bad boy who had been caught by himself before.

Uncle Liu took out his mobile phone and made a call and said.

"Let this guy suffer a little first! Give him an injection! You know!

"Okay boss!"

After arranging a luxurious package for this arrested bad boy, Uncle Liu still felt angry.

But before that, Uncle Liu has a very fatal problem to solve.

He glanced at Li Jiajun, who was still in a state of holding a mouse on the side.

"No, you Li Jiajun is also Li Jiahao's son!"

"Even if you don't have a bit of your father's dragon qi, at least don't pull it so far!"

"It's just a small scene, why are you directly scared to cry!" No, I was so scared that I didn't dare to move?

Uncle Liu felt very depressed just thinking of this in his heart, because in Uncle Liu's impression.

Li Jiajun should be a super Xiangcheng Island prince who is not afraid of things or trouble!

But when Uncle Liu and Li Jiajun came into contact with each other.

He found that this Li Jiajun was completely different from what he imagined, and even he would feel that the person he had heard before was not this Li Jiajun.

"I originally thought that those news said that Li Jiajun was a waste was true, but after really seeing this Li Jiajun with my own eyes, I finally changed my outlook, and as a result, you exposed yourself all of a sudden!"

"What is this called!"

Uncle Liu really wanted to give up the action of taking care of Li Jiajun at this time.

But after thinking about it, Uncle Liu thought of Li Jiajun's identity, or the father behind Li Jiajun.

Then Li Jiajun is easy to mess with, and Li Jiahao is not easy to mess with.

"I almost know who is doing such a thing this time!"

"But I just don't know if Li Jiahao will make a move?"

"After all, without my protection this time, his son will definitely suffer a lot of losses!"

"There may even be a shock that may be hit!"

Uncle Liu thought of his own merits, which were really many and big.

"It's just that you're really too bold! Dare to be so clear?

"This is not in line with their standards of conduct and code of conduct!"

"Could it be that there was a change that I didn't know about, that an old man went crazy and was abdicated, so the new boss is a young man?"

"That's why you do such a simple and very effective, but very brainless operation?"

Uncle Liu was so skeptical.

At the same time, he also walked to Li Jiajun's side.

"It's okay already, we can go!"

In a simple sentence, it has no effect on him.

So Uncle Liu had to think of what else could make this little fool who had lost his vitality struggle.

"There are beautiful women!"

"Tong Zixin!"

However, because he was worried that this situation would make Li Jiajun even more unwilling to leave his autistic state.

Therefore, Uncle Liu came up directly, and did not wait for this Li Jiajun to say anything.

I directly turned on the king fried mode!

Li Jiajun, who was engaged, suddenly became excited.

"Zixin is here?! Can't let her see me like this!

"Otherwise, I definitely won't be able to survive!"

"She definitely doesn't want me!"

Li Jiajun was a little incoherent when he spoke.

But Uncle Liu saw that Li Jiajun finally raised his head and Ken spoke, and he looked full of breath.

I was also slightly relieved.

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