With this thought, Tong Zixin turned her head and left, she was not used to the feeling of being watched by everyone.

And because after Li Jiajun was rejected, it was directly as if he was blinded.

It was simply in a state of chaos, and there was no movement for a long time.

This makes some good citizens of Xiangcheng Island who want to stop Tong Zixin.

They all silently made way for Tong Zixin.

Finally, these people from Xiangcheng Island who were watching looked at Tong Zixin who left dashingly.

While looking at Li Jiajun, who was obviously not in a very good state, but was still holding on to himself.

"This, don't you go after it?"

"Yes, some girls are like this, they like to play tricky games!"

"That's right, as long as you show that the price you pay is very large, then the other party will become more and more unscrupulous, you know? As long as your behavior seems very reluctant, the other party will become more and more fearless!

"Yes, yes, women are such snobbish creatures, brother, you have already paid this far, why should you keep those useless dignity for yourself?"

"Real men should charge bravely now!"

Li Jiajun looked at the surrounding crowd to encourage himself, and his eyes slowly recovered a little light.

He has even begun to slowly get up from his kneeling state.

His face was solemn and full of gratitude.

"Thank you brothers for reminding me, when I get married in the future, I will definitely invite you to my wedding!"

"I'll go first!"

After saying these words, Li Jiajun directly rushed out with a strong step and chased in the direction of Tong Zixin.

"Zixin wait for me!"

However, no matter how fast Lee Jiajun is, there is no way for him to stop the footsteps of a woman who does not love him and has no affection for him.

He could only watch Tong Zixin slowly leave.

But I can't catch up with it no matter how I chase it.

"It's embarrassing, it looks like a dog."

The crazy feeling that had just appeared in Li Jiajun's heart completely disappeared at this time.

In its place there is only a very serious regret.

"Why, why did I make such a confession!"

"Obviously, I just want to have a meal with Zixin!"

"Why! Why do I always mess things up! The

more he thought about it, the more painful Li Jiajun became, and even finally directly out of the sight of his own employees and the dancing dancers he hired.

Just ran forward without any purpose.

The most important thing is that Li Jiajun only wants to escape, and he really doesn't want to care about anything else.

"So be it, my life is like this!"

Coming to the vicinity of a flower garden, Li Jiajun began to think alone for a long night.

On the other side, Chen Yu had just gone out at this time.

Don't ask, ask is that Chen Moren has just completely and completely sobered up.

Otherwise, tonight's activities, if you don't sleep well, you won't be able to last the night at all.

Thinking of this, Chen Mouren pulled Chen Yu beside him and said.

"Brother Chen Yu, do you know?"

"What do I know?"

"Do you know what my nickname is Chen Mouren?"

Chen Yu originally kept playing drums after leaving the hotel in his heart.

Thinking about what kind of tricks this Chen Mouren is going to come up with to make himself do things for him.

Chanting Gu Chen's words in his heart.

"Eat him, drink him, use him, play with him is not to do things for him!"

Therefore, the absent-minded Chen Yu did not notice how strange Chen Musten's expression became at this time.

"Of course I don't know, I'm not from your good stock exchange."

"It's okay, it's okay, after tonight, I believe that brother you will know what my nickname is."

Looking at this Chen Moren's mysterious look, I don't know why Chen Yu suddenly had a little bad idea in his heart.

He always felt that he was very likely to be tricked home by Chen Mouren tonight.

"This is special, Mr. Gu, Mr. Gu! You must give me a raise!"

"Otherwise, I'm really sorry for my efforts tonight!"

So, Chen Yu, who thought so in his heart, and Chen Mouren, who had already prepared a large bag of things ready to go out, left the hotel together.

At this time, Xiangcheng Island has lost the majesty and unkindness of the daytime steel forest.

Everywhere there are glowing lights and lively crowds.

I don't know what the reason is, no matter what he does during the day, Chen Mouren, who is very high-profile, when he goes out tonight.

Chen Mouren actually just called a very ordinary car of the local brand of Xiangcheng Island to come to this hotel.

At least that's what Chen Yu thought.

But just after Chen Yu entered this black car that looked very ordinary on the outside.

Chen Yu found that his pattern was small.

"This is?"

Chen Yu entered the car and asked Chen Mouren suspiciously.

"It's just an ordinary modified car."

"It's just removing the extra seats, cutting off contact with the driver so he can't hear us."

"Anything else, just a little more champagne and some high-tech equipment!"

Chen Mouren entered the car boldly, gently closed the door, and also pressed a switch at hand.

Then Chen Yu saw Chen Mouren and said softly.

"Go, VIP Line One!"

When Chen Yu was still thinking about what was called the No. 1 VIP line, the car had already started to start.

And Chen Yu saw Chen Mouren looking like he didn't want to say anything, that is, he directly closed his mouth.

"If I ask casually at this time, won't it seem that I am very vulgar and have never seen the world?"

"I won't speak! Just don't talk! Thinking

so, Chen Yu instantly calmed down, and Chen Mouren was a little impressed by Chen Yu.

"It is worthy of being a high-level talent sent by the Longteng Group, and he can be so indifferent! Yes, there are not many people in this era who can control their curiosity! Chen Yu, you are really powerful!


Chen Mouren showed a gloomy smile.

"I wonder if you can continue to be so calm after that?"

Thinking so, Chen Mouren was worried about whether his future arrangements would scare this Chen Yu.

Therefore, Chen Mouren decided to give this Chen Yu some preventive injections.

For example, now Chen Mouren coughed twice and said.

"Brother Chen Yu, do you know the regional division of Xiangcheng Island?"

"This? I really don't know much about it, is Brother Chen Mouren going to introduce me?

"Oh, that's exactly what I mean!"

When Chen Yu heard Chen Mouren's words, he responded directly without saying a word.

He really wanted to know what kind of medicine was sold in this Chen Moren's gourd.

Naturally, he would not waste every opportunity to get information from Chen Mouren.

"So what do you want to do, Chen Mouren?"

Chen Yu looked at Chen Mouren's performance without the slightest expression.

Want to see what exactly this guy has to say to entertain himself.

"In fact, at the beginning, when I followed my boss, Li Jiahao, the richest man on Xiangcheng Island, Xiangcheng Island was not as luxurious as it is now."

"This current high-rise building was basically built by our own hands brick by brick at that time!"

"Whether it is the grassroots at the beginning or the high-tech now, there are too many traces of us in this city."

"As the saying goes, people become old and refined, plus construction meritorious work, we actually have one or two thin noodles wherever we go."

"Do you know what I mean when I say that?"

Chen Mouren showed a look of reminiscence, but halfway through the words, he looked at Chen Yu, who was motionless.

I wanted to find a little worried expression or other emotions from Chen Yu's expression.

But it was a pity that Chen Yu didn't have any expression at all.

"That's it?"

His heart can even be said to be very calm.

Why, it was not because Gu Chen had already greeted him, or had already said something like tripping Li Jiahao before.

Chen Yu's heart has long been indestructible.

Now Chen Mouren is just saying a small dish at the beginning, how can it be possible to frighten Chen Yu, who has already seen the full Han table.

"Good! Have guts!

And Chen Mouren just started to see Chen Yu's reaction.

By the way, give him a popularization, who is the big boss behind their Wanhao Stock Exchange, and how much energy they have in Xiangcheng Island.

"But now it seems that this Chen Yu still has two brushes, at least he was not bluffed by these first two sentences."

"Sure enough, just saying that it's a fake style! It seems that it still takes a little practical operation to let this Chen Yu know how powerful we are!

Chen Mouren smiled and continued.

"Anyway, when it was time to fight the world, everyone worked very hard and made a lot of efforts, and Boss Li did not treat anyone badly after his achievement."

"It even fulfilled many people's wishes, do you know, many people at that time did not know what wishes to make with Li Jiahao at the beginning. So a lot of people just dragged around.

"Later, more and more merchants appeared, and we began to guard the world, although a lot of things happened in the process, but fortunately, in the end, Xiangcheng Island is still ours."

"Do you understand when I say that?"

After Chen Mouren finally said these words, he set his eyes on this Chen Yu again.

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