"I don't know if there is, but be careful to sail the 10,000-year ship!"

said Mia as she made this motion.

"Even though I have a lot of spare phones and bearer SIM cards, my heart is always empty. "

When I really want to tell someone a secret, if I don't have these procedures, I don't dare to talk nonsense!" Tong

Zixin looked at Mia, who had done all this, with an appreciative look, and even took out a sealed bag and put both the mobile phone and the SIM card into it.

"Very well prepared, it seems that you have simulated this day many times!" quipped

, Tong Zixin saw Mia's movements and paused slightly.

As if to verify what Tong Zixin said.

After Mia put away her sealed bag, she showed a very scary expression and said to Tong Zixin.

"It's true that I've done it many times, hasn't Sister Tong been in this situation

?" "Staying in that impenetrable black house, haven't you thought about running away?" "

Haven't you thought about stabbing him directly with a knife one day when serving him with food for that old thing?"

There is an aura of danger all the time.

But Tong Zixin didn't care at all, and even silently looked at the doors in the bathroom.

After making sure that it was only the two of them in this bathroom, he continued.

"Thought about it, of course I thought about it, I even thought about torturing him in the most cruel way

!" "But what's the use, physical pain can make you happy for a while, but after doing it, your whole life and your parents and the whole family will be destroyed!"

I'm okay, my hometown is in Huahai City, what about you, can you guarantee that Li Jiahao's people will not take revenge on you and then deal with the people in the family?"

Tong Zixin's words made Mia's face full of unwillingness.


cry and beg me to teach you how to leave that house, and I taught you too, but you don't seem to be willing to leave because of my will?"

"Yes, I was able to leave because this guy wanted me to leave, and there was a task assigned for me to do before I could leave!" "

It's not like you who pretended to be a doll that was played and abandoned before being abandoned!" Her

negative emotions directly made her uncontrollably hurt Tong Zixin with words.

But Tong Zixin's heart is very strong, and she won't feel sad or anything because of Mia's words.

Not to mention the change of mood because of Mia's words.

"So, you are still Li Jiahao's lackey

, and I am not!" "Not only did I break away from him, but I also found a way to inflict the most painful mental blow on him, and even had the conditions to destroy his business empire!"

As soon as these words came out, the expression on Mia's face suddenly began to change.

Full of a very disgusted expression, and hands that are about to move, he really can't wait to fight with Tong Zixin now.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm not Li Jiahao's dog

!" "You know what! I have long been ready to betray this guy!" "

I also have my own means and backhand!" But

in the end, Mia controlled her emotions, not to mention whether she could beat Tong Zixin in this bathroom.

It is Gu Chen and Sun Shulan, they are enough to let Mia know what it is to be a lot of people.

Therefore, against Tong Zixin, he can only outwit him.

Hearing Mia's words, Tong Zixin looked Mia up and down.

It's very strange in my heart.

"This guy actually gives me the feeling that telling the truth again is not talking angry again?" "

Is he really planning to betray Li Jiahao, and it seems that he really has some means?" In

an instant, Tong Zixin began to be a little impressed by this Mia.

"Yes, let's first talk about why Li Jiahao let you come out and what did you do!"

Let me judge, did you give up because this task was too difficult, so you wanted to start betraying him, or did you really prepare long ago?"

"The reason for letting me come out is very simple, it's not because of Gu Chen and Sun Shulan's gang

! "As

for whether you believe it or not, I can only say believe it or not

!" "Anyway, I'm here now is the proof! And this mobile phone in my hand is also proof!"

Mia said directly with a straight face, with a sense of pride on her face.

But Tong Zixin thought thoughtfully after listening to it.

"In this way, but I am very strange, where did you get the capital to betray Li Jiahao?" "

Aren't you afraid that you won't have any rights in the future?"

The meaning of these words is very clear, that is, it is talking to Mia, trying to find out who is behind her.

Dare to help Li Jiahao's personal secretary so bravely to betray the richest man on Xiangcheng Island.

This is not something that ordinary people dare to do!

However, although Mia, who heard this, said that she did not get hit, she also did not recognize Tong Zixin's routine.

Even very cute straightened up his chest and said

, "Me? What I have is capital! Isn't this capital?"

But after saying that,

Mia regretted it.

Because she found the boy on the opposite side, Xin's quiet hands were wrapped around him.

In an instant, Mia withdrew her chest like a deflated leather ball and said in a muffled voice.

"What do you want, this is not my favorite way to get things, I like to fight for what I want, relying on my own strength to get everything is the most beautiful, isn't it?" Tong

Zixin lowered his arm with a smile and muttered a small sample in his heart.

Then he continued to say to this Mia.

"What you said is not unreasonable, but have you ever thought that the person behind you may not be as strong as you think, or even weak?" "

You yourself know that Li Jiahao is not a good man and a woman, if you want to deal with him, it is not a simple thing, maybe if you are not careful, there is no place to die!!"

Tong Zixin said to Mia as if intimidating.

But Mia said with a look of indifference.

"So what, I don't even know who he is, I'm afraid it's impossible for Li Jiahao to find him!"

But just after Mia finished saying this, she immediately realized her mistake and quickly covered her mouth to prevent herself from making a sound.

But Tong Zixin's expression became strange.

She directly scanned the ruddy-faced Mia with her eyes and said.

You can't

lie to me, because he doesn't know my true identity!"

She said incredulously.

"Are you in an online relationship?" "

Ah, how do you know?" Seeing

Mia screaming and covering her mouth, Tong Zixin felt as if her three views were suddenly collapsing.

She never thought that the person behind Mia was actually a netizen.

"At first, I still felt that people from the four major families had managed to contact her, and the feelings were that I thought too much.

Tong Zixin held his forehead, his face full of speechlessness.

In this way, under the communication of her eldest sister Tong Zixin, Mia finally said her experience.

"I replaced Li Jiahao as my father, and he has been encouraging me not to give up, sooner or later I will

leave my homeland!" "During that time, he really became my

inner pillar, but for a while he disappeared, and it took me a long time to survive, but I was more determined to leave."

"But I couldn't find any chance at all, I finally found the last chance, and I felt that Li Jiahao was so pitiful!"

"Do you know Sister Tong, he has really aged very fast in the past two years, and his energy...

"Now he really looks like a harmless old man." After

Tong Zixin's two defenses, Mia finally completely let go of all her defenses and began to explain everything to Tong Zixin.

"So originally, I wanted to leave with my parents directly with the savings I had secretly accumulated over the years, but just after I came out, I called my parents to know that Li Jiahao has taken good care of my parents in the past few years!"

The previous small fishing village has also been developed by Li Jiahao, and his parents are now chartered public renters, and they have thousands of dollars in their accounts every day when they don't work, and this kind of life has made them forget that I still have such a daughter!"

"I even heard children calling them mom and dad, which means that they gave birth to another child during my absence!

Mia's whole person was unhappy, and this betrayal from her parents was really uncomfortable.

"So I decided that I couldn't take revenge on this Li Jiahao, so I would directly complete the two tasks he gave me and disappear


"Directly cut off with Xiangcheng Island, and from now on there is one less Mia and one more free man in the world!"

Saying this, Mia seems to have begun to imagine her bright future.

But I don't know why, Tong Zixin always felt that she seemed to think too much and was too naïve when she looked at Mia.

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