Gu Chen started talking, and none of the people below would jump out and interject.

Even Mia sat honestly in place and listened to Gu Chen's play.

The whole person is a little dizzy and doesn't know what to say.

"Anyway, this is the situation now, Li Jiahao does not have much energy to manage us.

"Even he has to guard against the means

of the four major families!" "

So it can be said that Li Jiahao and the four major families contain each other, and we can just develop indecently!

Suddenly, Lin Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others were excited.

"In this way, even if we then have this opportunity to issue our blockchain, we will not be sniped?" "

It seems that this is the truth, can Mr. Gu really be like this?" Everyone

fell into a carnival, and once the mountain that weighed on their heads was gone, their power would burst out unbridled.

Especially before, Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo Sun Shulan had long had enough of the suppression from Li Jiahao.

Now that they finally have the opportunity to counterattack once, how can they not be excited?"

"Well, I originally planned to take you to the exchange in Huahai City to list and issue it, although it was a little troublesome, but it was also able to issue without any surprises.

"It's just that when the time comes, if you want to put it on Xiangcheng Island to fry, it will be more troublesome!"

"But the current situation is just right, Li Jiahao and the four major families will not suppress us too much."

"As long as we don't take the initiative to jump up and jump into their sight, there won't be any problems!" Speaking

of this, Gu Chen looked at Mia, whose face was full of entanglement at this time.

Following Gu Chen's gaze, Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and the others also looked together.

They all thought that there was a spy from Li Jiahao here now.

In an instant, in the hearts of Lin Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others, many new ideas had come to mind to control this Mia.

But at this time, Mia actually took the initiative to speak.

"Gu Chen... No, Mr. Gu, is what you just said true

?" "Which one are you talking about?" "

Li Jiahao is transferring assets, and he is still transferring abroad.

"Of course it's true, if you don't believe it, you can wait and see or say that you go to investigate, there should be someone to expose some information, so that it is not a completely black situation now." "

The conversation between Gu Chen and Mia is very simple, but the gold content is very high.

So high that Mia felt that Gu Chen would not deceive herself because of these little things.

So, Mia fell into thought.

If what Gu Chen said was true.

"Then I'm not because Li Jiahao feels sorry, I want to let me out and give me a chance to be free."

"Instead, I used me to attract attention, and then the people of the four major families found Gu Chen, as well as Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo Sun Shulan from the information on my body, and we all entered the sight of the four major families at once!"

Suddenly, Mia, who had figured everything out, suddenly had a feeling of betrayal by Li Jiahao in her heart.

It was a pain that directly made Mia's heart feel pain.

This made Mia worried at the same time.

"I'm sorry Mr. Gu, if I am the bait, I'm afraid you will all have been exposed!" "

I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

After Mia figured out something, she directly stood up and bowed to Gu Chen to apologize.

Gu Chen understood when she looked at this guy's appearance, she finally figured it out.

This made Gu Chen breathe a sigh of relief in his heart.

"Whew, after saying all this, I finally convinced

this Mia!" "Isn't this new subordinate coming?" "

This wave is called Gu Chen, the more soldiers the merrier!" Gu

Chen asked Mia not to bow, and at the same time asked Mia with red eyes.

"Look, where are we now?" "

In, by the sea..." Mia's

answer changed to her own cute character again.

But this was of no use to Gu Chen at all, and even Gu Chen wanted to laugh a little.

Of course, Gu Chen is professionally trained, no matter how funny it is, he will not laugh!

"It's right by the sea, it's all empty areas around here!"

"If this appears, it will be able to see through at a glance!

As soon as these words were spoken, Mia's face suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.


, do you figure it out


"I..." Originally

, Mia wanted to say something prevarious, but thought of Li Jiahao's attitude towards herself, which was very obvious, that is, she abandoned herself.

This gave Mia what else to say, of course, to say directly to Gu Chen.

"I think I understand, since Li Jiahao is a tool man, then don't blame me for betraying him!" "

No, I can't say that I betrayed him!

After saying it seriously, Jiang Min couldn't help but nod while eating the lobster.

However, if you want to say who is the happiest among the people present, of course, they are all ready to give up the dog head that Mia wants the most.

After hearing the conversation between Gu Chen and Jiang Min.

The dog head chao immediately understood one thing.

"President Gu, this is to accept Naiya to become his own person!" "

Isn't this the opportunity for me to succeed and be with her again..."

In an instant, the dog's face was full of shyness, but he was still very happy.

Tong Zixin also showed a very pleased expression.

After all, he didn't take care of this woman who became his substitute.

"But, before that, I want to explain that I didn't join you to deal with Li Jiahao

with you!" "

I am only fighting for my own freedom now

!" "As long as you can finally help me get out of Li Jiahao's control, I will follow you!"

I will directly find an opportunity to report you!"

and although Mia said that she liked Tong Zixin's touch, her rights and interests could not be damaged or anything.

That's why he said these words to Gu Chen.

"Don't worry, I've never been the kind of person like Li Jiahao.

"No matter whether we can get Li Jiahao in the end, I will send you out of Xiangcheng Island to go wherever you want!"

Gu Chen also made a promise to Mia.

Finally, Mia was relieved at this time, but this is not over.

Just when Mia breathed a sigh of relief, Gu Chen spoke.

"But before that, I think you need to apologize. "

Apologize?" Originally

, Mia hadn't reacted yet, but when she saw Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others beside her.

Suddenly, Mia felt what to do, and her heart trembled in front of everyone.

Especially Ah Yue and Lin Wanxiang made Mia's whole person feel the crisis.

She was the one who let her cheat in the first place.

Mia thought so, silently took a deep breath, silently bowed again, and said to Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others.

"I'm not a rich girl who runs away from home!" "

I'm just an ordinary girl from a fishing village without any outstanding places, my name is Mia!"

"But I now know I was wrong, I shouldn't lie to you, and I shouldn't follow you with a purpose!

Mia's apology is still relatively straightforward to the heart, at least after these few words are said.

The faces of Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others were much better.

As for the dog head chao, he kept nodding there and didn't know what it meant.

Anyway, several people present forgave Mia.

Mia received kindness from Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others, and they all looked up happily.

Gu Chen was still very pleased to see this scene.

"Okay, then eat first!" "

Today I originally wanted to introduce you all to each other, and then prepare to start formal work!"

said Gu Chen while several people were eating at the dinner table.

"Although there was a little episode in the middle, there was no problem!" "

Actually, I came to you today, on the one hand, to send money after registering your company." "

On the one hand, I want Tong Zixin to check and fill in the gaps for you, after all, she has been with Li Jiahao for so long, and she herself has experience with concentric coins..."

But this time Gu Chen's words were not finished, and suddenly Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others in the audience were directly patting the table and stood up and said to Tong Zixin in shock.

"No, no, after the original direct issuance, the concentric coin that has now increased by nearly 120 times is yours?"

"It's terrible, the great god is actually next to me!" "

Surprise, senior, hungry surprise! Please ask what kind of treatment seniors need, I am Sun Shulan, temporarily the legal representative of this company, as long as the seniors say it, I will definitely satisfy the seniors!"

After these words were spoken, Tong Zixin suddenly turned into a fragrant bun.

In an instant, they were all drowned in the praise of Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others.

"It's really lively!"

Gu Chen muttered in his heart as he looked at their appearance, but he felt very happy.

"And it's good to mobilize all their enthusiasm!" Gu

Chen praised a few more words in his heart.

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