Suddenly, Tong Zixin's words suddenly raised Gu Chen's height by several floors again.

In an instant, whether it was Sun Shulan, Jiang Min, or anyone, they all began to be impressed by Gu Chen.

"Mr. Gu, is what Sister Tong said true?"

"Yes, Mr. Gu, we really want to know the answer!" "

Yes, that's right, Mr. Gu, just tell us!" Lin

Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan, A Yue and others all began to feel that things were not as simple as they thought.

The expressions on the two looking at Gu Chen were different.

I even feel that I didn't think too dark before.

At the same time, they all began to be impressed by Gu Chen.

I feel that what Tong Zixin said is very reasonable, and he actually had doubts about Gu Chen before?

Therefore, Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan, Ayue and others were a little ashamed.

"Yes, Mr. Gu,

we shouldn't suspect that yours is our fault!" "

Yes, Mr. Gu, we just haven't been released for too long, and the negative emotions in our hearts have been suppressed, which will be obsessively suspicious to your head!"

His voice was very loud and sincere.

But in fact, after the dog head chao said this, he secretly glanced at Mia next to him.

Expect Mia not to hate herself because of her hungry voice.

In the final situation, of course, Gu Chen chose to forgive Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan, Ayue and others.

It's not a big deal, there are not so many hate theories of messy things, of course, it is just a direct sword misunderstanding to solve.

People are like this, and after there are always problems, most of them can be solved by communication.

If not, it must be a lack of communication.

Gu Chen asked a few of them to pack up and prepare to leave.

He wanted to take Jiang Min on the road alone.


but Tong Zixin seemed to have misheard, and looked at Gu Chen incredulously and asked.

"Won't I follow

you?" "

What are you following me for? What don't I need to do now?" Facing

Tong Zixin's doubts, Gu Chen looked even more dazed.

"Now you first help Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo to confirm their own company, and then you may also have to come to this company for temporary guidance."

"But in a few days, I'll take you back to Huahai City."

After saying this, Tong Zixin was a little bit of a headache listening to the previous things at first.

But after saying that Gu Chen wanted to bring himself back to Huahai City.

Tong Zixin's mouth couldn't help but rise.

"President Gu, is what you said true, can I go back?" but

subconsciously Jiang Min asked again whether Gu Chen's words were true or false, or wanted to see what Gu Chen wanted to do.

So, Gu Chen looked at Tong Zixin's appearance.

Knowing that this guy is a little too happy, it seems a little unrealistic.

So Gu Chen directly gave Tong Zixin a reassuring pill and said.

"Yes, there are some things that I have figured out, and your identity as an undercover agent is almost over here!" "

If you continue there may be problems, let's go back to Xiangcheng Island with me!"

There was nothing wrong with this, and it was clear to Tong Zixin's intention to correct himself.

The most important thing is that she no longer has to struggle in Xiangcheng Island, and she no longer has to look at Li Jiahao's face.

Even she can really live herself and live a new future.

This is the future that Tong Zixin has thought of since he followed Gu Chen before.

It is also the thing that I desire the most.

Originally, he thought that he would have to wait until Gu Chen killed Li Jiahao before he could return with glory.

But this road must be full of danger and suffering, and it will not be easy.

But now it is clear that nothing has begun, but it is already going directly to the end.

It somewhat made Tong Zixin feel a little helpless.

Therefore, after Tong Zixin was happy, he began to hesitate.

"Is President Gu really okay?"

Gu Chen saw Tong Zixin's worried look written on his face.

I don't know where Tong Zixin's current state is very wrong.

So he said very indifferently.

"Of course, I've never been an untargeted person, and I must have my own reason for letting you go back now!" "

Because your identity is too sensitive, even


As Gu Chen spoke, he suddenly set his eyes on Mia, who was somewhat suspicious of the dog's head.

When Gu Chen said this, Mia, who already felt a little out of place, suddenly felt uncomfortable.

This discomfort made Mia silently get closer to the dog.

And before, although it was said that most of the spirit was placed on Mia's body.

But he could still hear Gu Chen's words.

So, I also heard that somewhat ambiguous sentence.

"Mr. Gu, what do you mean, you want Mia to go back to Xiangcheng Island as well?" Gu

Chen felt that it was not easy for this dog-headed chao to go online at this time.

Therefore, Gu Chen did not play dumb puzzles, nor did he go around in circles, so he directly said to him.

"Yes, that's right, not only Tong Zi Xinmia will also go back with me.

As soon as these words were spoken, Mia's face changed, and the dog's face was even more ugly.

Tong Zixin also felt that Gu Chen's wave was a little inexplicable, making people scratch their heads.

Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan, Ayue and others also felt that Gu Chen was not beating Mandarin Ducks?

Just began to talk to Lin Wanxiang, Tong Zixin and others.

"Aren't you wondering why I said that all of a sudden?" "

The reason is really simple, that is, I can see Li Jiahao's purpose, but he really wants to find me!"

Even if I'm not mistaken, this old guy started planning a long, long time ago.

As Gu Chen spoke, he slowly said some of his own guesses or inferences.

"First of all, this Li Jiahao has sensed that the tiger head guillotine on his head is about to fall a long, long time ago!"

"As the richest man on Xiangcheng Island, naturally he will not let himself be directly honest and honest, but he can't make too much move!

"Because if you have money, you can find safe haven abroad, and this common sense in the minds of most rich people is so weird and narrow-minded."

But for some reason, his small movements were noticed, so at this time, Li Jiahao could only make a look that he didn't want to transfer assets at all, but was just doing some financial investment work.

"Just at this time, our 5G network, quantum communication helped the news of the rocket liftoff, Li Jiahao instantly thought of using this thing as a gimmick to make a fuss

!" "Directly use our Longteng Group to attract attention, in this way, whether it is the four major families, or the dog head guillotine on Li Jiahao's head is completely blinded by Li Jiahao's operation!"

"In the end, there is no way, you can only follow Li Jiahao's movements!" When

Gu Chen said this, he looked at Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan, Ayue and the others, they were still a little dazed.

But before Tong Zixin still had this Mia.

It seemed that he had already understood a little of Gu Chen's words, so Tong Zixin began to hold his chin and think.

But Mia seemed to have been deceived thickly.

The whole person felt very unhappy, unhappy, and angry.

Gu Chen looked at their appearance and knew that they probably thought of what they were going to say next.

After all, they are all Li Jiahao's personal secretaries, and their intelligence must be very strong, so what Gu Chen said is simply a little thorough.

But Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan, Ayue and others are different, and they still feel a little incomprehensible.

But Gu Chen won't blame them.

After all, it's just some people who have never been in contact with the real Li Jiahao.

To say that the understanding and trickery of Li Jiahao is still

up to Tong Zixin and Mia.

"Anyway, after discovering this, Li Jiahao began to look for peace and cooperation with our Longteng Group

!" "But after suffering our rejection, he began to use other methods to make us change our minds!"

"It's just that at that time, I already knew that Tong Zixin was in the past, so I still ruthlessly refused, but I still saw that his son Li Jiajun was released."

Of course, it also released a signal of goodwill, helping Zixin to secure his position and gain the trust of this old thing.

"But I guess I was still too young at that time, I think Li Jiahao at that time may have sensed something wrong with Zixin, but he silently began to prepare

!" "Prepare to wait for me to come to Xiangcheng Island!"

I don't know if it was because Gu Chen's words were too shocking, in short, after these words were finished.

Suddenly, the people in the audience, Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan, A Yue, Tong Zixin, and Jiang Min, the dog-headed Chao.

They were completely shocked.

One and both of them grew their mouths, as if they didn't know what kind of expression they should use to describe everything they heard.

I could only silently open my mouth wide, indicating that I was really shocked.

And Gu Chen, the initiator of all this, is still very indifferent.

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