At this time, Chen Mo forcibly calmed his emotions.

He began to recall his composure when he met Gu Chen.

And his advance layout and planning of Dakang Construction Group is indeed frightening.

It's just that if it involves the people behind him, it's not Chen Mo who said it.

He didn't believe that the young man in front of him, who didn't seem to be much old, had the power to overturn half of Xiangcheng Island.

Therefore, at this time, Chen Mo calmed down and said.

"Aren't you afraid of something going wrong?"

he finally wanted to persuade Gu Chen not to act impulsively, some things were not something that he could afford to provoke as an outsider from Xiangcheng Island.

But Gu Chen almost laughed out loud looking at the serious face of the chairman of the Dakang Construction Group.

"I think these things are not the scope of what you need to consider, I just want to know where the person behind you is now, I need to talk to him without other things for you, is it so difficult?" Because

he was worried about Chen Yu's safety, Gu Chen was a little anxious to speak and do things.

So much so that the chairman of this Dakang Construction Group, who felt as if he was threatened, was a little impatient with Gu Chen's words.

"It's not that I don't want to look for it....but if I'm going because of this... Doesn't it seem that I am a very incompetent person

?" "Forget it, first look at what kind of medicine is sold in this Gu Chen Gourd, so that I also have a logarithm in the connection!"

"Otherwise, if the eyes are black, they will be reported, won't they be scolded for being scolded for being bloody?"

Thinking of this, the chairman of the Dakang Construction Group said silently.

"This thing is not difficult at all, but I always have to know your purpose

, right?" "

Even if you treat me as a small, a person who spreads the word, you must pay attention to a little measure, right?"

"Otherwise, if you say something that we cannot agree to or cooperate with or cannot do, then this face does not need to be seen at all, let alone negotiate or anything,

it is just a false statement!"

Gu Chen shook his head in the face of this chairman of the Dakang Construction Group, who had obviously recovered his sanity, and even reacted.

"It's not that I don't want to tell you, but this matter is really not something that the chairman of your small company can listen to, not to mention how big the position of your chairman is, don't you know in your own heart?"

Or honestly call out the people behind you, we can save a little time, this is good for everyone. "

Otherwise, tomorrow I will take your Dakang Construction Group's stock to smash the market madly, and I will directly smash your delisting, understand?" Gu

Chen directly scolded the chairman of Dakang Construction Group to say a little hard, changing his usual unmoving style.

Here in fact, he also sold a careful eye, deliberately wanted the person behind the chairman of the Dakang Construction Group, and felt that he Gu Chen was a reckless person, such a personality can be said to be the hairy boy character that big people are least worried about.

Therefore, after hearing Gu Chen's ruthless words, even this chairman Chen Mo underestimated Gu Chen by three points.

"I originally thought it was a role, it seems that it is still not able to withstand the youthful vigor!" "

This is good, reckless people are prone to mistakes! But what he said..." Because

he was worried that Gu Chen was really a madman, although the chairman of the Dakang Construction Group looked down on Gu Chen by three points.

But the jealousy of him was also aggravated by three points.

Although he is the chairman of this company, the actual controller is someone else.

"If this Dakang Construction Group collapses in my hands, I will definitely be unlucky! This is a hot potato!" "

Damn, if this Gu Chen really knows who the person behind me is, then why did he find me as a Dakang Construction Group!

The chairman of this Dakang Construction Group, who deeply felt that his luck was very bad, sighed silently.

Since the hard one can't come to Gu Chen, then you can only come to the soft knife.

Therefore, he tried to calm Gu Chen's emotions.

"Young man, listen to me, don't worry! Everyone can discuss things slowly!" "

And what kind of society is it now? A society ruled by law! We don't have to do it at all, isn't it, isn't it perfect for everyone to sit down calmly and have a cup of tea and then solve the matter?"

"Come on, I have a good wine stored in the year of the return of Xiangcheng Island, which is specially used to entertain inland guests like you!

On the contrary, until now, Gu Chen can still patiently talk to the chairman of this Dakang Construction Group, completely because of his usual qi cultivation skills.

If it were replaced by another young man who was really about the same age as Gu Chen, I am afraid that he would have directly lifted the table.

And Gu Chen also planned to use this trick to force the person behind the chairman of this Dakang Construction Group to appear.

Therefore, Gu Chen glanced coldly at Chen Mo with a smile on his face, and fully played his current personality as a violent young man and said

! "It seems that there is no talk!" "

Well, after tomorrow, you will see the stock of this Dakang Construction Group plummet!


Don't worry, it's definitely the price of scrap, and it won't make you feel that you have earned or have a chance to turn over!"

After saying this, Gu Chen was about to leave without looking back.

Frightened, the chairman of the Dakang Construction Group hurriedly put down the bottle of red wine he took out casually, and was about to come forward to chase Gu Chen and sit down again to discuss.

Who knows, before Gu Chen took two steps, the mobile phone on the chairman of this Dakang Construction Group suddenly rang.

It's just that the mobile phone ringtone is very strange.

The three short beeps sound very rhythmic and a bit overwhelming.

In an instant, the face of the chairman of this Dakang Construction Group turned white.

The most important thing is that he can't help but answer the call at this time.

But if he answered this call, he would not have the energy to chase Gu Chen.

All of a sudden, the chairman of this Dakang Construction Group was caught in a dilemma.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and answered the phone when Gu Chen opened the door and was about to go out.

"Big brother!"

a somewhat compassionate cry came out of the mouth of the chairman of the Dakang Construction Group.

Gu Chen also found that there was an old man with a solemn face standing in front of him.

He was holding a PHS in his hand to make a phone call, which seemed to have been abundant in the last century.

"Huh?" seeing

Gu Chen who suddenly opened the door, the old man Xianshi frowned, and then bypassed Gu Chen and looked at the chairman of the Dakang Construction Group who was not very good-looking in the room.

"Chen Mo, what kind of plane are you doing!" The

chairman of the Dakang Construction Group was so frightened when he heard the old man's words, he directly frightened his mobile phone and dropped it to the ground.

There is no such leper candy look as when facing Gu Chen before, nor the irascible king posture when facing his subordinates before.

Now he is like a child who has done something wrong and is discovered by his parents.

"Big brother, it's not me, it's not me!"

And in the face of the old man's questioning, the chairman of the Dakang Construction Group subconsciously wanted to shirk his responsibility.

It's just that this attitude didn't make the old man's face look good, he just said something vicious.

"I'll clean you up later!"

After speaking, the old man put away his mobile phone while slowly looking at Gu Chen with his own eyes, as if judging Gu Chen's origin.

Of course, from the time this old man appeared, Gu Chen had never diverted his gaze and was also looking him up and down.

"Are you a star?" "

No, I'm Gu Chen. "

Gu Chen, Gu Chen from Huahai City, Gu Chen from Longteng Group?"

The simple two sentences made a strange look appear on the old man's face.

"What are you doing here?"




conversation between the two sounded inexplicable, at least in the ears of the chairman of this Dakang Construction Group, who had no idea what the two of them were talking about.

Gu Chen looked at the old man, that is, Chen Mouren's face flashed a trace of jealousy, and then slowly spoke.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I haven't seen Chen Yu since I sent him to the hotel yesterday, if you want to ask about his whereabouts, why don't you call him yourself

?" "That's the problem, his phone has been turned off, but he still texted me before, do you say it's strange?"

You seem to have made some kind of Langhua Investment Co., Ltd. and bought a lot of shares of my Dakang Construction Group! What

do you want to do!" When he said this, Chen Mouren exuded a very dangerous atmosphere.

Even he silently stepped forward, completely revealing a crushing look, as if he wanted to force Gu Chen to retreat.

But sorry, Gu Chen's height was there, even if Chen Moren himself had done his best to raise his head high.

But it was still half a head behind Gu Chen.

Therefore, as soon as the distance got closer, Gu Chen had to lower his head a little and talk to Chen Mouren.

This state directly made the originally tense atmosphere disappear in an instant, and even the chairman of this Dakang Construction Group, who witnessed everything on the side, almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

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