It's just that what Chen Mouren didn't know at all was that these actions were deliberately made by Gu Chen.

In order to confuse Chen Mouren and others.

Seeing that his plan was successful, Gu Chen didn't bend around and say anything about Ji Feng.

He said directly.

"Mr. Chen, this is to scare me? That's not necessary, you won't touch me, and even you have to protect me a little.

"As for the reason, I don't think I need to say anything more, right?" After

hearing Gu Chen's reply, Chen Mouren's brows locked a little deeper, and he felt that after the matter reached this point, his cognition of Gu Chen seemed to be biased.

"What do you mean?"

However, Chen Mouren still wanted to test Gu Chen's depth.

"I won't say more than necessary, everyone in the province wastes time, I know there is only one reason why you won't touch me!"


just that Gu Chen doesn't plan to talk to Chen Moren more about boring things.

He just silently said the reason why Chen Mouren would not move himself, and it was also the reason why he was able to sit here and talk to him now.

"What do you mean?" However

, it was this indifferent attitude and sharp response that instantly made Chen Mouren like a fried old cat, quietly showing his claws.

That dangerous feeling made Gu Chen feel as if as long as he said the wrong thing next, this Chen Mouren would strike at him without the slightest hesitation.

In this regard, Gu Chen did not have any doubts.

Even, if he became Chen Mouren and the positions of the two sides were exchanged, I am afraid that he would have controlled himself by now.

However, Gu Chen did not have any panic, he looked at Chen Muren's eyes and said.

"I mean, I'm going to deal with Li Jiahao, you also have to deal with Li Jiahao, we both have the same goal! So why can't we cooperate

?" "And for a teammate who is on the same front as himself, even if we may have a conflict of interest in the future, but that's a matter for later, isn't it?"

Gu Chen's words and his fearless attitude were like a sharp sword fiercely inserted into Chen Mouren's heart, making him feel Gu Chen's danger.

Although Chen Mouren had slightly guessed what Gu Chen might know before, he really waited until Gu Chen said these words.

Chen Moren still felt quite shocked, and at the same time he was also very cautious, so cautious that even if Gu Chen spoke bluntly enough, he still had to refuse and doubt first.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Mr. Gu also asks you not to joke around, this is Xiangcheng Island! And I'm the fattest, biggest, and most loyal subordinate under the richest man on Xiangcheng Island!"

"You actually said that I want to deal with my boss, isn't this nonsense that makes me fall into a situation of infidelity?"

Gu Chen almost laughed when he heard Chen Mouren's words, and he asked rhetorically.


But as far as I know, Mr. Chen, you seem to have done something, right?" Originally

, the dangerous aura on Chen Mouren's body had not yet dissipated, and after hearing Gu Chen's words, it was even aggravated by three points.

"President Gu, I advise you not to say something nonsense, it's not good to indiscriminately slander a person's innocence!"

Saying that, he also looked at the red wine in Gu Chen's hand, as if he was preparing to snatch it.

But Gu Chen didn't mean to swallow this red wine alone.

Directly handed this red wine to Chen Moren very generously.

"Am I slandering?" Gu

Chen smiled directly when he heard this.

"If you hadn't exposed some things yourself, I really wouldn't have that much doubt, and now, I've completely judged that Li Jiahao's son Li Jiajun is in your hands!" Just

after Gu Chen's words, Chen Mouren's hand holding the wine glass and pouring the wine stopped.

He was silent for a second, but he did not have the state of anger before, on the contrary, Chen Mouren at this time was completely indifferent to the extreme.

"Do you have evidence for this?" "

Do you need proof? Those text messages you sent me pretending to be Chen Yu are evidence.

It's just that Gu Chen was not confused by Chen Mouren's appearance, and even said such a sentence indifferently.

At this time, neither of them was pretending, and the air at this time was filled with the smell of saber rattling.

As soon as it happened, Chen Mouren's expression became more and more playful, as if he was thinking about how he should deal with Gu Chen.

Finally, he spoke.

"How do you see that?"

Chen Mouren put down the red wine glass, relaxed his body, walked behind him, and said to Gu Chen so coldly.

"Feeling, and a little bit of external help.

Gu Chen did not feel worried or afraid because of Chen Mouren's indifference.

The expression on his face remained unchanged and calm, and at the same time he said to Chen Muren very calmly.

"I remember that a long time ago, you followed Li Jiahao to fight the world, and it seems that one and two of them are doing well.

"Many of them have retired to enjoy life, why do you still have to fight for Li Jiahao on the Wanhao Stock Exchange?"

Gu Chen did not answer Chen Mouren's very detailed criteria.

Just silently asked Chen Mouren a question.

Chen Mouren, who heard this, showed a very strange expression and looked at Gu Chen.

"You know a lot, it's me underestimating you!"

"Moreover, it seems that the direction of knowing is quite broad! Who is the person behind you, is it Lao Wang or Xiaosha?"

I don't know because Gu Chen didn't answer Chen Mouren's question positively.

Chen Mouren also did not answer Gu Chen's question head-on this time, but instead began to test Gu Chen.

"You don't have any meaning, Mr. Chen!" Gu

Chen directly noticed that Chen Mouren could nest up with himself infinitely until dawn.

Then he didn't have so much time to fool around with this Chen Mouren.


"Yes, I will first ask President Chen for a matter. "

This matter is definitely not talking about the past, nor is it some sensitive issue, I just want to know that my buddy Chen Yu is safe and safe now

?" "Can this question answer me, President Chen?"

Gu Chen's question made Chen Mouren stunned.

He never thought that Gu Chen would ask himself this question, and even looked at Gu Chen's face and felt a little wrong.

Chen Mouren seemed to have thought of something and asked Gu Chen directly.

"I want to ask you a question first.

"No, Mr. Chen, what do you mean by this, in this case, we will not get what the other party wants to know!"

"I know, but I'm really curious about this question!

I also promise you Gu Chen, after I finish asking this question, I will also answer your question honestly!" Chen

Mouren's face was also very serious at this time, as if to make what he said more believable.

Therefore, Chen Mouren directly poured another red wine glass and handed it to Gu Chen.

Gu Chen looked at the very thick red wine hanging on the wall and his reflection and did not say anything.

Just nodding silently, Chen Mouren immediately sat up straight and asked Gu Chen.

"Mr. Gu, the question I want to ask is very simple, did you plant an inner ghost beside Li Jiahao?" "

What? Mr. Chen, your question is not simple at all! How do you let me answer?" Gu

Chen's face showed a strange expression, as if he didn't quite understand why Chen Mouren would suddenly ask himself this question.

But Chen Mouren didn't seem to feel any embarrassment, just insisted on his own statement.

"I'm just very curious, and Mr. Gu, you don't have to tell me who this inner ghost is, just answer me whether I have it or not!

"Otherwise, I know that you will definitely be suspicious of me

!" "But please don't worry, Mr. Gu, my Chen Mouren's mouth is quite rigorous!"

Gu Chen looked at the way Chen Mouren packed his tickets, and didn't know why he wanted to laugh a little.

But this is also a criterion for Gu Chen to believe in Chen Mouren.

"Back to basics, it's kind of interesting. Thinking

about it like this, Gu Chen felt that things should not waste time on these things.

"And the most important thing is that I didn't tell him Tong Zixin's identity, even if he guessed what, anyway, by then I would have brought Tong Zixin back to Xiangcheng Island, even if this Chen Mouren is powerful."

"No, it should be said that even if these people from Xiangcheng Island are powerful, what can they do?" "

After all, there is only one idiom, and the whip is beyond the reach of the whip!" After

thinking about this, Gu Chen finally said to Chen Moren without any hesitation.

"Yes, that's right, I have an undercover agent next to Li Jiahao.

After hearing Gu Chen's answer, Chen Mouren showed an expression that was indeed so.

"And this person is estimated to know me too, and I can even say

that I am very close!" "

I should have thought of it a long time ago! "

It's just that watching her work seriously over the years, and to become the wife of Li Jiajun's smelly boy, I am not happy in my heart!"

Chen Mouren showed a look of chagrin, which made Gu Chen very curious.

"Mr. Chen, the stinky chess you said won't control Li Jiajun as well, right?"

At this time, Chen Mouren seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

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