"Xiaoya! Why go?

"Sister Li, isn't there a guest? I'll go to the reception!

"Xiaoya, you just came, your eyesight is not good, that person can't buy it at a glance, his whole body stalls, just to pretend to come, do you see if anyone else goes to him?"

At the door of Armani's flagship store, there is a pair of young shopping guides with good figures.

One of the more beautiful named Xiaoya immediately shook his head when he heard this.

"That's fine, I'm much more experienced than you, and I do less thankless things." Sister Li said seriously.

"But... Didn't the training say that you can't discriminate against any guest?

Xiao Ya hesitated when she heard this.

"We didn't discriminate, if he came in, we would naturally be warmly received, but now he hasn't come in, it's not discrimination!" Sister Li was experienced, and she understood Xiaoya's worries, and explained with a smile.

"Eh! But I haven't closed a single deal in a month, so I want to give it a try. Xiao Ya still shook her head after hearing this, and then took a long leg and stepped towards the comer.

"Hey. Lesser! Forget it, you'll know when you come back! Sister

Li looked at Xiaoya and couldn't move, so she didn't say anything anymore, in her opinion, waiting for Xiaoya was naturally frustrated to come back.

"Hello, this gentleman! Do you have anything you need to serve?

Xiao Ya quickly walked to Gu Chen, who was wandering around, and asked with a smile on his face.


Gu Chen didn't expect that someone would take care of him, and nodded his head as he looked at the young and beautiful shopping guide in front of him.

Sure enough, as a luxury shopping guide, the appearance can definitely be beaten.

"Do you have a men's section here?"

"Yes, our side is Armani's flagship store, which is dedicated to men!"

Xiaoya's eyes lit up, she originally had no hope, but when she heard Gu Chen's words, a glimmer of hope suddenly ignited in her heart.

"Okay then! Go check it out! Armani

is a world-renowned Italian luxury brand, the most famous for menswear, it has nearly ten collections, of which ArmaniPrive haute couture is the most famous.

Sister Li, who was at the door, looked at Xiaoya and said something to Gu Chen with a smile, and walked towards her shop, and she was stunned.

"Am I mistaken?"

"No, it must be that person who saw that Xiaoya was very beautiful, so he held on. Yes, it must be!

Thinking of this, her jealous heart also slowly calmed down and smiled again.

"Welcome to Armani!"

No matter how much she despised Gu Chen in her heart, she couldn't see the slightest dissatisfaction on her face.

"Sister Li, I'll go first to serve this gentleman!"

Xiaoya looked at Sister Li happily and said.

Then he took Gu Chen inside: "This gentleman, please here!" "Good


Gu Chen nodded and walked in calmly, without a trace of stage fright.

The palatial interior of the store is filled with luxury goods, and the interior is brightly lit by various decorative lights, and the wooden walls are covered with fashionable fashions.

"I wonder what Mr. wants to see?" Xiaoya smiled and asked enthusiastically.

"Take out your latest model this year!" Gu Chen said lightly.

"Okay! Please go to the rest area and wait for a while. Xiaoya

was very happy to hear Gu Chen's words, maybe today she can break the record of zero sales this month.


Gu Chen went straight to the rest area, as a high-end brand naturally has its own rest area, guests can drink a comfortable cup of afternoon tea inside.

And Sister Li at the door has been observing Gu Chen, in her opinion, Gu Chen has been pretending, so she is extremely looking forward to Gu Chen's embarrassed expression when she waits for the payment.

It didn't take long for Xiaoya to slowly come with a few of the latest summer models.

So Gu Chen took several pieces into the fitting room and tried them one by one.

Armani, as the main brand of men in luxury goods, has nothing to say aesthetically.

After a few attempts, Gu Chen was very satisfied.

"Wrap these sets for me!"


When Xiao Ya heard this, an unconcealed smile appeared on her face.

At this time, she not only got rid of the record of zero sales, but also had a commission of nearly 1,000 yuan this month.

"By the way, bring me some more sets of home ones!" Immediately, Gu Chen ordered Xiao Ya again.


Xiao Ya immediately turned around when she heard this.

After that, Gu Chen even visited the whole store, as long as it was eye-catching, he took it all, and he didn't care about the price at all.

It's just that at this moment, Xiaoya has no smile on her face.

Seeing Gu Chen asking people to take off the package from time to time, she was even more eager to speak.

"Yes, wrap that one for me too!"

Gu Chen was also interested in shopping at this time, as long as it looked good, they all asked people to pack, spring, summer, autumn and winter.

A variety of belts, wallets, and shoes are matched with the four seasons.


At this time, Xiaoya finally couldn't bear it and stopped the elated Gu Chen.

At this time, she looked at the mountain of packing boxes at the front desk, and her pretty face suddenly turned white with fright.

At this time, she couldn't help but regret that she didn't listen to Sister Li's words.

Even if she was dull, she could see that Gu Chen was definitely here to make trouble.

Although no one will trouble him at that time, he will definitely be criticized.

The huge movement caused by Gu Chen had long attracted the attention of the whole store, and Sister Li was also stunned, she didn't expect Gu Chen to be so crazy.

"What's wrong?"

Looking at Gu Chen's handsome cheeks, she couldn't wait to smash the packaging bag in her hand, you still ask me what's wrong?


Gu Chen looked at Xiaoya's hesitant expression, looked around, and found that the people in the store were all looking at him, and he instantly understood.

"You think I'm here to make trouble?" Gu Chen laughed.

"It's not!" Xiao Ya immediately retorted.

Immediately reacted, and fell silent again.

"Okay! Go settle for me!

Gu Chen said to Xiaoya with a smile.

He still has a little good impression of this shopping guide, at least he does not look down on himself on the surface.

"Well... Good! Xiao

Ya was completely relieved when she heard this, and quickly ran to the front desk.

Gu Chen also stopped shopping at this time, he looked at the hill-like packaging box, and felt that it was enough.

Then he walked towards the cash register.

It's just that Xiaoya seems to be frozen.

"How? How much? Gu Chen asked directly.

"Hello gentleman, I am the manager of this store."

Xiaoya didn't react, but a middle-aged delicate woman next to her smiled and spoke.

"Hello!" Gu Chen nodded slightly;

"I wonder if Mr. has a membership card from our store?"


Gu Chen knew what she meant, and shook his head directly.

"That's so sorry! Mr! There are no gifts to give this purchase! When

the store manager heard this, his face did not show anything, but he looked sorry for Gu Chen.

As a luxury industry, this statement has never been discounted.

"It's okay, you should provide home delivery here, right?"

Gu Chen said indifferently.


The store manager looked at Gu Chen appreciatively, someone had reported to her that someone was making trouble in the store before, and she hurried over.

However, seeing Gu Chen like this, the trace of contempt in his heart disappeared, and this indifference was not something that ordinary people could have.

"Okay! How much in total, swipe your card! Hearing

him say this, except for the store manager, who had no expression, the rest of the people, including Xiaoya, showed an incredulous look.

This is far from what they thought.

"What are you still stunned for?"

The store manager saw that the cashier was still in a daze, and immediately scolded.


The cashier quickly reacted: "This gentleman, you spent a total of 1,088,500 yuan

" "Swipe the card!"

Who knew that Gu Chen was not only not surprised when he heard this, but also slightly disappointed.

"Erase the bits and pieces! Just one hundred and eighty thousand! The

store manager suddenly spoke up at this time.

The cashier took the card in Gu Chen's hand and replied, "Understood!" "


Immediately show that the payment was successful.

"Sir, your card!"

The cashier returned it with unusual respect at this time.

"Thank you, help me send these to Tomson Yipin!" Gu Chen thanked him after taking it.


At this time, no one doubted Gu Chen at all.

Even the store manager's gaze was flashing.

And many women in the store were shining at Gu Chen's eyes, like a hungry wolf in the wilderness seeing a lamb.

But they quickly withdrew their gaze.

With Gu Chen's conditions, they have no hope at all, they are young and golden, and their appearance is outstanding, which is not something they can refer to.

However, they seemed to remember something, and they all turned their heads to look at Xiaoya on the side with envy and jealousy.

Because it was her discernment and did not look down on Gu Chen, so this time, she directly became the sales champion of this month, and the commission was tens of thousands of yuan.

Xiaoya also reacted at this time, her face was flushed, obviously excited.

"By the way, delivery in two hours!"

Then Gu Chen mentioned that he had not yet gone to see the house, and the access control said that it would be embarrassing without him.

"Uh-huh! Rest assured! The store manager responded respectfully.

She thought that Gu Chen would have to go home for more than two hours.

"Welcome to next visit!"

Then the store manager led everyone to shout at the door.

That scene Gu Chen was really fluttering, and Gu Chen became the focus of the audience in an instant.

The shopping guides in other stores naturally knew that Gu Chen must have consumed a lot, and they were all very envious of Armani.

The next thing he had to do was look at his watch, and he remembered that Patek Philippe's continental store was here, but not on this floor.

He went directly to the top floor as instructed.

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