So, from after the previous several charges.

This Dakang Construction Group is in the market, and no one dares to provoke.

This has led to the fact that now, as long as Dakang Construction Group offers the price of land, basically no other developer dares to compete with Dakang Construction Group.

So at this time, Chen Mo did not know what kind of life Waterloo he would encounter in this market in the future.

I saw that after Chen Mouren listened to his words, he fell into a kind of thought.

"Big brother, you really don't worry, in the last three days, we will enter the publicity period, and even if someone wants to make a move against our Dakang Construction Group, there will be no chance!" Hahaha! "

Probably a little carried away, so Chen Mo, chairman of this Dakang Construction Group, began to raise his head.

It happened that Chen Mouren, who couldn't understand something, noticed his behavior.

The moment is just not angry.

"You shut up for me!"

He directly slapped Chen Mo, chairman of the Dakang Construction Group, who had a shocked look on his face.

This Chen Mo who hit him fell directly to the ground with a swing.

"Big brother, why are you hitting me!"

"What did I do wrong, you're going to hit me!"

Chen Mo, chairman of this Dakang Construction Group, covered his face and kept questioning his brother Chen Mouren.

Chen Moren didn't explain anything at all, just used a look that made Chen Mo dare not speak more at a glance.

"The last three days are the easiest time to go wrong, plus Gu Chen's operation today! It is estimated that it also speeds up the occurrence of some bad things and speeds up the prying eyes of those who are eyeing us!

"Do you know what I mean, the last three days gave me a hard look at the bidding enterprise, gave me a hard press, and remembered that it was at any cost!"

Hearing Chen Mouren's words in a state of anger, Chen Mo, chairman of the Dakang Construction Group, showed a terrified face.

"Regardless of the cost? Our Dakang Construction Group is consuming too much today! There's no way..."

But just when Chen Mo was about to say something begging for mercy.

Chen Mouren actually leaned down directly and said to him.

"Remember, I'm talking about not caring about any cost, because you have me behind you!"

"No matter who your opponent is, no matter how much they bid, give me more than 10 million!" Do you understand? I

heard the fierceness in my eldest brother's words.

However, Chen Mo, the chairman of the Dakang Construction Group, thought that his eldest brother Chen Moren had received an order from his boss Li Jiahao to prepare to take this plot for an important project.

Excited this Chen Mo thought that he could go one step further!

He immediately forgot the threat from Chen Mouren and said directly.

"Big brother, big brother! Did the big boss say something to you! Did someone come out this time and wanted to break the big boss's plan?

"You tell me the truth, I will be able to have confidence then!" Otherwise, if this is really dragged up, I may not be able to have the courage to go bankrupt! Chen

Mo, chairman of this Dakang Construction Group, is now looking very dog-licking.

Although Chen Mouren was very annoying, he still showed a very patient look.

"Yes, Xiao Mo, I only secretly tell you ah, this time it is our big boss Li Jiahao who wants to make a super future city, and he will need this plot!"

"You also know that the plot of land that our big boss fancy, he will never give in any way, do you know what I mean?"

"If you lose this territory, what will happen to you then, don't I need to say?"

After coaxing and deceiving him, Chen Moren directly came up with a lie that shocked Chen Mo, the chairman of this Dakang Construction Group.

Immediately, Chen Mo, chairman of the Dakang Construction Group, was excited and excited.

"Big brother! You really deserve to be my dear big brother! You're right, that's great!

"If I do something this time, will I be given any reward?"

"I mean the big boss's side!"

After knowing that Li Jiahao was the richest man on Xiangcheng Island, this Chen Mo showed an expression that made Chen Moren feel disgusted.

"Greed is the beginning of human tragedy, brother, don't blame me!"

"If you want to blame, blame yourself for being stupid!"

But Chen Mo, who thought so much in his heart, did not show any abnormal emotions in reality that made Chen Mo, chairman of this Dakang Construction Group, feel abnormal.

Even said very indifferently.

"As long as you do things well, everything else, the big boss sees it, and when the time comes, if you talk about merit and reward, the big boss has the final say!"

"Do you understand enough when I say that?"

Chen Moren glanced at Chen Mo, the chairman of the Dakang Construction Group, who showed joy on his glasses.

I don't know why I still want to save this guy.

"Big brother, is what you said true, then I must do a good job!"

The chairman of the excited Dakang Construction Group, Chen Mo, kept bowing to Chen Mouren.

But in the next moment, Chen Mo, who was caught off guard, was kicked out by Chen Muren and fell violently to the ground again.


Chen Mo, who didn't know why Chen Moren did this, was in pain after a while.

He actually stood up with his legs between his legs and said.

"Big, big brother played well! If I can have any ability to make my eldest brother feel deflated, the eldest brother can kick it casually!

"Don't worry about me!"

However, just after Chen Mo, chairman of this Dakang Construction Group, finished this sentence.

The disappointment in Chen Mouren's eyes was finally revealed without concealment.

He looked at Chen Mo, who had eaten the big cake, and didn't know what to say.

I could only sigh and say nothing, and came to the computer of Chen Mo, the chairman of this Dakang Construction Group.

"Where's your surveillance hard drive."

Asked such a sentence lightly, suddenly Chen Mo converged his smile and immediately ran over.

"Here and here!"

He pointed to a location on his computer that drew my computer.

But in the next moment, Chen Mo, chairman of this Dakang Construction Group, was swept by Chen Mouren's eyes.

"You know, that's not what I'm talking about."

Chen Mo, who found that he could not fool Chen Mouren, could only silently open a piece of table skin on his desktop.

A button with fingerprint control popped up.

He pressed his finger on it, and the fingerprint lock opened.

And a small black square box was revealed.

Chen Mo, chairman of the Dakang Construction Group, who had no expression, said.

"It's all here."

Chen Moren then shifted his gaze, looked at the monitor hard disk full of various lines plugged in, and did not ask Chen Mo, chairman of the Dakang Construction Group next to him.

Come up and pull out all these things casually.

"Okay, I'll take this thing with me!"

At the same time, he also said this directly to Chen Mo, the chairman of the Dakang Construction Group, whose face was full of deception.

"But, big brother..." Originally

, Chen Mo wanted to pluck up the courage to ask this Chen Mo what you wanted these things to do.

However, after Chen Mouren directly scanned it with a look, he closed his mouth.

Chen Moren looked at Chen Mo, the chairman of the Dakang Construction Group, who was about to say nothing, and also thought in his heart.

"This is the last little thing I did for you, although some things that will happen after that require you to be a scapegoat, but I also found a way for you to live... This is also my last mercy."

Thinking so, Chen Mouren silently took back his thoughts, and finally left completely with the square box of the monitor.

Looking at his brother's back, I don't know why, in the heart of Chen Mo, chairman of this Dakang Construction Group.

He always felt that this might be the last time he would see each other.

"What a strange feeling..."

Chen Mo, the chairman of the Dakang Construction Group, who muttered silently, came back to his senses, looking at the scene where the table was already empty, he didn't know what to say.

After Gu Chen left the building of the Dakang Construction Group, he went directly to find Tong Zixin.

Because there was a small deviation from the previous agreement with Wanguan.

Therefore, Tong Zixin directly re-agreed with Wan Guan for a time.

Gu Chen didn't have any opinions, and now the time was almost just right to go and meet with Wan Guan and Tong Zixin.

So, he silently embarked on the road ahead.

It was only on the road that a familiar figure seemed to be seen.

"Is that, Countess?"

Gu Chen felt that it was his eyes that he would see that the countess, who should have been in Huahai City, actually appeared on Xiangcheng Island at this time.

"No, she came to find Jiang Min!"

In an instant, Gu Chen understood this woman's thoughts.

"But it's a pity that Jiang Min doesn't have any chance to meet you now, and you don't want to find her!"

Gu Chen was very satisfied with his behavior of placing Jiang Min in the Astronomy Club.

After all, only there can she be the most perfect protection.

And neither the four major families nor Li Jiahao wanted to find her.

What reassured Gu Chen the most this time was that just when Gu Chen was about to drive away, he saw him next to the countess.

A handsome man suddenly appeared.

Gu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and saw his face clearly.

"The heir of the Li family? How could it be... Mixed with this countess? Gu

Chen's brows locked, and he was actually quite jealous of the Li family Gu Chen.

Because in the monopoly industry, the education industry does not seem to be a big piece of the cake.

And it's the kind of industry that needs long-term gains to show its power.

But I can't hold the flow of the river of time!

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