"It's not about looking for death! You show me the way! I'm going to snatch back our private room before my brothers arrive!" By the way, teach this arrogant guy a good lesson! Let him know who has the final say on this Xiangcheng Island!

The angry Li left after raising his legs, and the big man's eyes could not hide the excited expression.

At the same time, he also began to continue to strengthen Li Wan's idea of killing Gu Chen and Wan Guan.

"That's right, these people are looking for death, but boss, there is a woman next to them, that's called a tender water!"

"I've never seen such a beautiful existence when I'm so big! It's as if it is an immortal under the heavens, which is unforgettable! The

big han directly talked about Tong Zixin, and Li Wan's mouth was dry.

"There is such a good thing! Very good! We rush over! Drive all the men away! The woman will stay with me for the wine!

Li Wan's conclusion was directly made, and he followed the big man and went directly upstairs.

As their figures gradually left.

Jessica, wearing a black suit uniform, silently poked her head out and silently grabbed a communication device next to her and said.

"Li Wan, has already gone upstairs, and all departments have received attention."


"No problem!"

As Jessica's voice just fell, she immediately received a lot of responses.

After making sure that there was nothing wrong with everything, Jessica silently emerged from this side.


After she said this lightly, she began to turn her head and go about her own affairs, without showing anything at all.

On the other side, Gu Chen and Tong Zixin didn't know that they would soon be in trouble.

However, if they knew that this trouble was actually the words of a certain Li Wan, who did not want to be named, they might have directly surrendered with both hands.

Over here, Gu Chen was still listening to Wan Guan's chatter about the fame on these dishes.

On the other side, the haughty uninvited guest who looks like a rooster arrives.

"Hey, stand up for me who offended my eldest brother just now!"

As soon as these words came out, Wan Guan's first look was not to look at Gu Chen and ask what he should do.

Instead, he looked at the waiter beside this big man!

"The quality of the staff in this hotel is really very poor! When did he let this big man break in once, and actually let him come again? Not very good brains? "

Keeping this kind of thinking is very unceremonious, just thinking in my heart.

At the same time, Wan Guan also looked at Gu Chen and Tong Zixin, wanting to see what the views of these two people were.

Who knows, they are still constantly eating and drinking, and there is no unnecessary opinion at all.

This made Wan Guan know in his heart.

"What are you doing, people have already broken in once, why did you let him break in again this time, is your security operation so bad?"

There is nothing wrong with this, and it is even very reasonable.

But when this Wan Guan saw that behind the Great Khan was followed by a guy who didn't like to reason at all.

His face darkened a little.

"No, why is this guy here!"

That's right, the person Wan Guan saw was Li Jia Li Wan, one of the four major families!

Wan Guan, as a guy who eats by intelligence, does not recognize this guy.

After all, many of the peach-colored scandals on his hands came from this Li Wan, and he still made a lot of money from his hands!

Thinking so, Wan Guan looked at Gu Chen and Tong Zixin with some headache, wanting to express to the two of them that he would definitely not be able to solve this Li Wan's expression.

After all, the big killing weapon in his hand is a little unsure of what words to use.

It can be said that killing a thousand enemies and self-inflicting eight hundred.

Unless he took out Li Wan's intelligence to threaten him, or sent it to the other three major families to retaliate against him.

Otherwise, today I am afraid that he will only exchange it for a sentence....

"Who are you! "

That's right, it's just that cold... It's not at all like a normal person who can talk to people warmly.

But just after this Wan Guan looked at the expressions of the two.

But after finding that Gu Chen and Tong Zixin were still very indifferent at this time, the tension in his heart all disappeared.

In its place is a steady momentum.

"What are you afraid of, there is someone behind me!"

Therefore, in the face of the imposing big man, he did not have the slightest fear.

He came up and said with a loud shout.

"What are you doing again! You are not welcome here, and we also said that this is the place we booked in advance, not yours! Please go out!

After saying this, the big man immediately laughed viciously.

"Before you didn't have a problem ignoring me, but now my boss is also here! You give me better be honest! Otherwise, my boss will let you know what it means to not be able to eat and go around!

He flashed his body arrogantly, gave way to Li Wan, who was behind him, and bowed and made a gesture of invitation.

Li Quan was so generously exposed in front of everyone.

I just don't know why, in the eyes of the big man, he found that his eldest brother Li Quan did not have the dashing appearance and attitude he had before.

The whole person is half-obliquely and ready to escape.

This discovery really made the big man feel a burst of surprise and headache.

"No, big brother! We didn't go the wrong way, this is your favorite imperial private room! "

The nervous big man directly pulled his backer.

Because he instinctively sensed something wrong from his eldest brother.

However, he still held a trace of impossible mentality and silently pulled him and did not let Li Wan's run directly.

"You, you are really my good little brother, of course I know there is nothing wrong here! I'm just a little tickling behind my back! After

Li Wan's was pulled by his little brother, although the expression on his face was a little ugly.

But it was already at this time, and it would be a bit humiliating for him to run again.

Therefore, even if Li Wan, after entering this room just now, suddenly found Gu Chen and Tong Zixin's figures, it was impossible to escape.

"Who let me have such a good face, if I hadn't been discovered by this guy Lou Dahan just now, I would have slipped away today as if I hadn't seen Gu Chen, but now... It's simply impossible!

After this thought flashed, Li Wan's heart began to pray that Tong Zixin and the men he didn't know could give him a little thin noodles.

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