Originally, Wan Guan felt that his understanding of Gu Chen and Tong Zixin should be enough.

He felt that these two people should be the kind of people who know a lot of things and have some important resources.

Coupled with a very hard level of technology, it can be so successful in Xiangcheng Island.

But now after Wan Guan saw Li Wan's reaction.

He immediately thought of more...for

example, Gu Chen and Tong Zixin were not what they saw at all.

They have something deeper hidden behind their backs.

"It's a backer! It must be a backer"

So, after thinking a little for a while, Wan Guan finally came up with the key situation of why Gu Chen and Tong Zixin were able to let this Li bow down!

"There must be a terrifying existence behind the two of them that I don't know about! And it's the kind I can't touch at all!

"But this Li is different, he has always been the person who knows the most about proportion."

"Coupled with his brother, Li Wenquan, the heir of the Li family, he knows more things!"

"So Gu Chen and Tong Zixin's backers should have passed through this Li Wenquan's mouth and revealed it to this Li Wan!" Otherwise, I really don't know what kind of explanation to use to explain his current reaction! Wan

Guan always felt that his thoughts at this time were very terrifying.

It was so terrifying that he wanted to silently use his wine glass to do something to suppress the shock.

But at the end, the mind in the brain tells itself to hurry up.

But the body just doesn't listen to the command, and there is no spiritual brilliance at all.

The main thing is that he figured out that Gu Chen and Tong Zixin must have a big backer behind them.

"Just kidding, if it's not big, will Tong Zixin choose to betray Li Jiahao?"

"You must know that the energy of the richest man on Xiangcheng Island is also very terrifying! Unless it is....Gu Chen has an organization behind him that is not afraid of Li Jiahao at all, and can even be said to completely surrender Li Jiahao!

"This and this, absolutely can't be cranky anymore! Otherwise, something bad will happen! After

realizing that his mind was really chaotic now, he suddenly began to take a deep breath.

I want to calm myself down a little with this method.

And the person who was even more uncalm than him was actually Li Wan, who was called by Tong Zixin.

His current state is simply in an absolute panic.

After all, Tong Zixin's current state is a little bit of a feeling of not being angry and self-threatening.

Li Wan, feeling as if he was locked by a fierce tiger, did not dare to make any other moves at all.

I am afraid that my small move will cause Tong Zixin's dissatisfaction, and then I don't know what kind of disaster I will face.

Therefore, Li Quan decided that he absolutely could not stand in place like he was now, and say nothing.

It's about taking exams to give yourself the possibility of survival!

"Sister Tong, I can explain these things to you!"

"Explain? What explanation? Explain why you always like to do nasty things?

It's just that Li Wan's quick admission of his mistake was directly rebuffed by the ruthless Tong Zixin.

There was no expression on her face, but it made Li Wan's heart gurgle.

"I didn't expect that my Li Wan's subordinates would be so stupid today, and it was directly planted in your hands Sister Tong!"

"But Sister Tong, don't worry, I will definitely educate this bastard little brother of mine well!"

"Please let me go for the sake of our friendship for so long! I'm really innocent! At

this time, Li Wan, he could only say that his situation was very innocent, and he was all killed by this big man.

Otherwise, he would definitely not be against Tong Zixin and Gu Chen who broke into Tong Zixin without permission... on the dinner table!

Li Quan felt that this explanation was very effective.

But I don't know if Tong Zixin will believe it.

So, based on my own experience after making mistakes over the years, once there is a major gap.

Just admit your mistake first, and your attitude must be corrected.

You must not make this mistake because of your identity or because you have any special reason!

" Only at the very beginning to honestly admit the mistake, directly solve the problem first at the root!"

"Otherwise, once you get yourself out of order, who knows what will happen later!" And how much less variable will there be! Thinking

of this, Li Wan, he worked harder and begged for mercy with Tong Zixin.

"Sister Tong, just let me go this time, I really just want to bring my brothers here for a meal!" We didn't think much about the rest of the matter!

"Not to mention what a mess to grab a spot!"

"It is simply impossible to exist! So Sister Tong, you have to believe me! Li

Wan's attitude was very sincere, and he directly admitted his mistake, and the big man next to him didn't know what to say.

"Why didn't I see that my good big brother was actually such a talking man before."

"This mistake is very level! To hell with it! How skilled this is! Constantly

complaining about his good big brother Li Wan, Lou Dahan silently wanted to straighten his waist.

Because from before to now, he has been constantly bowing his waist, and after a long time, the big man naturally felt a little tired.

Soon, Lou Dahan felt that he was about to lose his grip.

It occurred to me that I couldn't continue like this.

So silently began a new less-than-operation operation!

"Big brother is right!"

He drank violently, directly startling this Li Wan, who was still begging for mercy.

"It's not you!"

He wanted to open his mouth to ask if this guy wanted his life, and suddenly let out such a ghost roar.

Do you want to make Tong Zixin even worse with their senses!

But soon, Li Wan's own little brother who could speak well was conquered.

"I think my eldest brother is right, but the mistake is definitely not his alone! And me, I'm the culprit!

"I shouldn't blindly underestimate the heroes of the world! I shouldn't be scared by showing my eldest brother's strength madly!

"It shouldn't be arrogant and unreasonable and ram our nobles!" It's all one person's fault! It has nothing to do with my eldest brother! So if you find someone to admit your mistake! I'm the one who has to admit the mistake the most!

"But my eldest brother is innocent, how many times we have caused a lot of things to come out, it is the eldest brother who helps us get through the difficulties regardless of previous suspicions!"

"Today I kicked the iron plate! How could I still let my eldest brother come out to block bullets for me! My big man does things by one person!

"Today this... Sister Tong, and the two eldest brothers next to this Tong sister, whether they want one of my legs or an arm, or what organs they want me, I will offer it with both hands little brother! Saying

that, the big man on this floor was about to start undressing, and it seemed that it was really difficult to imagine his guilt.

Li Wan, listening to this guy's words, was still very moved in his heart.

"Although I usually don't do enough of these things, this big man is obviously helping me brag and help me erect an image of righteous thin clouds without any flaws!"

"Isn't this clearly intended to help me add a good impression in front of Tong Zixin! Hahaha, there is really your Lou Dahan! It seems that I really underestimated you before! After

instantly seeing his little brother's attitude.

Li Wan, too, instantly refined his upper body and began to cooperate with him to perform.

"Big man! What are you doing! The dark things I do are just for my brothers! Why is it so dangerous to say!

"You recognize me as a big brother, the most important thing is the friendship between our brothers!" What a mess!

"If something is responsible, it must be me who takes the lead in the charge, how can there be a reason for your little brother to go up and send him to death!" Obedient to me now home!

"You're not wrong, your intentions are absolutely good!" But get out of here now!

Li Wan's roaring voice was directly to Lou Dahan, a little confused.

"Big brother's eloquence can be ah!"

"And I was really touched by the consideration for me!"

But after a while, this big man seemed to have thought of something and came back to his senses directly.

"But it's all acting! If you really want me to go, won't the eldest brother really have to completely resist all responsibilities?

"Then in the end, after the eldest brother leaves directly from here, won't he have to double his return!"

"No, no, no, absolutely not!"

Lou Dahan, who was originally a little moved in his heart, really reacted at this time.

A look of embarrassment was written on his face.

"No, big brother! Didn't we say okay to be each other's angels! How suddenly you want to abandon me!

"I don't want to part with my eldest brother!"

The crying look and feeling directly made Li Wan's almost nauseated, but he was very satisfied in his heart.

Even Li Wan's feeling of entering the role a little, I can't wait to start crying a few more times now.

But Tong Zixin couldn't stand it, although Gu Chen felt that it was still early.

It's okay to sit here and watch the duo perform, but... It's a bit spicy indeed.

Especially when the two of them were about to cry and hugged together, Gu Chen coughed lightly.

The first to respond was not Gu Chen, but Wan Guan, who sat honestly on the side and pricked up his ears to listen.

"It's kind of interesting, this guy is really full of survival desire!"

However, Gu Chen would not trust him because of this change in attitude.

What should be distrusted, is not trusted! This is a matter of principle.

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