
But fortunately, in the end, Gu Chen's cough directly broke Jiang Min's illusion.

"What do you think, I have something important to tell you!"

Jiang Min let out a faint sigh, and then made a look of deference.

"Well, I met someone in the middle of Xiangcheng Island today... who you probably don't want to meet."

Gu Chen felt that he should still fight with Jiang Min quickly? Directly came up and told Jiang Min that he had met the countess today.

But after scratching his lips, Gu Chen felt that he still had to give Jiang Min a little buffer.

However, just after Gu Chen finished his first sentence, Jiang Min had already widened his eyes.

"You mean, my biological mother came to Xiangcheng Island?"

"I already know about this..." But

who knows, Jiang Min actually already knows about the arrival of the countess.

He even showed an indifferent look.

"It's not a big thing, I have her GPS positioning, as long as the key recovery dodge is coming!"

"What I want to know is that Brother Gu Chen, did you abandon me and leave today, did you specifically find Sister Tong Zixin to eat alone!" That's what I'm focusing on! It's

just that her tone is not as indifferent as her expression.

"Ah, you know it."

Gu Chen scratched his head, since this is the case, he can only tell Jiang Min everything about today.

"However, the things on this road of wine and wealth still have to be deleted!"

Although Gu Chen knew in his heart that he must have given Jiang Min a reason, he couldn't say it too carefully.

Otherwise... Who knows what harm it will bring to Jiang Min.

"Okay, then I'll tell you what I did today!"

Therefore, Gu Chen told Jiang Min everything that happened today in the abridged version.

Hearing this, Jiang Min slowly lowered his arm around him, and a shocked look appeared on his face.

"There is also this kind of thing, then Brother Gu Chen, are we going to make a big profit this time!"

Jiang Min did not notice the risks hidden in Gu Chen's words.

Mainly because Jiang Min is still full of confidence in Gu Chen.

I feel that no matter what difficulties come to Gu Chen, they will be solved.

As for other rotten relationships or something, it's none of her business.

What she cares about is how much money Gu Chen can get.

"Ah this, it is estimated that it can make about a billion."

For Jiang Min's reaction, Gu Chen actually did not expect it.

But soon, Gu Chen reacted.

"It's okay, don't let Jiang Min come to understand so much business darkness, otherwise Jiang Min will probably not be happy if he thinks too much."

Jiang Min's face still smiled when he heard the billion billion.

"Wow, it's worthy of Brother Gu Chen, this shot is simply thunder and clouds infinitely attackable!"

After a few words of praise, Jiang Min asked when he and several of them left Xiangcheng Island.

Because she didn't really want to stay here anymore, if the countess still found her, she would still be a little embarrassed.

After all, there is no difference between yourself and saying goodbye.

"Go, it may take a little time, because there is a little problem now."

Gu Chen showed a helpless expression.

"Is it a dirt auction in three days?"

Jiang Min immediately grasped the point of the matter, and she even wanted to take out her computer immediately now and give the investigation of this soil auction three days later.

"Yes, as I just said, it is very likely that there will be a big move by the four major families against Li Jiahao at the soil auction in three days."

"We can be a mantis catcher with yellow finches behind."

"I have already thought about it, and in the past three days, I will find one of the small real estate construction developers who participated in the soil auction."

"It's the kind of developer who doesn't belong to the four major families at all and doesn't belong to Li Jiahao, and after taking this small developer, he goes to this soil auction instead of him to see what kind of medicine is sold in their gourd!"

Gu Chen directly told Jiang Min the plan he had discussed with Tong Zixin on the way back to the Astronomy Club.

"When necessary, we can even grab food and come to a wave of divine operations."

"It's just that the time to leave Xiangcheng Island will be reduced by then."

"Because I guess the countess might also go to this dirt auction!"

When Gu Chen said the front, Jiang Min actually didn't have any reaction at all, but just felt that Gu Chen's plan was simply seamless and perfect.

She was even calculating how much money Gu Chen could make this time, although she didn't know very well what the soil auction would be and how to use the soil auction to make money.

But this did not prevent Jiang Min from starting to build his own blueprint, until Gu Chen said that the countess might also come to this soil auction.

Jiang Min just brushed his head and said.

"She? How did she come? "


Gu Chen said the fact that seeing Li Wenquan today had almost become a countess, Jiang Min's brows furrowed directly after hearing this.

"She's messing around outside again! What a shameless woman.

Jiang Min directly scolded in front of Gu Chen.

At the same time, he was very disgusted with the actions of this countess.

"Then won't I be able to go to this dirt auction again!"

Jiang Min also realized that after the countess went to this auction, she would have to hide, and she felt a little unhappy when she thought about it.

However, Jiang Min is not the kind of person who does not know the occasion of the difference.

She said silently to herself.

"Okay, okay, if I don't go, I won't go, it doesn't matter, Brother Gu Chen, you will take Sister Tong Zixin with you!" I don't have a problem!

Gu Chen laughed directly when he heard this.

"Eh, but Xiaomin, I didn't say I was going, I just bought this small developer builder, not to replace him!"

"I can be with you behind the scenes, I don't need to go out at all!"

Gu Chen's words made Jiang Min snort and look flustered.

"Ah, I, I, I don't know what Brother Gu Chen thinks! Oops, you didn't say it earlier! Jiang

Min, who knew that he had said the wrong thing, directly stomped his foot and turned his head after a brief panic, indicating that he did not want to deal with Gu Chen.

After Gu Chen smiled again, he straightened Jiang Min over.

"Look at you, it's like a little gas bag."

"Okay, okay, let's sit behind the stage and watch the tiger fight!"

"It's just that if there is any problem after this dirt auction, we can go and participate, but we can't go. After all, this time it is very likely that it is directly facing the forces of the four major families and Li Jiahao.

"If something goes wrong at that time, I may not be able to protect you, so it's better to stay away!"

"Unless there is some special accident, after all, this dirt auction was made... However, in this Xiangcheng Island, they should have known long ago that the four major families and the five forces of Li Jiahao were not something to mess with.

"So they must have prepared earlier, but they don't know if they are fully prepared."

Gu Chen's explanation made Jiang Min completely quiet.

" So that's the case, then I really misunderstood you, Brother Gu Chen, I'm sorry!"

Jiang Min also followed the trend and apologized to Gu Chen.

The expression on his face also began to become a little shy.

"It's okay, as long as it's Xiaomin, any problem can be forgiven!"

He rubbed Jiang Min's head again spoiledly, and the two just looked at each other and smiled.

Li Jiajun did not feel very good at this time, and waited until he returned to his own territory.

He found Uncle Liu resting in his car shop with his eyes closed.

After Li Jiajun's arrival, Uncle Liu opened his eyes after realizing it.

"Oh, my God, you can be considered back!"

After seeing Li Jiajun, the heart that Uncle Liu had been hanging was finally put down directly.

He hurriedly stepped forward to caress and stroke Li Jiajun's body, constantly looking for wounds or defects on Li Jiajun's body.

I am afraid that if there is something wrong with this Li Jiajun, he will definitely be directly killed by Li Jiahao.

"Lying groove, don't touch it!"

But this Uncle Liu's operation directly put just from ... Li Jiajun, who came out, was taken aback.

Li Jiajun hurriedly pushed this Uncle Liu away, and the whole person kept adjusting his messy clothes.

At the same time, he also looked at this Uncle Liu with a strange vigilant look.

"Isn't your brain bad! It actually touched me around!

"I'm telling you, don't touch me even if you're an old glass, otherwise I will never let you go!"

Li Jiajun threatened this Uncle Liu, but he received a sneer from this guy.

"Hehe, I didn't, I was just worried about you! How could I be an old glass!

Uncle Liu began to explain for himself, but he didn't know why, he was still rubbing his hands while explaining, as if he was still recalling the previous touch.

Li Jiajun didn't want to deal with him.

"Okay, okay! If there is nothing else, if not, don't disgust me here! Get out of here! Li

Jiajun directly gave an eviction order to Uncle Liu.

But Uncle Liu has always been a man who goes to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, and if there is no important matter, he will not wait here forever.

In the face of Li Jiajun's eviction order, Uncle Liu did not choose to leave.

He even said with a silent smile.

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