"But they have already put down their cruel words, if you go back to find your father at this time, it will be a bit of a slap in the face!"

Li Jiajun chose the latter after a while in front of his brother who met in Pingshui and his own face.

This also means that Chen Yu's current situation is not very good.

Now Chen Yu's hands are tied behind him, and the whole person is lying on his back on a strange waterbed.

There were also some ropes and other things that fixed his body, so that he could not move at all.

The most important thing is that there is a huge LCD screen in front of him.

There are also some pictures on the screen that make people feel unbearable just by looking at it.

It's just that these images are favorites of some legendary LSPs.

Coupled with the mediation of exotic styles, it can be said that even a steel macho man will directly feel uncomfortable that he can't keep it.

Not to mention that now it is fixed in position and there is no way to move.

The head was also pulled, and he could only look at the position in front of him, and there was no way to move.

In fact, these are not fatal, the fatal thing is that Chen Yu ate a meal of ten complete ingredients before.

Now the whole person is hot, plus after seeing these movies, the whole person seems to be in a kind of furnace.

That's called an uncomfortable, that's called a pain.

Especially when Chen Mouren came to the controlled Chen Yu, his mockery made Chen Yu feel even more painful.

"Little brother Chen Yu, why is this just a short half day, you have become like this, old brother, I am very sad!"

Looking at Chen Yu, whose face was full of haggard writing, Chen Mouren smashed it twice, and spit out a mouthful of smoke on Chen Yu's face.

"Now tell me the purpose of Gu Chen bringing you to Xiangcheng Island, how about I let you be free?"

"Relief from what, I don't feel this temptation at all!"

Chen Mouren wanted to laugh when he looked at Chen Yu's flushed face and his indifferent eyes.

"Isn't it, Brother Chen, you can endure this?"

Chen Yu's mouth was still very tough and said.

"Hmph, don't think that I don't know that you are using this method on me now because President Gu has already come to save me, and you will make such a despicable means to set my words!"

"Oh, that's clever!"

Praised Chen Yu, but Chen Mouren didn't want to let him go so easily.

Silently came behind him and opened a strange potion.

"What a thing!"

Although I don't know what medicine is sold in Chen Mouren's gourd.

However, Chen Yu sensed that something was wrong, because when Chen Mouren dropped this potion on himself.

He clearly felt his heart beat faster.

"If you feel uncomfortable, tell me what Gu Chen wants to do!"

"No, it can't be!"

Chen Yu gritted his teeth and crowned his teeth, thinking that the price this time was too great, and he must let President Gu increase his salary when he went back!

Chen Mouren looked at this, Chen Yu was still hard-mouthed, and did not say anything more.

Just turn around and go.

Chen Mo waited at the door, not expecting his eldest brother to come out so soon.

"Is this the end of it?"

"The end? It's just the beginning, and when I will remember to arrange someone to loosen his bindings, don't really suffocate him, Gu Chen will be difficult to explain there. "

Ah, is that so?"

In fact, Chen Mo thought that his eldest brother Chen Moren wanted to threaten Gu Chen with this guy's life.

The result really did not expect thunder to be loud and rain small.

But that's fine....

After all, sometimes Chen Mo felt a bit of a headache when he thought about Gu Chen's crazy means of preferring not to have money.

If this made Gu Chen start to take revenge madly without any scruples, what if they killed Chen Yu.

After all, it is to kill the enemy, and I don't know how many billions of self-damage.

"Okay, I see!"

So at this time, Chen Mo nodded and expressed his understanding.

"Okay, I'm leaving."

After explaining that he was silent for a few words, Chen Mouren left the place.

The time of the night passed quickly, but Li Jiahao had a feeling that the seconds were like years.

He looked at the people who kept spinning around his hall.

Everyone was in a thick cold sweat on their heads.

Even if the air conditioner and ice cubes and the refrigerator were on, they were still sweating and the whole person seemed to be in a puddle.

After all, everyone has a simple document in their hands, a small signature.

It may represent a value of more than 100 million assets.

So, it's fake not to be nervous, the real situation is that they have already taken a lot of calming potions before they go on the field.

Others have lots and lots of gum stuffed in their mouths.

Yes, it is chewing gum that looks very cheap in secret, but has a very large effect.

Because they can release some of the stress by chewing in this way, the most important thing is that the sugar in it can also bring them a little secretion similar to dopamine.

It can put their brains in a feeling of excitement and IQ online.

The most important thing is to be able to distract them a little so that they don't have so much pressure.

Although the effect is not very good.

"How's it going?"

Li Jiahao looked at the scene in front of him, and the whole person seemed to be a little distracted.

But the so-called companion is like a companion tiger, such as Li Jiahao, the people around him should pay attention to and be afraid of the most.

In fact, it was his unconscious questioning.

"At present, most of the virtual assets are transferred through some money laundering, but in order to hide our ears, we still leave close to more than 30 billion financial products."

"As for fixed assets, we need further screening and thorough transfer, and most of the funds are being returned, and they have basically been placed on the Wanhao Stock Exchange."

"These funds are also stored in the anonymous accounts we have collected over the years according to the cash flow in batches, and even Chen Mouren does not know the origin of these accounts and will not notice the affairs of these accounts."

But fortunately, the man who followed Li Jiahao had a clear mind and a very stable thought.

The most important thing is that his mood is very calm, calm to the point that even if he has no emotion in the face of Li Jiahao, he looks over with the power of a superior person.

He was still able to look back without humility, and his face was filled with a light called professionalism.

Li Jiahao seemed a little dissatisfied, and said lightly after withdrawing his gaze.

"It's too slow, to speed up the conversion rate a little, contact the Chade family when necessary, let them help convert, don't care about the handling fee, there will definitely be people willing to help."

But the man next to Li Jiahao who looked like a secretary poured cold water on Li Jiahao and said.

"No, the movement is too big, the people of the Chade family are not fools, they also have their own enemies and their own ideas, if we do this, it is difficult not to run into some people who want to take advantage of the fire and rob."

"If you are in such a hurry, why not ask your queen to play your knighthood role."

He pushed the edge of his silver glasses, and the whole person exuded an indifferent momentum.

Moreover, he did not care about Li Jiahao's thoughts at all, and directly integrated the information he knew, and then told Li Jiahao after speculating that these things came out according to the current stage.

Li Jiahao did not feel angry or have any negative emotions because of his attitude.

He just glanced at the man very indifferently.

"Then how to go out of the capital problem in terms of fixed assets."

"Land trading."

Without any pause, the secretary-like man spoke directly.

He flipped the tablet in his hand, and the light curtain on it showed the final transaction amount of each land price.

"It's the fastest and most legal way to get it, and most importantly, to be able to avoid huge taxes without any burden."


Li Jiahao directly asked this man's most critical question.

"Auction this land at the highest price, and in the last six months, build the most perfect land plan and commercial plan!"

"Attract investment, open a real estate and prepare to start selling, but all the construction development work will be handed over to foreign countries, that is, the outsourcers we have prepared for a long time."

"Directly hand over all our money under the perfect pretext, and the most important thing is that the country tax opened by this outsourcing company is very small!"

"Even if the international financial police chase us, we have a perfect excuse for tax evasion." And they're unlikely to do that. When

Li Jiahao heard this, a big chess game suddenly appeared in his mind, but I don't know why, Li Jiahao, who has never considered other things, listened to this time it was completely beneficial to himself and did not have any sequelae.

It can even be said that after a very perfect plan, I raised my own doubts.

"The land project that's left behind... What about those properties....what about the people who bought here?

After saying a paragraph, although Li Jiahao was still expressionless, he was completely stunned by the secretary man on the side.

His glasses slipped silently and tasted a little unconscious, and he even forgot to hold them.

Until the glasses were about to fall on the tip of his nose, he finally reacted and directly stretched out his hand to support it.

But the shock in the man's eyes continued.

It even makes people a little unsure of what to say.

"Is it auditory hallucinations in my head? Or is Li Jiahao finally crazy under so much pressure?

"It shouldn't be, so many winds and waves have risen, there is no need to collapse directly at this time!"

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