"But if this Chen Mouren really wants to do something wrong...don't blame me for smashing the plate."

"Unless this guy doesn't want this brand of Dakang Construction Group, he shouldn't do such a crazy thing."

After pondering for a while, Gu Chen silently thought about some things, and at the same time looked at the big market.

Keen enough, he seemed to have found something wrong again.

"Why is the trend of today's market always constantly volatile, as if someone is trading with their left hand to right hand."

"But in this case, the trading volume went up, the volatility also went up, but a lot of transaction fees were lost!"

"No, unless the exchange operates itself, it can directly save all the transaction fees."

"That is to say, if there is such a large-scale exchange, isn't it the Wanhao Stock Exchange?"

After thinking of this, Gu Chen seemed to understand something.

"Chen Moren must be doing something big, and my previous Langhua Investment Co., Ltd.'s acquisition of their Dakang Construction Group's stock just gave him an excuse to get sick!"

Even, Chen Mouren originally planned to start these abnormal operations today. It's just that it happened to run into my operation, which happened to be using a donkey downhill to engage in such a cover-up behavior.

"In that case, wouldn't I be treated like a gun?"

Gu Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, always feeling as if he had received some deception.

Although this deception should be able to make Gu Chen earn about a billion dollars, Gu Chen did not like the feeling of being tricked and getting a large amount of money.

It really made Gu Chen feel a bit like he had paid something in exchange for money.

This feeling made Gu Chen feel very uncomfortable.

Therefore, Gu Chen decided.

"Since you don't care so much about the shares of Dakang Construction Group, and you dare to smash the market like this, then I'm sorry, today I want to let you know what it means to steal chickens without losing rice!"

Gu Chen, who had pondered clearly, directly took out his mobile phone and called Wang Wei.

At this time, Wang Wei was constantly calculating something with his group of people.

Countless fluctuation streaks and oscillating conditions have been listed.

Wang Wei was still saying something.

His emotions were more excited, because Gu Chen's words, it was really not difficult to earn a billion yuan.

The difficulty is that Gu Chen does not let them earn more.

It is because of this limitation that Wang Wei will be embarrassed, and when letting his traders take action, Wang Wei will also remind them not to go too far.

Everyone has their own quota on their hands, which cannot be exceeded or too little.

It's just that the quota for this kind of operation still needs to be set by Wang for them, which is why Wang Wei is frantically calculating while letting his traders buy the shares of Dakang Construction Group.

Calculate how many suitable places they have to sell their shares.

After all, the number of these shares purchased by Wang Wei using Langhua Investment Co., Ltd. is really a bit large.

So big that Wang Wei had to use his perfect team to calculate the data.

It's also the kind of painstaking kind.

Therefore, when Gu Chen called, Wang Wei's heart was still quite bumpy, until Gu Chen said to him.

"Okay, you don't need to set any shackles for yourself now!"

"I don't have any opinion on how many shares you want to buy! I only have one word to tell you!

"Don't give me any cost!"

Although Gu Chen's last sentence was still very gentle, Wang Wei could hear that Gu Chen's current mood seemed to be a little up.

Wang Wei did not dare to rebel, or make any disobedient feelings towards Gu Chen in his current state.

He said directly to Gu Chen as before.

"Okay, Mr. Gu! Mission accomplished! I must exhaust the robbery of the Dakang Construction Group today!

"I definitely won't disgrace you to President Gu!" Please rest assured! Wang

Wei, who was as if he had made a military order, directly made a guarantee to Gu Chen.

Satisfied Gu Chen nodded, and Gu Chen hung up the phone.

Then I remembered that this was not a video call, this Wang Wei couldn't see his own appearance, and he nodded for something.

"Forget it, it's a bit top, then let Chen Mouren see the energy of our Longteng Group!"

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Gu Chen's mouth, but he looked very confident.

At this time, Gu Chen didn't know how much trouble his operation had brought to Chen Mouren.

In the Wanhao Stock Exchange, when they are doing their job to help their bulk customers trade.

Suddenly, Li Jiasheng seemed to have discovered something strange.

He looked at the abnormal trading volume that jumped up on the big screen in front of him.

Plus all sorts of messy indicators in it.

Li Jiasheng had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Who is so crazy that they are actually sniping at the market? Why all stocks now feel half-dead.

"Who's pulling and who's doing things!"

A strange look appeared on his face, and he just stood up directly and wanted to find Chen Mouren to report the situation.

However, who knew that Li Jiasheng seemed to have thought of something at the moment when he just got up.

No, no, no! There are only a few people or families who have the courage and ability to do things on Xiangcheng Island, and they can spend so much effort to do things, and it can even be said that they can disrupt the market... There are not a few!

"If I make a rash move at this time, will there be any bad situation and cause any bad consequences!"

"No, let's take a look for now!"

Because Li Jiasheng knew his special identity, from childhood to adulthood, he was taught to hide himself well.

You can't be too showy, and you can't be perfect.

So, in the Wanhao Stock Exchange, there are seven executives and vice presidents of the same class as him, but he is the one who is the most low-key.

His presence is also very low, and even his office is in this humid little corner behind the sun.

Although the room is also very large, it is very gloomy.

This led to the heavier yin qi on Li Jiasheng's side.

In addition, Li Jiasheng does not have any subordinates, basically no one will come here to look for him or something.

Although Li Jiasheng also thinks this is good, but in the Wanhao Stock Exchange, he can be regarded as a loner.

So who cares what a lone man says.

"Looking for Chen Mouren?"

"No, this guy has long been like that salted fish, if you go to him, wouldn't it be a waste of time, and he would be said!"

"But if you don't look for him, no one knows what will happen in the end!"

"It's really hard to choose!"

Li Jiasheng was caught in a conflict, and he always felt that he should probably report it, maybe he should ignore himself.

"After all, no one knows who this person who disrupts the market is."

"And according to the current situation, the market has been in a shaky environment, and there is nothing wrong, that is, the purpose is also very unclear."

"In other words, it is impossible to tell who the person who is secretly fluctuating the market is and what the purpose is!"

Li Jiasheng thought and sat back in his place.

He began to think about the cause and effect if he actively exposed himself.

"If someone really wants to do something, I report it, and the attention is increased and the exposure is enhanced!"

"Directly let everyone's eyes pay attention to me, and after the matter is resolved, start to discuss me!"

Li Jiasheng thought of a sentence that he had been told that he did not know whether it was true or false.

"You have to hide yourself at all times, if your true identity is exposed, the people of the four major families will not let you go!" Because they allowed a waste-like Lee Jiajun to exist. "

But you will never allow a perfect successor like Li Jiahao, if they find you, then the previous shocking rich kidnapping case will happen again!"

"You also don't want to stay up to the day when Li Jiahao takes the initiative to admit you, restore your identity, then pay attention, don't let people discover your identity, and don't let people feel that something is wrong with you!" Let's live safely for the time being!

That was the most impressive sentence Li Jiasheng had heard, and it was also the reason why he had always respected Chen Mouren very much.

Even now, Li Jiasheng still puts Chen Mouren's status at the same height as Li Jiahao in his heart.

It is said that the non-biological father who is completely thicker than water is almost the same.

Of course, because of Li Jiasheng's identity.

He could feel Chen Mouren's alienation from him at some point, but he felt very normal.

Without even the slightest concern, he still took the initiative to get closer to Chen Mouren a little more.

Therefore, just after Li Jiasheng thought that there was really something, the person he could rely on was Chen Mouren.

"Then I'll go straight to him and let him credit himself for all the anomalies, while I still hide behind the scenes!"

Similarly, after thinking of this perfect solution, Li Jiasheng thought of if there was nothing to do.

"It's just a technical adjustment of the broader market, or it's just a normal phenomenon that I haven't seen before!"

Thinking about it like this, Li Jiasheng felt that his behavior was very correct.

"Anyway, if there is something, let Chen Moren go up, and I will fight in the back!"

"It would be best if nothing happened! Everyone's happy! "

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