Gu Chen could hear it from this lament, this guy simply didn't listen to his own words well.

However, Gu Chen is quite tolerant of people with skills.

Especially for a talent like Tong Zixin, Gu Chen wouldn't be angry at all.

Just said to her silently.

"It's a pity, I didn't touch Li Jiahao's back hand, otherwise I can live two tricks with this guy, isn't it good, so I don't have to care about so much!" You're right?

Gu Chen looked at Tong Zixin, at this time, Tong Zixin seemed to be normal, and said it directly.

"Mr. Gu, I want to ask you something."

Because she had never seen Tong Zixin and herself ask for anything, but Gu Chen himself had made some requests to her.

Therefore, Gu Chen was still very able to listen to Tong Zixin's request.

"You say."

"I want to seal up all these concentric coins at that time and no longer sell or exchange them."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan, A Yue and others, who were still buying concentric coins, were stunned.

One by one, both stopped their movements and looked at Tong Zixin.

They were very strange and shocked.

Because what Tong Zixin said was as if he wanted Gu Chen to give up the investment of two billion, it was directly to turn this concentric coin from a virtual asset that could be repaid at will to no way to make a move.

It can even be said that fixed assets that have no use in general will not have any value at all.

Gu Chen's 200 million is completely lost, and it is directly useless.

Therefore, after thinking of this consequence, Lin Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan, Ayue and others were silently silent.

If this were to happen to them...

they would never have been able to do these things.

Then the problem is, they really can't imagine what kind of person can be so generous and directly abandon the 200 million.

Well, maybe according to the current situation, there is no need for two hundred million to completely smash into this concentric coin.

However, for them, or in terms of evaluation, they can complete the complete acquisition of Concentric Coin with only about 800 million dollars.

Why, because this purchase went very smoothly, firstly, there was no resistance.

Second, there is no coaxing situation.

This led to their acquisition being a fish in water.

It's just that not to mention 800 million, 80,000 yuan is a lot for the average person.

Thinking so, everyone's attention, including Jiang Min Mia.

They all silently looked at Gu Chen, the final decider of all this.

They were all thinking about what kind of decision Gu Chen would make.

It was under this thought that Gu Chen silently showed a strange look.

"You said you want me to seal the concentric coins directly? Can I ask why? Gu

Chen was actually not reluctant to give up his own money, but suddenly this boy Zixin said so.

It really made him scratch his head.

So at the very least, he had to find out this boy Zixin's motives first, otherwise, he blindly agreed to her request.

It's inevitable that it will be a little unspeakable.

Gu Chen's question made Tong Zixin seem a little stunned.

An embarrassed smile appeared on her face.

Indeed, she also sensed that something was wrong.

"I, I just said some nonsense!"

Thinking of this, Tong Zixin now just wants to find a hole to drill into, because she really regrets it at this time.

Because my mind was not very clear at that time, I said those words.

The current situation is simply a headache for her to be tortured.

The most important thing is that in the face of Gu Chen's concerned eyes, Tong Zixin really didn't know how to answer.

So in the end, I can only tell all my previous thoughts.

"Actually, it's like this!"

"My situation just now is actually quite complicated!"

Tong Zixin said all the sudden shaking of his mind and the feeling he suddenly had.

A rare blush appeared on his face.

The whole person is a little fluttering, and I don't know what words to use to describe it.

All in all, it is very attractive.

Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan, Ayue and others who watched were a little stunned, and they didn't expect that Tong Zixin, who was still a strong woman just now, would actually have such a little daughter posture at this time.

This is indeed something they did not expect.

What I didn't expect was that although Tong Zixin looked twisted, the logic of thinking in his heart was still very clear.

"Mainly, the impact of Concentric Coin on me over the years has been too negative and too disturbing to my life."

"Coupled with some of my early obsessive ideas, I have been deeply immersed in it until now, and I can't help myself, if I end up trading this concentric coin as a blockchain currency."

"I don't know if I will become a bad estate myself and use it to make money."

Tong Zixin, who spoke his thoughts in his heart, was originally worried about these problems.

Gu Chen saw that she wanted to say something, and there must be some other worries.

But the problem is not big, in his heart, Gu Chen has already decided to agree to Tong Zixin's request.

"Okay, no problem."

Gu Chen's simple words suddenly made everyone present stunned.

All of them looked at Gu Chen incredulously, as if they were looking at some incredible alien.

"This is not 120 million, this is hundreds of millions of concentric coins!"

"Mr. Gu is really... What a lot of money! Lin

Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo and the others looked at each other, and they didn't know what to say.

They were all in a state of stunnedness.

Because this suddenly decided a billion-level topic in just a few words, it shocked Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo and others very much, making them feel unreal.

Therefore, when Gu Chen finished speaking, Tong Zixin showed a touched smile on his face.

Lin Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo and the others didn't know what to say, so they continued to bury their heads and work hard, although they felt that their hands were still constantly tapping, but they didn't have the happiness they had acquired before.

Some are just a kind of indifferent stunnedness.

Because suddenly they suddenly discovered that what they had desperately wanted to get before, after saying it so lightly and indifferently in the mouths of others, they realized the truth of nothingness.

"You can never imagine the happiness of a rich person."

Tong Zixin's heart was the most shocking.

But because there were too many people at the scene, Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo and others, as well as Mia and Jiang Min, were here.

Even Tong Zixin, who wanted to dedicate himself directly to Gu Chen because he was moved, could only hold back and not speak.

Thousands of words directly converged into a faint smile.

In the end, what else could she say, of course, she just went back to work.

Although he said that he would completely seal the concentric coin, in fact, Tong Zixin was silently planning to do something.

Seeing that Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo and the others had resumed their working state.

Gu Chen nodded reassuringly.

"It seems that there is no problem here, the problem still depends on the stock market."

Thinking so, Gu Chen returned to those computers.

He found that although the broader market was still changing during the period of his departure, the magnitude and trend were very small.

Basically, there is not much trading volume or anything.

This made Gu Chen feel very wonderful.

However, thinking that today was just opening for a while, he patiently looked at the market.

"I'm going to see who is going to play with flowers today."

Gu Chen sat down directly and made another call to Wang Wei at the same time.

"How is it now."

It was a direct sentence that did not have any twists and turns, which immediately made Wang Wei nervous.

He looked at the counting thing he had temporarily pulled out, and the stock shares on it had eaten a lot compared to before.

Basically, it is almost about 30 percent share.

But at this time, Wang Wei found that when he grabbed the chips, there was a little problem.

He didn't have any hesitation and directly told Gu Chen about his findings.

"President Gu is not right, someone is grabbing chips with us, and the speed is quite fast, although we grabbed five percent more of the shares of the Dakang Construction Group Company, but the stocks behind can't be grabbed at all!"

Gu Chen frowned, because he didn't believe that his subordinates' professional abilities would not even be able to grab some stocks.

What he cares about is how the five-percent figure comes about.

That's what makes him scruple.

"Five percent? Do you calculate how much money we would make if the 5% of the position we opened today plus the 25% of the previous shares were sold and sold after deducting the handling fee?

So in order to verify what Gu Chen was thinking, he directly asked Wang Wei to operate it now.

Although Wang Wei was stunned when he heard Gu Chen's order, he quickly took action, he would not be stupid to waste time with Gu Chen asking for evidence or chasing after some messy things at this time.

In short, what Gu Chen says now, he can't do anything wrong.

"Okay, Mr. Gu, I'll calculate!"

After saying this, Wang Wei did not hang up the phone directly, joking that he was just a small worker.

How could he hang up Gu Chen's phone.

Wang Wei, who had sparked lightning all the way, quickly found out the price of the five percent of the shares of Dakang Construction Group.

Then he silently calculated that he had led the gang to buy about 25% of the stock before.

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