Immediately, when Liu Si saw the badge on Gu Chen's chest, the panic in her heart completely disappeared.

In its place is a faint sense of reassurance.

"It turns out that you have already given this thing to Gu Chen, no wonder you said don't be afraid that Gu Chen will conflict with our people, the feeling is that you have already prepared everything!"

"It's you!"

Silently admiring Gu Chen in his heart, Liu Si put down his mobile phone and came to Gu Chen and Jiang Min's side with peace of mind, sat down again and said.

"Don't worry, eat, and talk after eating."

As he spoke, this Liu Si actually just took the bowl directly to eat.

Jiang Min was confused by the second monk, so he could only set his eyes on Gu Chen, hoping to get an answer from Gu Chen.

However, Gu Chen looked at Liu Si, who was eating with relish, thoughtfully.

He looked at the badge on his chest, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he also said to Jiang Min, who was looking at him.

"It's okay, let's eat."

Saying that, Gu Chen also silently picked up the bowl and chopsticks and prepared to eat and drink.

Jiang Min was blinded, but he had to pick up the bowl and chopsticks and eat and drink with Gu Chen and Liu Si.

And just when the wind and waves in this room are calm.

The situation in the outside world is not at all as calm as they are.

Three middle-aged and elderly people who are over half a hundred years old and their younger brothers are putting pressure on the five people standing at the door.

"Chairman Zhang, Chairman Zhou, and Chairman Xin, the three of you are tired from coming from afar, let's sit down and have a sip of tea first."

Lang Mingyue saw that the situation seemed a little wrong, and hurriedly came up to play a circle.

But it is a pity that at this time, the three presidents of the Red Flower Association headed by Chairman Zhang did not come to drink tea and eat, but they came to take over Li Jiajun in order to extort a sum of Li Jiahao to get some start-up capital!

"You go away, you haven't solved the roadblock, and this is a little bug cockroach that jumps out again, who do you think you are!"

Lang Mingyue, who was pushed away by Chairman Zhang's slap, was not angry, but Li Wan's was a little unbearable.

"No, where did you get the courage to move your hands and feet, although it is said that Lang Mingyue is quite bad, but also look at the occasion is good, your Uncle Li is still here.... This. Originally

, Li Cheng wanted to stand up and ask for justice for Lang Mingyue, but it was a pity.

Just as Li finished the first two sentences, the younger disciples behind the three Red Flower Society presidents began to roll up their sleeves and show off their muscles.

This made Li Wan, of course, the momentum became weaker and weaker, and in the end, he directly lowered his proud head.

"Okay, that's it."

At this moment, Wu Lan spoke.

He lightly tapped the ground, and the thick sound of the crutches and the earth made Li Wan, as if it was the backbone of the main heart, making Li Wan, and Lang Mingyue both feel the power.

At the same time, let their two heads also unconsciously raise again.

"Elder Wu, are you really going to stop us?"

Chairman Zhang looked at Wu Lan, and his whole person showed a very dangerous look.

"You have to know that Elder Wu, isn't blocking people's wealth blocking the way of life? If you do this, I can promise, my brothers will not agree! He

even said something that resembled a threat, but it was actually a threat.

However, Wu Lan did not have any reaction, and even his body did not shake.

The bald man with sunglasses glanced back at the private room behind him anxiously.

Thinking about what my young lady is doing inside, I can't come out yet! He really can't stand it.

Where has the leading little brother seen this situation, and the little brother brought by Chairman Zhang is all muscular men who don't look easy to mess with, if he smashes a fist on his body, I'm afraid he really can't eat it.

Thinking so, the leading little brother even wanted to run away quickly.

However, Chairman Zhang's people surrounded them one step ahead, and they didn't have any intention of letting him go.

At this time, this leading little brother could only put all his hopes on Wu Lan.

Wu Lan did not panic about the little brothers who surrounded him.

He just looked at that Chairman Zhang coldly and said.

"Are you really going to do this kind of thing? Now is not the past, as long as there are traces left, they will definitely be found!

"At that time, the people who will be implicated will not be you people, and the entire Blue and Flower Hall Red Flower Society will be purged because of you!" Do you take responsibility for this? In

the last sentence, Wu Lan was full of breath, his voice was thick, and the whole person seemed to be full of light, which directly shocked the younger disciples around this guild president.

They subconsciously look at me and I look at you, as if they also know how dangerous what they are going to do today is.

There are even some people who are very repulsive to doing these things in their hearts.

If they hadn't been forced by their own guild leader, or if the general trend was going on, they would never have moved.

Wouldn't even come to this place.

"Shut up! You, the hall master of the Blue and Flower Hall who only knows how to sit high in the upper position, what qualifications do you have to talk about our Red Flower Society!"

"And you know what, do you know how bad the situation that our Qinghuatang Red Flower will face right now is!"

"Do you know that the number of young people who have joined us in recent years has been decreasing, and they would rather go to work in the big company and factory of 996 every day than follow behind us!"

"Do you know why this is, Elder Wu! Isn't it all because the capital of our Qinghuatang Red Flower Club has always been in a state of deficit?

"So our Qinghuatang Red Flower Club is constantly declining every day and every year, and even now, our Qinghuatang Red Flower Festival is less than half of what it was ten years ago!" What a concept!

"A few of the children we sent to school and graduated at a high price were willing to return to our Qinghuatang Red Flower Club to help, and occasionally one or two came back thinking about our old relationship, but after some calculation!"

"They found that if our Qinghuatang Red Flower will continue according to the current situation, it will eventually survive in name only in the next five years and directly enter the state of aging of all employees!"

"What will we do then, what will happen to the future of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, will they really disappear directly into history? Let's make this century-old gang disappear?

Chairman Zhang's words were directly said, and the faces of the little brothers around him turned red one by one.

Wu Lan was also said to silently lower her head, and finally she could only say a word silently.

"However, this cannot be the reason why our Qinghuatang Honghua Society really committed crimes, now it is not before, we kidnapped the son of Li Jiahao, the richest man on Xiangcheng Island!"

"Have you forgotten that man's means, to be honest, I really didn't believe it when I first heard that our people really caught Li Jiajun, and I was always worried about whether it would be Li Jiahao's own bait and wanted to kill us all!" That's why I came here to see what was going on. "

You said that you are thinking about the future of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, so I can understand your efforts during this period very well, and even I have thought about how to help you safely retreat."

"But the risk is too great, you know, no matter how I arrange, it's good if there is no accident, if something happens, everyone will be implicated, and there is no problem if you want to get money to inject fresh blood into the Qinghuatang Safflower!"

"But it's not the right way! Xiao Zhang!

When Wu Lan said the last sentence, the crutches in his hand couldn't help but frantically click three times on the ground to signal Chairman Zhang's psychology at this time.

Chairman Zhang, Chairman Zhou, and Chairman Xin also fell silent at this time.

The little brothers around them also almost showed a look of embarrassment for the future.

All the people in the audience were only Li Wan, and the leading younger brother, although they were shocked to hear Wu Lan speak.

However, there is always no way to bring in the role of their so-called Blue and Flower Hall Red Flower Society.

Even Li Wan, who had been thinking about a problem.

"In the end, the level of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society is too high, which is why we have never heard of their names."

"Still, it's really like Uncle Wu said, the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society will exist in name only in a few years, so the current level is also very low, so I haven't heard of it."

"Moreover, when they just said kidnapping, who did they kidnap?"

In fact, Li Wan's time was a little hindsighted.

Especially when Li Wan, based on this conversation between Wu Lan and Chairman Zhang, learned that they had kidnapped Li Jiajun, the son of Li Jiahao, the richest man on Xiangcheng Island.

Li Quan actually didn't think so much, and always thought that it was the same name or that he had misheard.

But after thinking about it carefully, Li Quan silently increased his breathing.

He looked at the young disciples of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society who were all muscular men, and then looked at the several guild presidents who were awe-inspiring and the Wu Lan.

A very terrible and bad premonition suddenly appeared in Li Wan's heart.

"What they won't say is true, what kind of Qinghuatang Red Flower will really kidnap Li Jiajun!" This is to change the whole Xiangcheng Island! To

be honest, Li Wan, at this time, was indeed a little scared, after all, he was still among these people of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society.

If it is misunderstood, especially by Li Jiahao, wouldn't it be very embarrassing.

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