"So it's very reasonable that I haven't been staring at the market for a long time, right?"

Chen Moren directly began to play the emotional card.

"After all, after so many years, I have also reached the grade where it is time to retire, where there are so many ideas and abilities to pay attention to these stocks on the financial market, I have to get by!" Brother Hao! "

The last Hao brother, Chen Mouren used all his strength, or brought feelings.

All of a sudden, Li Jiahao, who was originally a little angry, did not know what to say.

"Okay, okay, don't you blame me for not letting you retire!" What is this, I tell you that there is a great opportunity in front of you now, don't blame me for not telling you, I reminded you. Li

Jiahao finally said something directly that seemed to be drawing cakes and as if he was informing.

It's just that Chen Mouren listened to this Li Jiahao on his lips, but he had already been complaining madly about this Li Jiahao in his heart.

"Huh, feel a good chance? It's just for me to stay on this Xiangcheng Island and face the wrath of the four major families with your abandoned child!" I really thought I didn't know what you wanted to do!

Chen Mouren thought so, and after arguing with Li Jiahao for a while longer.

Li Jiahao seemed to be a little impatient, so he decisively hung up the phone.

Leaving Chen Mouren to look at the telephone in his hand with a smile and sneer.

"That's it?"

He put the phone down and looked back at the computer in front of him.

"Everything is going according to plan! Very good!

Chen Mouren himself muttered such a sentence, and at the same time began a deeper plan himself.

In the presidential suite of the Grand Hotel, the countess began to prepare for the evening date after using a super dirty means to threaten Li Wan.

"What a fool!"

Standing in front of the mirror, the countess looked at the complete set of gold and silver jewelry and cosmetics and skin care products that were comparable in price to these gold and silver jewelry on her dressing table, and her eyes were filled with a sense of vanity satisfaction.

Although this countess herself has a lot of money, it is all a quota.

Even if she usually spends money indiscriminately, it is impossible to really see what she likes and buy it directly, let alone this kind of direct content, no matter what kind of cosmetics, as long as it is a big brand.

As long as it is a new product that has just come out, buy it all, buy it all, buy the whole set!

I don't buy it all and use it, so I put it on my own table for myself to enjoy.

What is this concept, this is the real rich man.

"In fact, think about it, this Li Wenquan is not only good, but also honest and easy to deceive, and the most important thing is that there is a lot of money, and in the future, he will still be the heir of the Li family, and he will become the patriarch of the family in the future."

"This is simply the prospect of infinity!"

The countess thought as she delicately opened a powder and tried it on her face.

Then gently pick up a necklace worth three million and gesture around his neck.

Probably feeling that she was not worthy of her brilliance, the countess silently put down the diamond necklace.

Then he picked up a jadeite that was close to four million and put it around his neck.

"Well, this looks pretty good, green sets off people."

Finally, the countess chose her accessories, and then continued to toss on her face.

It's just that I don't know why after tossing for a while, this countess always feels that her makeup is always badly drawn, which makes his heart a little irritable.

I'm so irritable that I don't even know what to do.

So, putting down the eyebrow pencil in her hand, the countess silently opened her mobile phone and looked at Li Wenquan's chat dialog box and frowned silently.

"Strange, usually this man wants to send me a hundred messages every hour, but why today suddenly it seems to be trapped in some kind of village without a signal, and the whole person has no reaction?"

"This is not right!"

Originally, this countess would not respond to this Li Wenquan easily, and even if she responded, she picked a few responses.

But now more than two hours have passed since Li Wenquan's last message, and this long and somewhat wrong situation instantly made this countess vigilant.

"It seems that Li Wenquan realized his dog licking behavior and wanted to change it?"

"But what are you going to do against me?"

A mocking smile leaked from the corner of the countess's mouth, and then silently sent one to Li Wenquan.

"Are you there?"

Then the countess put her phone aside and continued her dressing.

Even in order to make this Li Wenquan not disturb herself, she also very deliberately set her mobile phone to do not disturb mode.

Even when your phone is on the lock screen, no calls will come in.

It was this kind of self-confidence that suddenly made this countess feel a lot better.

It's just that after being busy for about half an hour, she felt that it was almost the same, and now Li Wenquan should have experienced the initial surprise after seeing the news, and finally the fanaticism and doubts in the back to the uncomfortable and crazy changes, should be a lot better, right?

Thinking so, the countess was very natural and graceful, and raised her hand to pick up the mobile phone.

But the moment he turned on his mobile phone, the imaginary mobile phone bombing did not appear.

The countess also did not see her ultimate licking dog send crazy messages to herself, without the crazy and uncomfortable steps.

Only the sentence she sent at the beginning was there, lying very quietly and with a mocking feeling on the chat record between this countess and Li Wenquan.

In an instant, this situation hit this countess from the big beautiful planet, and suddenly made her unhappy mood soar.

“ ?"

So, the countess silently sent a question mark to Li Wenquan's mobile phone, and then she angrily threw her mobile phone to the other side.

Don't feel sorry for anything, anyway, when she passed by the digital store before, she also directly let this Li Wenquan buy all the top-equipped mainstream machines for him, as long as she is happy, she can change the card at any time and use a new mobile phone.

It's just that this countess at that time did not realize the seriousness of the matter.

When she picked up her mobile phone again after a while, she still found that no one responded to her, and suddenly the countess's anger rushed again.

"Li Wenquan!"

She angrily used her flexible fingers to type Li Wenquan's name, but this time she did not send it on point, but directly changed to the form of a text message and resent it, in the Countess's expectation.

"If Li Wenquan saw my news, he should immediately call me and apologize and ask for my forgiveness!"

Thinking so, this countess was in a much better mood.

It's just that what she doesn't know is that at this time, Li Wenquan has long been unable to protect herself, and if she has the opportunity to take a mobile phone, she will definitely not call this countess, but will call her family to call for support!

Of course, Li Wenquan will not have that opportunity.

In the same way, this countess did not wait for the call, so she was extremely angry and directly called Li Wenquan's phone.

"You'd better give me a good excuse, or I won't deal with you again!"

While she found Li Wenquan's phone, she called it while thinking so fiercely in her heart.

"The phone you made is turned off."

However, it was not Li Wenquan who answered the phone, but a very cold electronic response.

At this moment, this countess really directly slammed her mobile phone on the ground, and the screen instantly became shattered, and there was even a small spark for a moment.

"Damn it! Li Wenquan, where the hell did you die! At

this time, the countess was really angry, so angry that she thought of her other tool man.

"Yes, ask Li Wenquan's fart Li Wan, maybe he knows where Li Wenquan went!"

Just do it, she directly found the mobile phone that was smashed by herself, and then silently took out the calling card and stuffed it into a new mobile phone.

Looking at the boot interface of the new mobile phone, as well as the logo of the divine state, this countess's mood finally improved a little.

Of course, if this countess knew that this Shenzhou mobile phone was actually manufactured by Gu Chen's company, I am afraid that this countess would not feel a little better.

" I found Li Wan!"

At this time, the countess also found Li Wan's phone number, but at the moment when it was dialed, there was also an indifferent mechanical and electronic tone on the phone.

In an instant, the countess had a feeling of absurd dream shattering, and she turned her head to look at her broken mobile phone.

I don't know why, but a feeling of desolation hit my heart directly.

There was also a feeling of covering her, which also surged up in an instant, wanting to devour her up.

"You guys, play this set!"

But soon, the countess gritted her teeth and said this, and then she began to pack her own bags.

But it's not alone in that idiot's cleanup.

Instead, he silently found another man's phone and dialed it.

"No, don't..."

the countess called out in her heart that there could be no more messy phone shutdowns.

Fortunately, in the end, she still made the call.


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