"Look at me, get to know me."

Liu Si kicked Li Wenquan with his foot, and where Li Wenquan suffered this kind of grievance, he opened his eyes fiercely and looked at Liu Si fiercely.

"Just look, our Li family doesn't have a seed! You! You? You..." The

tone twisted and turned, and Li Wenquan always felt that the person in front of him seemed to have seen it somewhere.

But I couldn't remember it, but it was very familiar, so I exclaimed three times after another.

"What are you, do you think I am familiar?"

"Who are you?"

"Think about it? Think about yours, certain relatives.

A simple prompt made Li Wenquan instantly search his memory bank, and instantly he thought of the woman who was used by his grandfather as a negative teaching material to educate him.

"It's you! You are her daughter! This can't be, shouldn't you have already died..."

Old Dog Li is really good at educating his children and grandchildren, or does he think that I am a stain of the Li family? Li

Wenquan was silent and could not help Liu Si, but Li Wan, who was beside him, was already screaming.

"Ah! What the! Are you from our Li family? What a family! The family does not bully the family! Sister ~ sister! He

directly asked Liu Si to be banished.

But the effect is not good at all, and even... It didn't work at all.

"Shut up, I regret being a family with you, but I can't choose my birth! That's sad!

Liu Si's voice became a little low, which made Li Wenquan and Li Wan's fear.

In the end, it is the heir of the Li family, Li Wenquan perfectly inherited the super calculation ability of the family members and directly began to paint cakes for Liu Si, what will give him perfect proof after his return, give Liu Si absolute rights.

The most important thing is to let Liu Si recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors or something.

But Liu Si looked at him as if he was looking at a fool.

"Forget it, what you said is too far away, now I give you a chance, a chance to forgive sins..."

At the airport at night, the countess looked nervously at the people nearby, after making sure that there was nothing suspicious.

The countess followed the signs very carefully to the gate.

"Madam, your items are too valuable, do you want to buy a price insurance?"

A staff member directly startled this countess.

"Insured? Well, Paul!

After reacting, she directly paid the money, and it was not until she got on the plane that the countess's trembling heart felt a little better.

"It's terrible."

Thinking back to what had happened in the past few hours, the countess felt a heartbeat.

She originally thought that Li Wenquan and Li Wan's two brothers were already at the top of the food chain on Xiangcheng Island, but she didn't expect that she would find her housekeeper to inquire about the news of these two missing guys.

The butler on the front foot had only been out for less than an hour, and someone on the back foot was escorting the butler to ask her for questioning.

At this time, the countess knew that the two brothers Li and Li Wenquan had disappeared, and their so-called Li family did not have any clues about them, what was the concept.

It shows that Gu Chen is completely above them, and it is completely ... At the top of the real food chain.

Therefore, the countess, who was still in high spirits, was afraid, she could not stay at all in this strange place of Xiangcheng Island, and after being interrogated, there was no suspicious point, and she was only let go at about eleven o'clock at night.

Without any hesitation, the countess began to book tickets, and bought a plane to Australia that evening.

Now sitting in her seat, the frightened Countess reacted.

"That Jiang Min... Forget it, life matters!

"It's a big deal to go back and forge a copy of Jiang Min's signed consent form!" Anyway, I spend a lot of time with her at home, just make up an excuse! Thinking

of this, the countess who was a little stable in her heart sat silently in her business class and rested.

But before she knew it, a man with a newspaper behind her was silently watching her, or rather, watching him.

In the Wanhao Stock Exchange, Li Jiasheng is packing up his things and preparing to leave work, and he is still puzzled by the abnormality found today, so he has worked overtime until now.

It's just that after thinking about it, Li Jiasheng didn't think of any explanation that could explain what happened today.

"So, am I just too sensitive?"

"Or is there really something I'm hiding from?"

Li Jiasheng shook his head, feeling that there were too many things and he had a headache, and was about to leave work, when suddenly he saw something dirty under his coat, and took it off to see....


Li Jiasheng is very familiar with this thing! It's just that I didn't expect to see it in myself.

Li Jiasheng, who felt that things were not ordinary, silently wrapped the bugging device in a wet towel, and then left the room in disguise, wearing a hat and lowering his head along the way, Li Jiasheng walked on a path that was different from his usual.

"Who is who, who is who!"

Li Jiasheng gritted his teeth and his eyes were both fear and anger, he couldn't think about who would be targeted by such a small employee who hid his identity?

"The four major families? Or did the old man distrust me and came to listen to me?


No matter who it was, Li Jiasheng felt that he would definitely not be able to deal with it, so... He could only silently open his phone and prepare to call for a wave of support.

It's just that at the next corner, after Li Jiasheng's mobile phone was just dialed, he felt a strong force coming from behind him.

With just a gentle click, Li Jiasheng was put down on the ground, and Qian Bupei's voice shouted came from the mobile phone.


But... Li Jiasheng no longer had the ability to answer, and a blond man appeared.

He looked at Li Jiasheng indifferently as he was about to drag him into the alley behind him, but at this time he seemed to feel something, and directly squatted down to avoid the attack behind him.

"The ghost guy has finally emerged! It's really hard to keep us waiting!

"Exactly! Fishing enforcement is really not very comfortable for us! After all, this guy is also our future boss, if we knew that we had spied on him, maybe he would give us little shoes in the future! The

foreign man turned around and saw a man and a woman wearing a black trench coat complaining about something crazy, so he couldn't help but ask.

"Who are you!"

This amused the two of them, because this gringo actually spoke their language, and he spoke it quite well.

Without saying much, the pair of men and women stepped forward to be a double beating, and the gringos did not fall behind with one enemy and two.

It's just that after all, it is difficult to fight with two fists and four hands, and the final outcome can be imagined, of course, it is directly caught.

However, the gringos are still very cunning, and they must be watched by two people together, otherwise they will definitely run.

That's no way, since they saw that the mobile phone call was still continuing, the pair of men and women thought that in the end, this Li Jiasheng found something wrong and asked for help must be a person who could be trusted, so he directly picked up the phone and made a ghost talk to Qian Bupei.

"What, and this kind of thing! Where is it!

Qian Bupei directly agreed, and the pair of men and women were relieved.

Qian Bupei, who hung up the phone, looked at Liang Sixing, who was slightly red beside him, and said.

"It seems that it will be difficult to continue tonight..."

"Who said, as long as I am fast enough, you are fast enough, you can be..."

Therefore, Li Jiasheng was left on the side of the road in this big summer, and it took two hours to be picked up by Liang Sixing and Qian Bupei, who was belated.

The next day, Gu Chen was still dealing with some details and preparing some backhand, and Jiang Min also rarely slept all day, but just when she thought she could waste the whole day so happily, she received a call from the housekeeper.

"Brother Gu Chen!"

Jiang Min directly found Gu Chen and told him about the countess leaving Xiangcheng Island directly.

"In this way, it is estimated that she should have known that Li Wenquan and Li Wan's disappearance were just scared."

Gu Chen directly analyzed the psychology of this countess, but Gu Chen did not have the idea of letting the butler come here, because it was possible but not necessary.

"It's just that it seems that these two people have disappeared for a little longer."

Gu Chen turned his head to look in the direction of Liang Sixing and Qian Bupei, pondering that these two people seemed to have not gone out for a long time, are they going to hold back today?

Gu Chen shook his head indifferently, feeling that things were strange, but the problem was not big.

So the day went very smoothly, as if it was calm before the storm, and everything stopped.

Of course, the stop here refers to Gu Chen, and Jiang Min on the mountain.

Tong Zixin and Chen Yu under the mountain are preparing for a dinner, and the other is frantically conducting their own stock market operations in the stock market.

The division of labor between the two is very clear, but they are very busy.

At night, Gu Chen was about to rest, and Tong Zixin made a video call, directly waking Gu Chen from sleep.

It turned out that Tong Zixin, who drank a little too much, wanted to report to Gu Chen, but the inarticulate guy was directly a sentence.

"Mr. Gu, I... I miss you so much! "

How can this make Gu Chen work! This man is simply sinful, by saying this nonsense when he is drunk!

"You..." So

after Gu Chen opened his mouth, he directly pretended to be asleep, and directly closed his eyes to make this woman unpredictable.

In the end, Gu Chen faintly seemed to hear Tong Zixin's sigh, but Gu Chen at that time was really sleepy because he closed his eyes, so he actually didn't remember anything in the end.

It's just that this drowsiness is intentional by Gu Chen, or Gu Chen... It's really sleepy, and no one knows.

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