Gu Chen's speech directly caused everyone in the audience to fall silent.

Tong Zixin and Jiang Min didn't expect Gu Chen to be so direct, the key is that they haven't discussed it with any of them....What

is this concept? It seems that the talent of this landlord is complete, and he directly exploded the way with one hand

, Li Jiahao was also confused by this situation, and he didn't know what happened,

and thought that he had heard it wrong.

As a result, Gu Chen said it again, and this time Li Jiahao finally understood it directly, so he also smiled.

But soon Li Jiahao couldn't laugh.

"Did the baron you were looking for in England ignore you yesterday?"

"And is there a problem with the handover of your knighthood?"

Gu Chen's two words directly made Li Jiahao have a trace of doubt on his face.

"Are you?"

He asked such a sentence, his brows began to lock, he has been subjected to various blockades abroad since yesterday, and he originally planned to come to the land today to prepare for the last wave of money to save his foreign assets.

As a result, I didn't expect that Gu Chen, a roadblocker, appeared.

And it was really the biggest kind of tiger, biting his lifeblood fiercely.

"You, what do you want to do?"

"I thought our meeting would be dramatic, but I didn't expect you to disappoint me a little."

Gu Chen shook his head and looked at the emptiness behind him.

"Already sent Li Jiajun away? If I'm not mistaken, you should have a son, right?

"No, it should be three men and one woman, to be exact."

Gu Chen's words not only made Li Jiahao's face change this time, but also made the people of the four major families solemn.

When everyone's eyes looked at Li Jiahao, they all felt that this person was extremely terrifying, and he had actually hidden his three children for so many years.

Liu Si was even more shocked, but he didn't expect that his name actually came from this source.

"You... Who the hell is it?

After being silent for a while, Li Jiahao asked slowly.

"Who am I, I'm Gu Chen, didn't you choose me to come to Xiangcheng Island to help you divert your attention?" Why are you so surprised now?

"Or did you not expect that your prey became a hunter, and the contrast is too great?"

Gu Chen's simple two words suddenly made Li Jiahao's eyes become very fierce.

He didn't quite understand why Gu Chen could be so... Take a leisurely walk.

"Isn't it strange why I can catch your lifeblood so accurately, I'm sorry, you are not the only one in this world who can obtain British aristocratic status."

Gu Chen thought of yesterday's long-lost one-yuan second kill, and directly exposed the identity of a British duke to him, although it is not hereditary, but the face is already very large.

If you want to sanction Li Jiahao's asset transfer, it is simply an easy thing not to want.

Therefore, today Gu Chen can have a showdown with this Li Jiahao so simply and recklessly.

After hearing Gu Chen's words, Li Jiahao immediately exclaimed.

"You are the British duke I don't know when I offended?"

Li Jiahao really wanted to shout a word of wrong, if he knew that Gu Chen was a duke, where would he dare to calculate him.

Calculating that now, I am directly about to collapse, what is this feeling?

It's like being robbed after winning the Mark Six lottery!

In short, Li Jiahao was completely planted today.

Gu Chen's identity shocked the four major families, and Li Jiajun and the third elder of the Li family were sent abroad by Li Jiahao in two nights.

Gu Chen didn't bother to think about anything with them, and he didn't provoke himself anyway.

As for what cut the grass without removing the roots, the statement that the spring breeze blows and grows is nothing to Gu Chen at all.

Because he doesn't care, doesn't care at all.

However, Li Jiahao was dragged down, most of his assets were frozen abroad, and Li Jiahao's assets on Xiangcheng Island could no longer make any waves.

As for this, this sudden avalanche did not have any warning, and there were many situations and hidden dangers.

For example, Li Wenquan and Li Wan are still in Liu Si's hands, and the two still have not separated from Liu Si.

The second heir of the Li family is still tracking down his brother's whereabouts.

Chen Moren disappeared, and Chen Mo ran very fast, almost to the point when Gu Chen remembered them, it was still when Chen Yu was telling him that he was slowly selling the stocks on hand for profit.

This made Gu Chen smile slightly and didn't say anything more.

However, after Qian Bupei suddenly brought Li Jiasheng out, Gu Chen was a little surprised.

More surprising things are yet to come.

"Let this guy inherit Li Jiahao's assets! And then we control him behind his back!

After Qian Bupei expressed his thoughts, Gu Chen only felt that this woman was joking, but Li Jiasheng actually said that he didn't, and he was very willing to be Qian Bupei's puppet.

This made Gu Chen very incomprehensible.

What he didn't understand even more was Li Jiahao, who never thought that his abandoned child would actually appear in front of him at this time and say that he would inherit everything from him.

"What you don't give me, I'll get and destroy!"

He said such a sentence viciously, and directly relied on Gu Chen's majesty to let this guy transfer all his assets to himself.

Otherwise, Li Jiajun and Li Laosan who are abroad will not get anything.

Then there is no way, Li Jiahao is already a sure fish, what else can he do?

At the same time, after Gu Chen auctioned this land in the name of Dashi Company, he went to change its name the next day and called Tongxin Group.

That's right, the actual controlling person or chairman is Tong Zixin.

Sun Shulan and others' electronic money also began to slowly develop and go online at this time.

In the future, if Chen Moren wants to rely on his own independent exchange to make things happen, it will not be so easy.

In the end, it took a total of nearly three months, and Gu Chen, who had almost solved the matter on Xiangcheng Island, also returned to Xiangcheng Island with Jiang Min.

There are still many things that need to be solved here.

In the past three months, Gu Chen took the time to attend the birthday party of Mr. Gao's mother, selected some vice presidents for Longteng Group, and helped Longteng Group become a larger organization.

The development of Internet towns also continued at the initiative of Wu Jiale.

The first film of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. is also completed, and a New Year film is ready to come at the end of the year.

Donghai Pearl TV Tower has begun to arrange programs to do programs, and the advertisements are all Gu Chen's old machine learning machine, Shenzhou Auto and Shenzhou mobile phone.

Chen Yu proved himself and became the head of the group's finance department.

Tong Zixin stayed on his Xiangcheng Island and Gu Chen corresponded far away, and the trade channel to the world had been completely opened.

At this point, it is only a matter of time before the two major cities in the southeast merge and radiate the entire East Asian plate and expand to the whole world.

And Gu Chen, who has done all this, will take Jiang Min back to Australia this time to get everything that belongs to her.

Of course, because Gu Chen's departure during this period of time made Chu Xinyi a little unhappy.

So, of course, he took her with him on this trip.

is that Jiang Min seems to be allergic, and he often pits his mouth and Gu Chen doesn't know why.

In short, Gu Chen is changing the world, please don't worry, give him a little more time...

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