One by one, the treasures were presented, which instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Han dynasty general sword.

Codex of Tang Dynasty poets.

Yellow rosewood furniture among the royal family.

Superb jade.

Each piece is a rare treasure to be seen outside.

And they are all identified by several experts, and they are by no means the so-called experts on the Internet outside!

There will be no one who deliberately takes a fake out, after all, all those present are people with heads and faces, and if they really want to be checked out, it is really a shame to lose face and lose their face to their grandmother's house.

Bursts of bids came and went.

Gu Chen also looked tasteful.

This is almost equivalent to a small auction.

Among them, he naturally also took a fancy to a few hot curios, and called a few words, after all, it is difficult to buy a heart, let alone do charity.

So Gu Chen didn't care.

The things behind Gu Chen lost interest after taking a look, and there was nothing worth buying.

Charity itself has done almost the same.

Auction items are auctioned at sky-high prices.

Until the end of the final finale item, Gu Chen did not make a move.

After the charity auction, it is naturally the party that everyone is looking forward to, meeting a random person, and then exchanging a few words may be a big business.

Therefore, the general big people are surrounded by various crowds, and Gu Chen is no exception.

Then the auction ended, not to mention the people of the Huahai Chamber of Commerce, but also several other chambers of commerce also gathered around.

"Hello Mr. Gu, I'm Hurun from the Helian Chamber of Commerce."

"Hello Mr. Gu, I am Zhu Fa from the Jiangbei Society."

For a while, Gu Chen directly became fragrant.

"Hello, hello!" Gu Chen naturally greeted him with a smile.

He knows everyone's enthusiasm, which is nothing more than wanting to cooperate with his Longteng Group.

Which of you here is not a big guy, if you build a cooperative relationship with everyone, it will help his other industries.

So one has a heart, the other has an intention, naturally they talk very happily, and at the end of the night, he has at least confirmed the cooperation with dozens of companies.

At this time, a middle-aged man walked over with a young man with a stunned face.

Everyone recognized their identities and gave way.

"Mr. Ye is good!"

They all smiled and greeted, and President Ye naturally nodded in return.

Gu Chen looked at it, and his face suddenly turned pale and became calm.

And Gan Yuan and the others, who knew the inside story, also had an expression of watching a good show.

The person who came was none other than Ye Feng and his old son who had a dispute with Gu Chen on the first floor before.

"This is Mr. Gu, right?"

I saw that the middle-aged man immediately surrendered his hand to Gu Chen, with a smile like a flower.

Gu Chen glanced at Ye Feng without looking at it, and lowered his head with Chu Xinyi to say this.

Suddenly everyone was stunned, seeing Gu Chen behaving like this, and then looking at the embarrassed expression on President Ye's face, he instantly understood that the two seemed to have a contradiction, and they all sat on the shore to watch the tiger for a while.

"Mess with things, it's not enough, apologize to Mr. Gu!"

When Ye Zong saw this, he suddenly turned his head and glared at Ye Feng, and roared lowly;

Ye Feng saw so many people next to him, his face turned blue and red, and he directly lowered his head and did not speak.

Seeing this, Ye Zong's face suddenly turned green, and his breath trembled.

"No need, I can't afford it, I want to see how Ye Dashao ruined me!"

At this time, Gu Chen said lightly.

Ling Yefeng gritted his teeth, seeing that his father had never lowered his head, he suddenly rushed to his head and pointed at Gu Chen: "Gu Chen, don't go too far!" Believe it or not, I can't get you out of this gate! After

seeing Gan Yuan and the others, he realized that Gu Chen was not simple, so he looked for someone to check and found that he was just the chairman of a group, and he immediately relaxed his heart.

As long as it is not the second generation of Quan, then what else does he have to be afraid of.

But somehow, after his father Ye Qinglong found out, he immediately scolded him directly, if it weren't for the wrong occasion, he even wanted to teach him a hard lesson.

He was very confused, and finally his father had to ask him to apologize, and suddenly he stopped doing it.

However, under Ye Qinglong's anger, he could only compromise, but now seeing Gu Chen like this, he had never been insulted like this, and suddenly broke out.

As soon as the words fell, the entire hall instantly fell silent.

Ye Qinglong's brain was buzzing at this time, and he saw Gu Chen's sinking face and the stunned crowd around him, and his face turned red.

A direct slap instantly resounded throughout the audience.

"You're a jerk! What a lawlessness! It seems that I was too indulgent with you before! How presumptuous! "

Pointing at Ye Feng is a stinky curse.

Ye Feng was also stunned, he didn't expect that one day his father would beat him in front of the public, and he was suddenly motionless like a statue.

"Mr. Gu is really sorry, he just said this when he was dizzy, I'm really sorry!"

After teaching that rebel, Ye Qinglong began to apologize in a low voice.

He was really angry with this villain this time, you must know that his family is engaged in electronic products, in the computer industry that really occupies half of the country, under normal circumstances, how can he put Gu Chen in his eyes?

But I didn't expect Gu Chen to master the latest chip technology, which is no less than a reform!

Now the role of chips is impacting the electronics industry at an unimaginable speed.

Compared with the traditional chip and the Shenzhou chip, it is really a heaven and an earth.

So during this time, their Ye Clan Ye Clan is facing a huge impact, fortunately Longteng Group has not yet entered the computer industry, otherwise their Ye Clan will lose even more.

For a while, all the computer groups wanted to contact Gu Chen and want to cooperate, and they also saw the opportunity to pull Ye down the family.

Let him be sad, naturally he also wants to see Gu Chen, wants to cooperate, and then hears that Gu Chen will participate in this charity party, he has never participated in it, he is extremely positive, that is, he wants to get the moon first.

But he didn't expect that this time he not only did not see, but also offended.

If the news spreads, it is estimated that those directors in the group will take advantage of the problem again, so he wants to try his best to make up for it, after all, if Gu Chen cooperates with other computer groups, then they Ye Clan will face a huge challenge.

"I'm waiting for your shot!"

Gu Chen didn't look at Ye Qinglong, but said something to Ye Feng and got up.

"Guys, I'm sorry to disturb your Yaxing, let's go first!"

So Gu Chen said an apology to everyone, and left with Chu Xinyi Xu Shishi.

"Mr. Gu?" Ye Qinglong also did not expect Gu Chen to be so faceless, you must know that no matter where he went before, who was not polite to him, but he did not expect that today he lost his face, Gu Chen still did not say, but he did not dare to make a move.

"Dad, I'll go first!" At this time, Gan Le suddenly said something to Gan Yuan and chased him out.

For a while, the atmosphere on the second floor was suddenly a little embarrassing, and everyone knew the hostility between the Ye family and Gu Chen and no one dared to approach for a while.

They all knew that the Ye family's main thing was the computer, but people were choking his throat.

If Gu Chen wants to deal with him, as long as he releases the wind, after tonight, Ye's stock market will shrink by an unknown amount.

After all, the current electronic products, as long as the outside world has not researched a chip that can compete with the Shenzhou chip, then Gu Chen is a one-handed existence.

"You rebel!"

Ye Qinglong, who can think of everyone, can naturally think of it.

His face was gloomy, if this news got out, he could imagine that their stock market would fall all the way until it stopped, and suddenly kicked Ye Feng, who was still stunned.

"Ye Zongye, forget it, Xiaofeng is still small and does not understand."

At this time, naturally several old men came over and grabbed Ye Qinglong.

"Yes, Mr. Ye, now you have to hurry up and ease relations with Mr. Gu! If the other few came into contact with Mr. Gu, the Ye family would be in danger at that time!

These words instantly reacted Ye Qinglong.

"I tell you! Next, I will take you to Mr. Gu to make amends, I won't say more, if you still have this expression, then don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Ye Qinglong suddenly said coldly to Ye Feng.

He is dead set on this son, he only needs to get through this difficulty now, and then he will have to practice a number again, and this number is wasted.

Ye Feng pursed his lips at this time, no matter how stupid he was, he knew that Gu Chen's identity was definitely not like this, seeing his father's gloomy face, he knew that his father was really moving this time.

On the other side, Gu Chen and the three were walking out of the gate and preparing to drive back.

"Brother Dust? Dust brother!

Gan Le's cry came.

Gu Chen looked at it, and it was Gan Le who ran over.

"So handsome, Brother Dust! You today!

Gan Le said with admiration and extended his hand to give a thumbs up.

"What are you kid running out of here for?"

Gu Chen didn't care.

"It's so boring there, just when I make an excuse!" Gan Le smiled.

Gu Chen shrugged and walked forward.

"Brother Dust, how do you plan to deal with this matter?"

Gan Le was very curious now, and quickly asked;

"The golden willow is in ruins!"

Gu Chen replied lightly, listening to Gan Le was a little embarrassed, after all, he was also this kind of gentleman before, but he was not as brainless as Ye Feng.

"It is estimated that tomorrow's Huahai headlines are all about you!"

At this time, Chu Xinyi joked with a smile.

She was very happy in her heart, because everything tonight was because of her, and she was very happy to see Gu Chen care about herself so much.

"Without my consent, I don't believe anyone dares to put my picture on it!"

After Gu Chen glanced at it, he said domineeringly.

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