At this time, the supercar driver outside was also startled, but he was not injured, but his face was a little pale.

"Xiao Shao, are you all right?"

The other four supercars quickly stopped, they were also startled, and suddenly came to the first supercar nervously, and asked worriedly.

If something happened to this person, none of them could run away.

"It's okay! Damn it! Scared Lao Tzu to death!

Xiao Shao cursed and climbed out of the car.

"It's okay! But now..." One

of the young men still had a bit of brains, and saw a large circle of people watching the lively crowd outside, and even many of them filmed videos.

"Afraid of what!" Xiao Shao didn't care, looking at the car that was hit by him in front of him, and a flash of anger flashed in his eyes.

"Damn, if it weren't for this car Laozi would suffer like this? Go see if they are dead? Dead just right.

Then he said to a young man next to him.

It was as if a human life did not care about him.

At this time, Gu Chen just walked out of the car, and the coldness in his eyes suddenly made Xiao Shao take a step back.

"Boy! Don't you have long eyes? See my car coming, and you're still driving forward? Xiao

Shao was not brainless, and directly buttoned a hat on Gu Chen's body.

"Are you all right?" Gu Chen then looked at Chu Xinyi who came out and asked with concern.

"It's okay!" Chu Xinyi shook her head, she also heard the words of the man before, and her face was cold.

"Huh? Boy, are you blessed?

At this time, Xiao Shao did not have the slightest remorse, but instead saw Chu Xinyi's eyes flashing with desire.

When Gu Chen suddenly wanted to step forward and slap directly, the police car finally rang.

"What's going on?"

I saw an elderly traffic policeman walking over.

"Officer, we were driving well on the road, but we didn't expect a car to suddenly appear, and he drove illegally! This matter is his full responsibility!

Xiao Shao said first.

"Yes! This kid wants to touch us!

Several other supercar owners followed suit.

"Oh?" The traffic police officer looked at Gu Chen when he heard this.

"He talking nonsense?" Chu Xinyi suddenly trembled with anger, "It's clear that they are speeding and don't look at the road conditions." At

this time, the traffic police were also confused, both sides were arguing, being a traffic police officer here, eyesight is the most important, so he saw that several super cars were not easy to mess with, so he came to Gu Chen.

"This gentleman, madam, may I ask if you are handling this matter privately or... But I advise you to keep it private, after all, they are not ordinary people at first glance.

The traffic police whispered to Gu Chen.

To be fair, he naturally sympathized with Gu Chen.

After all, the weak are naturally sympathetic.

"Thank you, officer! But they must be responsible for this!

Gu Chen smiled and refused the police's kindness, he knew that it was good intentions, but this time he was really angry, ten thousand times angry than last night's incident.

"Boy! Are you private or?

At this time, Xiao Shao looked at Gu Chen unscrupulously.

There is no remorse or fear, and there is confidence at first glance.

"Hmph! I'll make you pay for this! Gu Chen said word by word.


As soon as the words fell, several people led by Xiao Shao instantly burst into laughter, as if they had heard some funny joke.

But Gu Chen didn't care, but his eyes became colder and colder.

"Boy! Do you know who Xiao Shao is? And the price?

"Exactly! People must be self-aware!

Xiao Shao also looked at Gu Chen like a fool and stopped paying attention, in his eyes, Gu Chen was just an ant.

Instead, he looked at Chu Xinyi next to Gu Chen: "This lady, my name is Xiao Yan, it's nice to meet you!"

"Hmph! Come with me! At this time, the police officer couldn't stand it and said directly to everyone.

"What? Asir, are you mistaken? Is it his responsibility, alas? What are you looking for us for?

One of the young men immediately questioned, as if he had heard some kind of joke.

"Exactly! Asir, you have to be careful! I know your chief? Be careful when I complain about you! "

The threat is self-evident, and the police officer is extremely angry, which is really contrary to the sky.

"Until things are clarified, everyone is responsible! Let's all go with me! Otherwise, I will arrest you for arrest!" The

traffic police suddenly stiffened his air.

"Good! I remember you! When Xiao Shao heard this, his face suddenly turned livid.

Then he followed into the police car.

If he dared to resist arrest under the public, even his old son could not save him.

Gu Chen naturally got into the car.

So a few people drove towards the nearby police station, leaving many traffic police to deal with traffic affairs.

Gu Chen also didn't expect that he would enter the police station again, he really didn't expect it.

After a series of processes, the two parties were in front of the eyes of a section chief.

"I probably have a clear understanding of the matter, this matter is Xiao Yan's full responsibility, so Mr. Xiao compensates Mr. Gu for all losses."

After the section chief finished speaking, both parties said at the same time.


"How? Do you still have an opinion? When

the section chief heard this, he immediately frowned and said in a deep voice.

"Of course there is!"

Xiao Yan was the first to speak.

"He is naturally responsible for this matter, if he hadn't suddenly come out, how could I have bumped into it!" So he also has to compensate me for the damage to my car! Pointing

at Gu Chen was a loud shout.

As soon as these words came out, Gu Chen still had no reaction, but the section chief's face sank.

"Comrade Xiao Yan, let me repeat, according to the monitoring and confession at the scene, you are driving illegally, and you have nothing to do with this Mr. Gu, and you are also responsible for civil liability!"

Xiao Yan also had no patience for this at this time, and said matter-of-factly.

When Xiao Yan heard this, he stared at the section chief fiercely: "Hmph!" This police officer, I see that you are covering up! I tell you, I really won't lose it today!

"Okay! I didn't intend for you to pay!

At this time, Gu Chen said calmly.

Xiao Yan laughed a few times, and thought that Gu Chen had relented! Immediately laughed.

However, the section chief couldn't help but want to say two words.

"Mr. Gu, don't worry! We will definitely give you an explanation!

"Haha! This police officer, what do you give, the people themselves will not pursue it! I think you're still worried about yourself!

Xiao Yan was extremely arrogant at this time, and he didn't look at this section chief at all.

"Officer, I want to report the crime!"

At this time, Gu Chen slowly said a few words, which made the two puzzled.

"I reported it, he murdered me premeditatedly!"

Then pointed at Xiao Yan and looked at the section chief and said calmly.

At this time, the expressions of the two were equally wonderful, first incredulous, and then very confused.

"Poof~ Hahaha! You're here to be funny, right?

Then Xiao Yan slapped the table and laughed.

Even the section chief was also confused by Gu Chen's operation.

"I'm Gu Chen, the chairman of Longteng Group, I suspect that he was ordered by some people to kill me?"

Gu Chen knew that the section chief did not believe it, so he could only say his identity.

Hearing this, Xiao Yan was stunned, he didn't expect that the ordinary person in his eyes was still the chairman of a company, but he didn't think that this company was very awesome, and he was about to be sarcastic.


The section chief is not as ignorant as Xiao Yan, during this time, Longteng Group does not say that the whole people know, but at least most people have heard of it.

At this time, he looked at Gu Chen's serious expression and knew that it was true, so he quickly stood up, this is not a trivial matter.

Although he wondered in his heart whether this would be Gu Chen's deliberate revenge, since people said it, then he had to take it seriously, otherwise the consequences were not something that his small section chief could bear.

"Xiao Liu Xiaofeng!"

Suddenly said something to the walkie-talkie on his chest, and then the door behind him was opened.

"Section chief?"

As soon as the two came in, they said hello.

"Take this Mr. Xiao Yan down, this case is upgraded to a criminal case, for premeditated murder, re-interrogation!"

The section chief gave orders to the two.

The two were stunned when they heard this, but now was not the time to be in a daze, "Yes!"

"Wait! Are you kidding? You won't really believe him, this officer, will you? Seeing

that the other party was really coming, Xiao Yan panicked at this time.

"What are you doing? I tell you, my dad is Xiao Feng! A few of you actually listened to this kid's words and did this to me! You're done! Looking

at the other party without hesitation, Xiao Yan suddenly became anxious, and said angrily.

The section chief's face changed when he heard this, and Xiao Liu Xiaofeng also looked at the section chief hesitantly, and these mixed physiques naturally knew who Xiao Feng was.

That's the big guy of the Huahai City Discipline Inspection Commission!

Gu Chen didn't know who Xiao Feng was, but looking at the faces of the section chief and the others, he knew that it was not simple, and immediately sneered, sure enough, is this the reason why you have no fear?

"This police officer, don't worry, I will definitely sue this matter to the end! It has nothing to do with you, my lawyer should come right away, as long as you enforce the law impartially!

Gu Chen looked at the section chief and said seriously.

The section chief's face was hesitant at this time, it was difficult to ride a tiger, Xiao Feng he couldn't afford to offend, but Gu Chen didn't seem to be an ordinary person.

That's when his phone rang.

When I opened it, I immediately smiled bitterly and came.

"Hello? Managing director?

"Xiao Xiang, what's going on with you? I heard that your firm handled a traffic case not long ago, why hasn't it been handled yet?

The chief's majestic voice came out of the phone.

"Chief, this case is not a simple traffic case! At present, neither of the two parties agrees to settle, so..." the

section chief quickly explained.

Xiao Yan looked at Gu Chen proudly.

And Gu Chen's eyes froze, someone made a move so quickly, it seems that his background is quite deep! No wonder it's so arrogant.

"Since you don't agree to the settlement, then you will deal with it according to the regulations, and quickly deal with it, don't delay this matter for too long, the impact is not good!" That's it! "


When the section chief heard this, he could only agree, and then hung up the phone.

"Mr. Gu, I can only handle this matter in accordance with the general traffic rules, if you are not satisfied, then you can only go through the judicial procedure!"

The section chief looked at Gu Chen with an apologetic expression and comforted.

Then he made a look at Xiao Liu Xiaofeng, and the two could only let go of Xiao Yan.

It made Xiao Yan even more proud.

"Hmph! Boy, I'll see how you sue me! We'll see! Xiao

Yan came to Gu Chen's side very arrogantly.

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