"Secretary Ying, this matter also involves another person, his identity is a bit special?"

While the old should be checking the documents, the secretary Xiao Wu hesitated for a moment and still said it honestly.

"Huh? This Xiao Yan? Lao

Ying naturally saw Xiao Yan's name, he didn't know it.

"Yes! He is a child of Xiao Discipline Commission's family! "


At this time, Lao Ying understood that it was no wonder that Gu Chen's identity could not solve the matter, it turned out to be for this reason.

Then he continued to look at it, and his face suddenly sank, which made Xiao Wu nervous, he had also read it before, and naturally knew the reason why his boss was angry.

"What a lawlessness! Treat the law as a child's play! And the office staff below! How is things done? Can you still be acquitted if you have committed a crime? Lao

Ying was really angry this time, he thought that it was a small case at most, but he didn't expect that things were so bad, and he could see the whole situation, which showed that the staff below had forgotten their duties.

That's what makes him angry.

Suddenly, the entire city government building fell silent, and the staff who had not yet left work heard the sound of the boss getting angry, and they all stopped one by one, and they all wondered what made Lao Ying so angry.

"Check, give me a thorough investigation!"

Lao Ying immediately ordered Xiao Wu.

"Yes!" When Xiao Wu heard this, he immediately ordered to do something!

Gu Chen naturally didn't know everything that happened here, and at this time, he went home and went straight to sleep, after all, too many things happened today.

The next day, the day after the New Year's Day holiday, it was still cloudless.

Chu Xinyi came over early and asked Gu Chen what to do first.

"Don't worry, I've already dealt with this matter, don't say it's leaky, my mother doesn't know!"

On the sofa, Gu Chen said to Chu Xinyi easily.

"What don't you let me know?" At this time, a voice sounded from behind him, which startled Gu Chen and the two.

"Mom, why are you walking without a sound? Taken aback!

Gu Chen said angrily.

"It's you who have a ghost in your heart! Xinyi, what did you say just now, tell your aunt! Gu

Mu glared at Gu Chen, and then looked at Chu Xinyi with a smile.

"Auntie, it's actually nothing, it's just that Gu Chen wants to surprise you."

Chu Xinyi rolled her eyes and said to Gu's mother with a smile, which made Gu Chen feel some bad premonition in his heart.

"What surprise?"

"It's just... It was yesterday that Gu Chen and I were already together, and Gu Chen didn't let me tell my aunt! Chu

Xinyi smiled playfully, and a strange look in his eyes flashed, making Gu Chen's eyes widen.

"Yes?" Sure enough, Gu's mother almost lost her eyes when she heard this, and she immediately held Chu Xinyi's hand and didn't let go.

Then he looked at Gu Chen, who looked at Gu Mother with a smile on his face, and Chu Xinyi, who had succeeded in his secret scheme, and Gu Chen could only agree depressedly: "Yes!" I only confirmed my identity yesterday! Since

he had already said it, then Gu Chen directly admitted it.

After yesterday's events, Gu Chen was sure that he had Chu Xinyi in his heart, after all, how could he not love the person he wanted to protect in the danger of his life?

He didn't want to run away anymore.

"Good, good, good!" Gu's mother was overjoyed when she heard this: "No, I have to tell your father about this, I must ask him to come back for dinner today!"

And Chu Xinyi was stunned, she was originally just wishful thinking, but she didn't expect Gu Chen to really agree.

Instantly, a huge sense of happiness rushed in.

There is nothing happier in the world than that you like each other, and they happen to like you!

"Okay, I'll go out to buy vegetables first, you guys talk first!" So Gu's mother walked out with a smile.

Chu Xinyi was blushing and did not dare to look up, Gu Chen was very interesting.

"How? Want to pay the bills now?

Gu Chen sat directly beside her, smelling the faint fragrance, and joked with a smile.

"Hmph! Who...... Who is in the bill! Chu Xinyi retorted in a low voice.

"Haha!" Gu Chen directly held the other party in his arms, and Chu Xinyi's face was hot, but he did not push Gu Chen away.

Gu's mother, who was outside the door, saw this scene and hummed an unknown ditty and left the house.

She was going to the garden to tell the aunts she had known during this time about the news, and she had a good sigh.

On the other side, inside the old office.

"Boss, it's already clear! The main responsibility for this matter lies with Xiao Yan, and the leader in charge of this case originally wanted to detain him for review, but he received a call from above and had no choice but to release him!

Xiao Wu reported honestly.

Old Ying's face suddenly turned ugly when he heard this, and he already had a plan in his heart at this time.

This morning he has already scheduled meetings with several key leadership groups.

"Xiao Wu, didn't you always want to go out? I'll leave this to you! I only have one request, and that is to investigate thoroughly! No matter who stands behind him? Is there confidence? Looking

at Xiao Wu in front of him, he said.

"Yes!" Suddenly, Xiao Wu breathed heavily and assured loudly.

"Good! I will set up a special investigation action team in this case! As the team leader, not only this case, but also all the cases in Huahai City, I want you to investigate thoroughly! I will tell you the truth, this time there is an order from above, demanding that corruption and bribery be thoroughly investigated, so rest assured! A few of our old guys stand firmly behind you.

Lao Ying patted Xiao Wu's shoulder and said forcefully.

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

Xiao Wu looked awe-inspiring, and then exited the room full of energy.

Looking at the harsh sunlight outside, he only felt that his opportunity had come, and he sharpened a sword in ten years.

The first thing was naturally to arrest Xiao Yan.

So he went straight to the police station and found his operations team.

Xiao family.

At this time, Xiao Yan was eating with his parents!

"What did you do yesterday? Your Uncle He also called me.

Xiao Feng looked at Xiao Yan, who looked impatient, and said in a deep voice.

"I bumped into someone else over at Grandview Mall yesterday!" Xiao Yan replied impatiently.

"Hmph! I told you earlier! Tell you not to drive recklessly! Don't cause trouble! Did you hear it all to me? Xiao Feng suddenly scolded.

"Okay! My son finally came back for a meal, and you kept talking!

At this time, Xiao Mu was not happy, glared at Xiao Feng and interrupted.

"Hmph! This mess is all spoiled by you! Loving mother is a loser! Xiao Feng glared at Xiao Yan fiercely before stopping.

"I said what's going on with you today? I don't hurt the son I gave birth to, who hurts? Xiao Mu retorted.

"Sooner or later, he's going to get used to you?"

Xiao Feng had no choice but to take care of Xiao Yan every time he said Xiao Yan, so he simply didn't say it.

"He used to have accidents, didn't he have you?" Xiao Mu rolled her eyes.

Then the doorbell of his house rang.

"Who is it?"

Xiao Mu heard the voice, shouted, and then got up to open the door.

"Who are you looking for?"

Seeing several men in civilian clothes standing outside the door, Xiao Mu asked in a low voice.

"Is this Xiao Yan, Mr. Xiao's home?"

At this time, Xiao Wu walked in from outside and asked with a smile.

"Yes! What are you looking for my son for?

"Hello! We are from the Special Operations Investigation Group, and now there is a case related to your son Xiao Yan, we need to take him back for questioning?

Xiao Wu showed the detention documents and said positively.


At this time, Xiao Feng asked.

"Hello Secretary Xiao! I'm here to find Ling Gongzi!" At this time, Xiao Wu replied respectfully.

"Oh? Secretary Wu?

Xiao Feng was stunned when he heard this, and suddenly walked out.

"They're here to catch Xiao Yan!" Xiao Mu suddenly panicked, grabbed Xiao Feng's hand and said nervously.

"Huh? I don't know if Secretary Wu is expensive? Suddenly looked at Xiao Wu and asked puzzled.

"Secretary Xiao, I am now the head of the Huahai City Anti-Corruption Special Action Investigation Team, and there is currently a case related to your son, and I need his cooperation, this is a document!" Xiao Wu said without humility.

Xiao Feng's pupils shrank sharply when he heard this, and he rolled his throat and said, "When was this established?" Does Secretary Ying know?

Xiao Wu explained with a smile: "This was decided today, and it was jointly decided by several leadership groups!"

Then waved to the team members on the network behind him, and immediately entered through the door to take Xiao Yan away.

"What are you doing? Let go! At this time, there was a movement inside.

"You can't arrest my son, what crime did he commit? Old Xiao, you don't care!

At this time, Xiao Mu panicked, and seeing that her words did not work, she looked at Xiao Feng.

"Secretary Wu, is there any misunderstanding in this matter?" Xiao Feng's face also sank at this time.

"Secretary Xiao, the evidence is conclusive! Sorry, please forgive me for offending a lot! Take!

So Xiao Wu left directly, along with Xiao Yan, who was panicked.

"Mom, save me! Dad, I don't want to go! Xiao Yan's face suddenly changed, and he immediately begged.

"Xiao Feng, what's wrong with you, you actually let people take their son away at home, what are you doing as a secretary!"

At this time, Xiao Yan's voice could not be heard, Xiao Mu, and immediately pointed at Xiao Feng and cursed.

"Enough! It's not all you yet! Pampered since childhood, otherwise could his son be like this! Xiao Feng suddenly roared.

Then I went back to my study and called.

"Hey, old Yin, it's like this... Hello? Seeing

the beep coming from the phone, Xiao Feng was stunned, and then made another call.

"Hey, old Wei, give me the bottom line, what's going on?"

"Old Xiao, this matter is a document issued from above, and your son's matter is the starting point! You...... Take care of yourself!

Suddenly, Old Wei hung up the phone.

When Xiao Feng heard this, his mobile phone suddenly slipped onto the table and he was stunned.

After Xiao Wu's interrogation, Xiao Yan still did not admit guilt under conclusive evidence, and he did not admit guilt until he said that his father himself was unsafe.

Not only that, he also explained a lot of previous things, and many people involved in the case participated, and for a while the entire Huahai City began a low-key anti-corruption journey.

The incident was completed perfectly with the fastest speed, the largest number of people involved, the highest position and the highest efficiency.

Xiao Feng was ordered to suspend for investigation, and Xiao Yan was sentenced to ten years for several crimes!

To make Xiao Wu shine, an earthquake no less than a magnitude nine directly occurred in the Huahai officialdom, but no news came out.

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