Although the man named General Li was expressionless, his heart was even more anxious.

Because his soldiers were also in it, and many of them died because of lack of supplies, his heart was dripping blood!

But it doesn't work! The transport corps still needs at least two days on the road to arrive, and other minivans can't get in at all, the power is insufficient, and many of them stall and break down on the side of the road!

For a while, the two of them were sad in their hearts, although there were many civilian large trucks, but a drop in the bucket, this earthquake covered a very wide range!

At this time, there was a sudden noise outside.

"What's going on?"

General Li frowned and shouted to the guards outside.

"General, General! Lots of big trucks coming outside! Then

his guards suddenly ran in.


As soon as these words came out, the two were shocked, and then they could see the excitement in their eyes.

What a show!

"Could it be that the military department arrived early?" General Lee muttered.

"It's not a general, it's a civilian big truck, which is full of supplies, which should be a rescue convoy somewhere!"

The guard explained after hearing this.

"Let's go and see!" At this time, the local officer proposed to General Li;


So the two went straight out of the tent.

Looking at the convoy parked on the road outside, he was immediately very excited and hurried over.

In front of the crossing checkpoint, several personnel wearing mountaineering suits are communicating with the soldiers standing guard.

"What's going on?"

General Lee walked up to him and asked.

"Report, we are asking about the intention and purpose!" At this time, the guard soldier heard the words and saluted and replied loudly.

"I don't know where these comrades are from?"

General Li nodded and said to several personnel with a smile.

"Hello! We are a convoy of Huaxia Charities, going into the mountains to deliver supplies to the disaster area!

At the head was a young man, who looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, his momentum was extraordinary, he was in a high position, and he didn't dare to say anything and answer quickly.

The Huaxia Charity was established by Gu Chen, and this young man was none other than Ganle.

"Huaxia Charity's?"

General Li was stunned when he heard this, he looked at the local officer next to him, who knew that the other party had thought about this institution for a long time, and could only shake his head and not know.

"Eh? I wonder where this gentleman is from? What is it called? At this time, the local magistrate also asked with a smile.

"We are from Huahai! My name is Gan Le, and there are fifty-three carts in total, including food, quilts, and medical care. Gan Le did not dare to hide it, and said it all.

After speaking, General Li and the local officials suddenly breathed heavily, and their faces were overjoyed.

"Good, good, good! Mr. Gan, you guys came in time this time! On behalf of all the people in the disaster area, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you! The

local officer immediately thanked Gan Le.

"This old gentleman is polite, the so-called one side is in difficulty, and the eight parties support! We always knew that there must be a shortage of materials in the disaster area, so he sent us over!

Gan Le quickly waved his hand, he didn't dare to bear it.

"Oh? I don't know if Mr. Gan's Gu is always..." "

We Gu is the president of Huaxia Charity, and he alone started this rescue activity!"

Gan Le explained to Gu Chen with a smile.

"Huh? That President Gu really understands the righteousness! Hearing

this, the local commander and General Li looked at each other in awe.

"Okay comrades, let's not talk about it first, we're going to go in and deliver supplies!"

Then Gan Le glanced at the time, and then looked at a few people.

"Good! Good luck all of you!

Then the general directly raised his hand and saluted and gave way.

So one after another, large trucks drove forward, and everyone in the level gave the highest respect.

"Lao Xu, don't you know about this Huaxia charity? Being able to dispatch so many large trucks at once is by no means a nameless person! In the name of Huaxia, not bad! I really want to meet this Mr. Gu now, this is the entrepreneur that society needs! General Li said with emotion.

"Alas, I haven't really heard of it, and generally such a large charity should be very famous, but I really haven't heard of this." The local magistrate shook his head when he heard this, and said with a wry smile.

He was also very curious.

"Forget it, sooner or later you'll know! Now you can finally breathe a sigh of relief! General Li finally relaxed at this time.

"Lao Li, now you can solve the urgent need, but the most scarce medical treatment after that is a big problem!" The local officials were not happy, they were still very sad.

Hearing this, General Li's originally relaxed heart also came up.

"Yes, this is the most important!"

For a moment, the two began to sigh again.

"Forget it, there will be arrangements above, we don't have to worry about it here!"

General Lee then did not want this, so he comforted.

After that, rescue from other provinces also followed, making the two more relieved!

No, they welcomed another convoy.

Looking at dozens of small and medium-sized trucks, mixed with several large trucks in between, General Li shook his head.

Then there was a quarrel.

"Why don't you let us pass?"

"Comrade, it's not that you won't be allowed to pass, but except for large trucks, other cars can't get in!" A woman is arguing with a sentry.

"What's wrong?" General Lee asked after coming;

"Chief, you comment, we came here so hard to fight the earthquake and provide disaster relief, but now we can't pass, why is that?"

The woman saw an officer and immediately questioned.

"This comrade, I know that you are all here for disaster relief, but the road ahead is really impossible for other vehicles except for large trucks." General Lee explained.

"Chief, I've been in before, and I know that the road inside is not easy, but as long as you are careful, there is no problem at all! You just let us pass! The comrades over there are still waiting for our supplies! When

the woman heard this, she continued to persuade.

She was Fan Yuxi, a reporter who had gone in before, but she didn't expect to come over as a volunteer this time.

"Oh? Since you have been in, you should also know the danger, so I will not let you pass!"

General Li looked at the enthusiastic woman in front of him, knowing her good intentions, but still refused.


Fan Yuxi didn't know what to say.

Before they started to leave after the donation activity in Huahai City, but without large trucks, they could only find small and medium-sized trucks, and time was urgent, so they set off directly, but they didn't expect to be able to enter.

"This lesbian, don't worry! Now there are a lot of materials in it, you put the donated materials here, we will help you send them in, you see, those are sent from other regions, they can't get in!

By the way, where are you from?

General Li looked at Fan Yuxi's appearance and immediately comforted, after all, people are well-intentioned and should not be hit.

"We are from the Huahai City Rescue Association!"

"Oh? Huahai City? Have you ever heard of Huaxia Charity? Hearing

that the other party said that it was from Huahai City, General Li was instantly interested and hurriedly inquired.

"Huh? Huaxia Charity? Now it was Fan Yuxi's turn to be stunned.

Looking at the other party's puzzled look, General Li was surprised: "You don't know? This organization is yours in Huahai City! He was the first to come over to deliver the supplies, and directly entered the supplies of more than fifty large trucks! "


When Fan Yuxi heard this, she was immediately surprised, why had she never heard of such a powerful institution, and since the other party was so strong, why was there no official invitation before?

Seeing the appearance of the other party, I didn't know, and General Li was even more curious.

At this time, another convoy came from the other road, all large trucks.

"Where did the rescue team come from?"

General Li and Fan Yuxi looked at each other, and then asked;

"Hello! We are the rescue team of Huaxia Charity, I am Sun Yunyi, the leader of the team, currently carrying a medical team of more than 200 people and various medical supplies! Sun Yunyi got out of the car directly and replied.


Hearing this, the two were instantly stunned, is it this Huaxia charity again?

"Hello Captain Sun! I seem to have seen your Huaxia Charity's convoy before, why did I get another one? General Li asked in bewilderment after being excited.

This is really timely rain!

They sent a lot of supplies, but there was no medical team and medical supplies, and he was very grateful to this Chinese charity!

"That's supposed to be delivering supplies, we're a medical team." Sun Yunyi explained lightly.


Hearing this, the two were very shocked, they did not expect this Huaxia charity to be so atmospheric.

"I wonder who your president is? Why haven't I heard of you, a Chinese charity?

At this time, Fan Yuxi's reporter was possessed and quickly asked.

"Our Huaxia Charity has just been established, it's normal that we haven't heard of it, and our president is Gu Chen!" Sun Yunyi explained with great admiration.

"But Mr. Gu Chengu of Huahai Taiyu Group?"

General Li obviously didn't know Gu Chen, but Fan Yuxi was different, she was directly stunned when she heard this, and then asked tremblingly.

"Yes! Does this lady know us Mr. Gu?

A look of surprise flashed in Sun Yunyi's eyes.

"I've seen a few times!" Fan Yuxi shook her head and smiled bitterly.

She was uneasy in her heart at this time, she never expected Gu Chen to be so courageous and directly set up a charity, and suddenly she didn't know how to explain Gu Chen's misunderstanding.

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