It took a lot of effort to leave the airport and sit in the car bound for the company.

"Mr. Gu, now you are on fire, and the Internet says that you are a real entrepreneur!"

The assistant sitting in the co-pilot explained to Gu Chen with a smile.

Gu Chen smiled bitterly: "Then I'd rather not be so hot!" "

He was annoyed by the harassment of these journalists.

After returning to the company, many employees also saw Gu Chen with a sense of admiration, after all, it is definitely very lucky to work in the hands of such people, so their sense of belonging to the company is even stronger.

After Gu Chen finished dealing with the matter, he went home, after all, he hadn't come back for nearly half a month.

Tom Chen didn't say anything else, the security work was extremely strict, and when Gu Chen went in, he was very satisfied when he saw those reporters squatting outside and not getting in.

Just arrived home.

Gu Chen looked at it and found that everyone was in the living room.

"Hey, our charity ambassadors are back!"

Seeing this, Gu Mu's eyes flashed with kindness, and then quipped.

They had long known that Gu Chen had returned to Huahai.

After all, the current Gu Chen is where to go to the toilet, it is estimated that it will be released.

"Mom, Dad, Xinyi, you are all there!"

After Gu Chen put the suitcase in his hand aside, he said hello with a smile.

"Of course! You kid did a great job this time! Father Gu directly gave an affirmation.

Gu Chen smiled, and his family's recognition and encouragement made him very happy.

Chu Xinyi's eyes glowing with spring water looked at Gu Chen affectionately and did not speak.

Gu Chen held her hand and looked at each other, all without saying anything.

Then Gu Chen said that the rescue operation was roughly completed, as well as the details.

Then I went back to my room to sleep.

The next day, the rising winter sun hangs high in the sky, shining with a halo.

After a night of recovery, Gu Chen was refreshed.

I arrived at the company early and took the lead in holding a high-level meeting, which was attended by the heads of each group.

"Let's first welcome Yao Zhaoping, vice president of Pharmaceutical Group!"

Gu Chen first introduced the newcomer's face, and because Sun Yunyi was still in the disaster area, he sent a vice president to participate.

Suddenly, there was a round of applause below.

"Hello everyone! My name is Yao Zhaoping, I am currently the vice president of the pharmaceutical group, please advise me in the future! Yao

Zhaoping was not tall, but he had an extraordinary temperament, and he was introduced without humility after getting up.

Then everyone introduced themselves again.

"I will make a summary of this activity, generally I am quite satisfied, but there are a few details that need to be paid attention to..."

So Gu Chen started this summary meeting, Gu Chen gushed endlessly, and the rest of the crowd also put forward their own views from time to time.

It took two hours to finish.

"Generally these are these, everyone can implement it after they go back, and in the future, Huaxia Charity will operate normally and be used for real charity, I will personally supervise, and this matter will be responsible for Xu Shishi!"

Gu Chen pointed to Xu Shishi in the corner and said.

Everyone followed their gazes, Xu Shishi was stunned, and then got up and replied with a red face: "Yes!"

"Finally, there was the incentive activity for this disaster relief, and the wages of those who participated were all increased by ten percent! This year's annual meeting prize money is distributed 100,000! Subsequent promotions are prioritized!

Gu Chen withdrew his gaze with satisfaction, and then said cheerfully.

Everyone was stunned, there was no objection to Gu Chen's big hand, and they were happy for those employees who went, and after the news spread, it was estimated that those intestines who did not go would regret it.

So today's meeting was over, and the responsible persons directly dispersed and started new work tasks, while Gu Chen was relaxed.

"Fun! What do you think? Any ideas for later? Back in the office, Gu Chen asked with a smile after looking at Gan Le.

"Brother Dust! I want to go to Huaxia Charity! When

Gan Le heard this, he looked at Gu Chen with a serious face.

This time I went to the disaster area, and the situation inside impressed him!

Gu Chen didn't expect Gan Le to go to charity, which he didn't expect.

He pondered for a moment, then shook his head: "Lezi, you have been by my side for a few months!" Before Gan always asked you to follow me to ask you to change, now I see that you can almost support a company, so you can go back! When

he saw Gan Le's face change, he was about to say something.

"A feast in the world! You can also join Huaxia Charity after you go back. Gu Chen said with a smile.

Gan Le fell silent when he heard this, his mouth opened, and finally said firmly: "Good!" Brother Dust, if there is anything you can find me at any time! After

that, Gan Le left here, before his old son told him to go back, he kept dragging, now just right!

He is the only seedling of the Gan family, and naturally he has to inherit the family property.

Gu Chen was also standing in front of the window, looking at the ant-like pedestrians underground, and his thoughts were full of thoughts for a while.

It wasn't long before his office door rang.

"Please come in!"

Gu Chen came back to his senses and returned to his chair.

"Mr. Gu, there is a reporter outside who claims to be a TV station who wants to interview you!"

The assistant walked in and looked at Gu Chen and reported respectfully.

Gu Chen frowned and waved his hand: "No see!" The

assistant hurried out to answer the message.

First floor, lobby reception.

A woman in a professional journalist's uniform and a man with a video camera are standing at the front desk smiling.

The front desk nodded after receiving the landline on the table, and then looked apologetically: "I'm sorry two!" We do not accept interviews!

The woman's smile froze, she was Fan Yuxi, and she had not even seen the interview opportunity that she had won with great difficulty.

"Then when do you guys have time?"

Fan Yuxi did not want to give up and returned in vain.

The front desk smiled and refused: "Sorry, this is a company secret, not something I can know!"

"Alright! Excuse me! I'm sorry!

Fan Yuxi looked disappointed and could only leave.

However, she did not give up, and after leaving the hall, she did not leave but went to the underground parking lot.

"Sister Fan, aren't you going back? Are you..." asked the camera brother who followed behind puzzled.

"Since President Gu doesn't see us, then we have to create opportunities ourselves! As a journalist, you should have this resilience!

Fan Yuxi recognized Gu Chen's car at a glance, stood on the side and guarded, and explained.

The camera brother immediately admired when he heard this, and now he understood that it was not for nothing that Fan Yuxi could become an ace reporter at a young age.

So the two waited in the dark underground, but the temperature was too low, and the two shivered.

On the other hand, Gu Chen did not pay attention to this little episode, and he did not know that the reporter interviewed was his acquaintance.

Then his cell phone rang.

When he opened it, he frowned, he didn't recognize this number, but he was very familiar.

It is the official phone number of Huahai City.


Anyway, he picked it up.

"Hello, this is the Secretariat of Huahai City, is it Mr. Gu Chengu?"

A man's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I'm Gu Chen, what's the matter?" Gu Chen asked puzzled.

"I'm sorry to disturb Mr. Gu! Our secretary would like to invite Mr. Gu to meet! I wonder if Mr. Gu has time? "

Huh?" Gu Chen was stunned, he didn't seem to have contact with the other party, why did he want to see him, but he didn't refuse.

"There is time! Just don't know why you want to see me! Gu Chen asked the puzzlement in his heart.

"Mr. Gu, don't worry! It was because Mr. Gu's previous actions were admirable and established a good image for Huahai City, so the secretary wanted to see Mr. Gu! There was also an admiring voice on the other end of the phone.

"Thank you!" Gu Chen thanked him.

He didn't expect that it was because of this reason, crying and laughing.

"Okay then! Mr. Gu! We've sent a colleague to pick you up! Please also prepare Mr. Gu! "

Eh? Okay thank you!

Gu Chen didn't expect that the other party had even sent the car, so he also agreed to come down.

He then hung up.

Gu Chen walked out directly, called an assistant, and went downstairs directly, just in the lobby on the first floor, the city government's car arrived, Gu Chen didn't talk nonsense, and got on the car directly.

Poor Fan Yuxi didn't know that Gu Chen had left.

She is also unlucky, if it is not for the official to send a car to pick him up, it is estimated that she will run into Gu Chen, which is really unlucky.

Until she left work at night, she didn't wait for Gu Chen, watching the other cars leave one after another, she learned from an employee that President Gu had left long ago.

She was overwhelmed and could only leave sadly.

On the other side, Gu Chen watched the car and did not leave the city center, but came to a low-key restaurant.

"Hello, not to meet..."

Gu Chen frowned and asked puzzled.

The driver explained with a smile: "Mr. Gu, don't worry, the leader is waiting for you here!" Then

the car turned directly into a compound before slowly stopping.

"Mr. Gu, it's here!" The driver put on the handbrake, turned his head with a smile and said to Gu Chen.

"Thank you!" Gu Chen nodded and smiled, then got out of the car, and saw a man in black waiting for a long time.

The man in black said respectfully.

"Hello Mr. Gu, the leader has arrived, please follow me!"

Then Gu Chen followed the other party into the house, arrived at a private room, and pushed open the door.

Gu Chen was also not polite and walked in directly.

The inside is quite large, the decoration is very intentional, the surrounding walls are covered with landscape ink paintings, and in the middle is a round table where seven middle-aged men are already seated.

As soon as Gu Chen entered, everyone looked over.

"Presumably this is Mr. Gu! What a young and promising! "

Old Ying has seen Gu Chen's photo a long time ago, and he recognized it at once, and immediately got up to say hello.

Gu Chen looked around, and suddenly his heart was turbulent, these people he had never seen, but it did not prevent him from knowing, all of them were seen on TV and in newspapers, all of them were big guys in Huahai City.

"Hello Secretary Ying!"

Gu Chen was startled when he saw the other party get up, and quickly greeted him.

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