Peter directly stated the purpose of this time at this time.

In his opinion, Gu Chen would definitely agree to his request, after all, only he could help Long Teng through this difficulty.

Even he saw the scene of Gu Chen thanking him gratefully.

"Haha! Is Mr. Peter finished? It

was just that Gu Chen's extremely disdainful voice made him come back to his senses.

Looking at Gu Chen's clown-like gaze, he suddenly felt angry.

"Has Mr. Gu thought about it?" But the big thing is important, and he has to suppress it in his heart.

He had already thought about it, and after acquiring Dragon Teng, he must humiliate Gu Chen.

"Don't think about it, Mr. Peter, please come back!"

"Good! Mr. Gu is smart-"

Peter thought that Gu Chen agreed, and immediately said the words in his heart directly, but he felt wrong halfway through and was directly stunned.

"Mr. Gu, can you think about it, I will leave, but there will be no turning back?"

Suddenly, his face darkened.

"Coming to see off guests!" Gu Chen didn't bother to say anything at this time, and shouted outside the door.

The door was opened directly, and the assistant walked in, and said coldly to Peter and the others: "A few please!"

"Good! , Mr. Gu, I hope you don't regret it!

Peter was immediately very embarrassed, he thought it was a hand-to-hand thing, but he didn't expect it to be a shame, so he said a cruel word and left angrily.

Same as the one last time.

Watching them leave, Wang Wei was naturally extremely comfortable, but then he was worried.

"Mr. Gu, how should I be good now? Now it seems that Google and Intel wear the same pants! Looking

at Gu Chen asked with a worried expression.

"I have my own arrangements for this matter, so don't worry!" Just give me a steady hand!

Gu Chen smiled and said mysteriously.


Although Wang Wei didn't know what Gu Chen could do, he could only choose to believe and go down to do things.

Gu Chen naturally has confidence, originally he planned to wait for Long Teng to completely gain a foothold before taking it out, but now, taking this opportunity, directly pushing it out, the effect is better!

His confidence is naturally another mature system independent of Android and Apple, which he has drawn before.

Before, he asked one of his research laboratories to study, and now he should have researched a lot of things!

So he directly took out his mobile phone and made a call.

After a few seconds, the call connects.

"Hello? Mr. Gu? "

Huh? You should know all by now, right?

Gu Chen smiled and asked easily.

"Naturally! Mr. Gu, in fact, this system has long been very mature and complete! We have studied it thoroughly, it is really powerful, I don't know if Mr. Gu can tell me who researched this, it's really genius! An

excited voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Haha old Meng, this is not okay, since people choose to hand it over to me, they naturally don't want to be famous!" Gu Chen directly refused.

What a joke, I also want to know ah!

At the same time, they breathed a sigh of relief, afraid that they would not understand this system.

"This way!" Old Meng was naturally extremely regretful.

This person originally worked in many domestic Internet companies, and finally entered a research institute until he was acquired by Gu Chen, so he became Gu Chen's employee.

Technology is naturally not said, otherwise he would not be the director of this institute.

"Okay! How does this system function? Gu Chen asked directly.

When Lao Meng heard Gu Chen's words, the regret in his heart was directly replaced by excitement.

"Mr. Gu, please rest assured that the functions of this system are very complete, better than the two systems on the market, and it is also very safe. I have made a download installation package, which can be promoted on the whole network! Old Meng replied loudly.

"Good! Get ready for me on your side! I want it anytime! Gu

Chen was very happy when he heard this.

"Don't worry! But you have to prepare a large server, otherwise you will be prone to stuttering and paralysis!

"Good! You're ready to be famous! Old Meng!

Gu Chen nodded when he heard this, and then joked with a smile.

"President Gu, this... Not okay!

"Don't worry!"

"Good! Then thank you Mr. Gu! Old

Meng was naturally extremely happy, after all, this greatly enhanced his reputation!

Then Gu Chen hung up the phone.

Pondering, he didn't worry about the large server, he was worried about not knowing where to place it.

It definitely can't work here, and the new district hasn't been built yet! So for a while, Gu Chen didn't know where to put it.

Soon he thought of someone, Lao Ying, and last time he said that he had something to find him.

So I directly dialed Lao Ying's personal number.

After a few seconds, the call connects.

"Hey, Mr. Gu?" Lao Ying's voice sounded.

"Secretary Ying! I'm looking for you for help? Gu Chen directly sold miserable.

"Oh? Could it be that Mr. Gu really has no way this time? "Lao Ying naturally knows the problems Gu Chen is facing now.

Gu Chen smiled bitterly, it seems that the whole country probably knows that he is probably in a catastrophe this time!

Google is really ruthless!

"Do you want me to ask the above to say hello and let the official come forward?" Seeing that Gu Chen was silent, Lao Ying said suddenly.

At present, the dragon teng where Gu Chen is located has become a banner of the country, and he naturally does not want to fall down like this.

"Nope! Thank you Secretary Ying, I have my own way to do this, this time I am looking for you for other things?

Gu Chen quickly refused, but he was still slightly moved in his heart.

"Huh? What else is going on?

At this time, Lao Ying was stunned, he didn't expect that Gu Chen had a way this time, and he was suddenly full of curiosity, but he didn't ask.

"I would like to ask Huahai what places are currently where you can put large servers and very independent power supplies."

Gu Chen asked his own question.

"I'll help you ask the Commerce Bureau about this!" Lao Ying thought for a moment and replied.

So Gu Chen waited for a long time, and the old man replied: "Mr. Gu, what a coincidence, there is really this place, just over there in the energy development high-tech zone, you can go and inspect the specific situation by yourself."

"Okay! Thank you Secretary Ying! Gu Chen was overjoyed when he heard this.

"It's okay! Hope it helps! Lao Ying responded with a smile.

Then Gu Chen hung up the phone.

After getting the news, he went out with his assistant.

At the same time, Peter, who was driven out by Gu Chen, had just finished talking to the headquarters on the other side of the ocean at this time.

He looked at the high-rise buildings of the Longteng Group and couldn't help but sneer.

"Gu Chen! In three days, I'll see how you handle the situation! Then

he drove away.

He didn't plan to leave, but waited three days later, when the Dragon Teng Group became a shout from everyone.

At that time, Gu Chen will definitely treat himself as a savior, and when the time comes, he can take down the Longteng Group and humiliate Gu Chen, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds.

He looked at the comments on the Internet, all denouncing the Longteng Group, and suddenly showed a vicious smile.

This situation is naturally fueled by him.

Gu Chen can naturally guess that there is a share of their credit on the Internet, but who the clown is will know in three days.

After Gu Chen went to the location that Lao Ying said, he saw that it was indeed an independent area, and the security issues were very tight, plus as an important scientific research base, there were independent network cables and wires, even if the power and network were cut off from the outside, there would be a backup here.

Gu Chen was very satisfied.

The placement location was solved, and Gu Chen directly waved his hand and spent a huge amount of money to buy a building.

After that, he sent someone to find a relationship, directly purchased a large server and all supporting facilities, and worked overtime to install it.

Everything is ready, only the east wind is owed!

So Gu Chen directly ordered Wang Wei to hold a press conference three days later.

As soon as this news was sent, the whole network was shocked, and they all guessed what it meant for Longteng Group to hold a press conference at this time.

But all the reporters went crazy and agreed, which is huge news!

"What does Long Teng mean by developing cloth at this time? Have you found a solution?

"Maybe you're planning to file for bankruptcy?"

"Are you mentally retarded upstairs? Even if Longteng Group does not operate all electronic equipment, what about Shenzhou chips?

"I guess I am ready to withdraw from the electronics market, but it is a pity, this Shenzhou mobile phone is very easy to use, or domestic!"

For a while, there was speculation on the Internet, and there were many opinions.

The bosses of major mobile phones naturally knew the news, and they all guessed the reason why Gu Chen did this.

Before they learned that Intel's people had visited him, they were very nervous, but then they spent a lot of effort to inquire as if the two had broken down, and then slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

They also don't want Longteng Group to rise again.

When they returned home in the evening, everyone naturally asked curiously.

Gu Chen just smiled and didn't explain, just say that you will know when you say it.

Time was fleeting, and in the blink of an eye, the third day came.

All of a sudden, all eyes of the Internet converged here.

Reporters from major platforms rushed to the scene early, not only reporters, but also Internet celebrities with hands and eyes, and directly opened a live broadcast.

It has long attracted countless netizens and viewers.

The time had not yet arrived, and everyone in the Longteng Group had not appeared except for the security guards who maintained order.

So many keyboard warriors on the Internet began to spray.

"Yo, it's not here yet, I guess I'm afraid!"

"Yes! Garbage Dragon! Hurry up and go out of business! "

There is a spray, there is a natural maintenance.

"Huh! What do you have but a mouth?

"Exactly! Even if people go out of business, they are better than you!

"Just donate to the disaster area, and I will support Longteng!"

"That's right! Support Dragon Teng! "

For a while, various barrages flew up, and because the dragon in the disaster area had released a lot of strength before, which caused passers-by to have a good sense of the dragon, the trolls naturally cursed and exited the live broadcast room.

However, the Internet celebrity who broadcast live was grinning, and he was really hot this time.

At this time, the number of viewers had already exceeded 10 million, and he did not expect that so many people would pay attention to this matter.

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