"That's right! I'm going to Yangcheng tomorrow to solve this matter, and you send an invitation to the Yang family, saying that I want to visit him!"

Gu Chen sat on the chair and ordered lightly.


Mei Jiale was stunned when she heard this, and then nodded.

Although the other party's family has a big business, his boss is not a vegetarian.

Since everyone knew that the chairman of Grandview Group was Gu Chen, all the major forces in Yangcheng gave him some face, which made him very comfortable.

Previously, as the deputy manager of Grandview Group, although he was in a high position, people would not pay attention to it, but now, he is naturally a guest.

This made him very loyal to Gu Chen.

After Gu Chen hung up the phone, he directly dialed the chairman of the Yang Family Group.

Where would he have someone's private number before, not after someone personally chatted with him at a drinking party before.

Although he is the deputy manager, the chairman of the group does not interfere in the affairs of the group, and the general manager lives in Huahai for a long time, so his status here is the highest, which naturally arouses the goodwill of the other party.

"Hello? Manager Mei? A

few seconds later, the phone was connected and authentic Cantonese rang.

"President Yang, I'm sorry to bother you so late!"

Mei Jiale is also standard Cantonese back.

"Where, where! Manager Mei is busy with affairs, I don't know what is going on now?

"I wonder if President Yang has time tomorrow?"

"Oh? Could it be that there is something going on with Manager Mei? Of course there is time! Mr. Yang said boldly.

"Our chairman wants to meet President Yang tomorrow!"

"What? But Mr. Gu Chengu?

Sure enough, hearing Mei Jiale's words, Yang was shocked.

The word Mr. Gu was originally called by Gan Yuan, and in the end, the whole country called it so.


Mei Jiale affirmed with a smile.

"Shhh! Good! I wonder what happened to Mr. Gu? Mr. Yang was shocked in his heart, and then asked.

He had never dealt with Gu Chen, and now that Gu Chen wanted to see him, it naturally made him curious.

Of course, he naturally wants to meet Gu Chen, and it is estimated that the whole country wants to meet Gu Chen, but people don't want to see it.

Although he is a ground snake, he also scores classes, and he can not give face to President Zhou, but for Gu Chen, he naturally has to stammer.

"What about this? Tomorrow, we will know when we see you! Mei

Jiale naturally would not reveal this news.

"Alright! Tell Mr. Gu that I am looking forward to meeting Mr. Gu!

Mr. Yang replied happily.

There is another reason for such enthusiasm, that is, their Yang family has faced a severe crisis due to the wrong investment and development direction in recent years, and a bad ancestral business may overturn.

Although he couldn't see it on the surface, he knew that if there was no new capital injection, then he might really go bankrupt, which was why he wanted to see Gu Chen.

The bosses of the country who do not know that the cash flow in the hands of Gu Chen is very terrifying, and it is estimated that he can rank in the top ten.

Of course, this is on the bright side, in this land, the family forces in the secret are unknown, but the Chinese people have always respected the golden mean, so most families are very low-key.

Maybe you meet a buddy at random in the clubhouse, and the person is the second generation of the hidden rich.

"Good! I will definitely tell you! Then don't bother President Yang! Bye!

"Bye bye!"

The two ended the call.

Gu Chen, who was far away in Huahai, looked at the Yang family's information at this time, and he was confident that they would give up pursuing Zhou Zihao.

Originally, he wanted to find Academician Chen, but he didn't expect that the other party had business dealings with him, isn't it a coincidence?

At this point, he also thought of the reason why it was no wonder that Chairman Zhou would find himself.

It is estimated that people have already investigated.

Then I didn't care, turned off the computer, took a shower and went back to my room.

He had to see what rewards were available today.

Skillfully opening Taobao, he found that today's interface was a little different from the past, which made him very nervous.

Isn't it going to disappear!

Thinking of this, Gu Chen had a feeling of panic, although his business empire was now very large, it still made him feel insecure.

As time passed, sure enough, the interface changed, and there was no lucky draw in the past, but a message.

His gaze opened complexly, and a new interface instantly popped up.

"Dear user, at present, through this product, the world where the user is located has become a far-reaching celebrity, in order to better help the user, this product will follow the latest system template method.

Enact missions to make that user the most influential big man in the world! After

reading the content, Gu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately it did not disappear.

At the same time, he is also very curious about this task mode, he has often read novels before, and naturally knows that the golden finger of the protagonist in the novel, the system, will distribute rewards through the task mode.

Could it be that this Taobao will also be rewarded through this release task in the future?

It seemed that Taobao thought of what Gu Chen was thinking, and suddenly another news sounded.

"There will be no rewards after the task template is completed, this is just the product generated through need, the purpose is just to help the user accelerate the influence and development!"

Seeing this, Gu Chen was disappointed, he thought that he was the same as the protagonist in the novel!

But soon adjusted, how is my current self different from those novels!

[Main task: At present, the user has become a domestic business celebrity, which is far from enough! ] Please become the richest man in China in a short time! (Note: It is not ranked according to the user's organization, everything is based on the ranking of this product!) ), at present, this product through big data and state secrets comparison, the user's rich list ranking: 100+, please work hard to make money, become the richest man in the country as soon as possible. 】

【Side quest: As a business celebrity, how can you not have your own pressing qualifications! 】 Ask this user to collect the world's top ten most expensive luxury cars, as well as the top ten famous watches! 【

Top 10 famous cars: 0/10. 【

Top 10 Watches: 0/10. Then a

list of tasks appeared on Gu Chen's mobile phone screen, and Gu Chen frowned when he saw it.

I now have so many groups that I can't even rank in a hundred? Fake, right?

Gu Chen seriously doubted whether there was a bug in this Taobao at this moment.

Where did Gu Chen know that in this ancient country, I don't know how many geniuses and families have appeared, through the accumulation and inheritance of generations, I don't know how much wealth in his hands, where can he compare in this short time.

At least what wealth list, China Resources list and so on, they will not look at it, in their eyes this is just a child fighting.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining a technology from the future - new energy battery technology, hydrogen ion battery R & D and production technology."

"This technology is a scientific and technological product of the next hundred years, and by overcoming the utilization and conversion of hydrogen atoms, an epoch-making technology has been developed."

"The hydrogen ion battery is mainly composed of strong energy and green and clean, strong durability, strong endurance, and a very long service life."

Then several prompts sounded one after another, and Gu Chen had only one word in his heart after reading it, that is, strong!

The king of kings, the emperor of emperors, one section is stronger than another!

This is really all the new energy on the market! If he is released, it is estimated that those new energy groups in the world will collapse now.


suddenly let out a weird laugh, if others heard it, it would probably be scared back cold.

The next day, at seven o'clock in the morning, Gu Chen stood up with two big black eyes.

"Brother, you heard that voice last night?"

At this time, Xu Shishi came to Gu Chen's side with a nervous face, and was very scared after seeing Gu Chen's dark eyes.

"What sound?"

Gu Chen turned his head and looked at Xu Shishi puzzled.

"Didn't you hear?"

"What do I hear?"

Gu Chen looked at Xu Shishi and asked inexplicably.

"Then why are you such big dark circles!"

Xu Shishi pointed to the mirror, and Gu Chen saw that his eyes really didn't sleep well.

"Brother, let me tell you, last night I heard a strange laugh, it really scared me to sleep well all night!"

Hearing Xu Shishi's words, Gu Chen was stunned for a moment, and then realized that it was the laughter she showed when she was excited last night, which was mistaken by her for a ghost, and her face suddenly darkened.

"What laughter! I see you're hallucinating in your ears!

Gu Chen said a word and left.

Somewhat embarrassing!

After that, Gu Chen put on a formal suit and said at the entrance: "I went to Yangcheng on a business trip!" He disappeared into his home.

Since Gan Le had already left, Gu Chen directly found a veteran as a driver, and it was really a double kill to be able to be a bodyguard and a driver.

In the car, as Gu Chen's assistant, he naturally had to follow.

It is also a pity that Gu Chen originally wanted Yan Qing to be his assistant, but Chu Xinyi did not give himself a chance at all, and directly arranged an honest person to Gu Chen.

All the way to the airport without words.

After more than an hour of air travel, Gu Chen landed at the airport in Yangcheng on the eve of the sun coming out.

As Gu Chen's loyal dogleg, Mei Jiale naturally waited at the airport early.

"Mr. Gu, you are here! Do you want to take a break first or go for breakfast?

Mei Jiale asked behind Gu Chen with a smile;

"Hmm~ let's go to breakfast first! Isn't Manager Mei a local? Don't know what places to recommend?

Gu Chen thought about it and asked with a smile.

"Naturally, there is!"

So Mei Jiale took Gu Chen to eat an authentic Yangcheng breakfast.

Gu Chen did not rush to see President Yang, but first inspected the group and dealt with some affairs.

The time turned to noon.

In a casual teahouse, Gu Chen saw the local land snake, Yang Tianci, the helmsman of the Yang Group!

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