The moment the robbery thunder exploded, the entire mountain top was covered by the scarlet destruction thunder!

Qi Yuanxiu’s white wings disappeared directly.

The twin swords in Tang Xiao’s hands shattered with a click, and in an instant, the ferocious and violent thunder of destruction covered him as well.


The second explosion sounded, and the three of them flew out upside down like a kite with a broken line!


A bolt of lightning streaked through the distance, and Lin Feng stood on the top of the mountain again with a flat expression.




Wu Yao directly smashed the rock on the ground into a crater and came out.

Qi Yuanxiu was plunged into the earth by terrifying explosion fluctuations.

Tang Yao was blown up and landed in front of Huangfuyu and the others.


There was a deathly silence in the audience.

Whether it’s on the stage of the king or in the audience.

Or on the summit stage, all of them can be heard!

“Well… Strong. ”

I don’t know who said it.

The next moment, the audience was boiling.

“He, he, he won! He actually won!? ”

“That’s not called winning, that’s called crushing.”

“One move to severely damage 3 veteran heavenly kings, terrible, too terrible!”

“How the hell did he do it?”

“It’s so miserable, Wu Yao, they won’t die, right?”

“Shhh! Monster! Lin Feng is the monster! ”

“No, he’s the king of monsters!”

The audience stood up in horror at the same time.

One by one, they looked at the horror on the big screen.

That’s right, it’s a thriller!

Those are three veteran kings!

Under the combination is an invincible existence!

But such a powerful trio was hit hard by Lin Feng’s move!

“The wind is full of bows!”

Yan Jitian, Lu Tian, and Liu Qingmei’s voices all trembled a little.

“You… It’s really yin! ”

Liu Qingmei said coldly.

“Hehe, Principal Feng, this is going to kill our 3 schools.”

“Old Feng, I still borrowed your pants to wear back then, I bah!”

The three of Yan Jitian were shocked and angry again.

In their opinion, Feng Manbow knew that Lin Feng was so strong, but he always avoided talking about it.

It is clear that they will not make their three schools feel good.

The bloody head of the dog who was scolded with a bow was stunned, but he was confused.

I don’t know how!

Nima, just now I was worried about Lin Feng.

How did you think this kid was so perverted?

Is this Nima a human thing?

Even I hide it!?

The wind was full of bows and looked at the big screen in a daze, and was scolded by the three principals.

Ran Hongyi and Gong Qingyu looked at each other.

Immediately, Gong Qingyu said in shock: “This, this should be the first time since the establishment of the Battle of Heavenly King Mountain that someone has crushed three veteran Heavenly Kings, right?” ”

Ran Hongyi Meimu looked at Lin Feng on the big screen and did not speak.

Yes, the first one.

A miracle like no one ever before!

Even that one, who can be called the first day of the Terran arrogance, did not do it.

On the Heavenly King’s platform, there was incomparable silence.

Nothing is lost.

Huangfu was stunned.

Li Fengxian was stupid.

Wu Lili was shocked.

Even Mu He, who had always been calm and calm, had wide eyes and a strange look.


At this moment, Wu Yao crushed the Heavenly King Order.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Yuanxiu and Tang Xiao crushed the Heavenly King Order at the same time.

The thunder robbery doppelganger condensed half of the spiritual energy in Lin Feng’s body, and its power was extremely terrifying.

Wu Yao and the three were very close again.

This explosion, the three people were already seriously injured and on the verge of death.

Especially Wu Yao, almost crushed the Heavenly King Order with willpower.

Even, because the injury was too serious, it was not crushed for the first time.

It took two times of strength to crush it.


Incomparably terrifying!

All the contestants in the Tianwang stage were stunned, and their scalps were numb!

Is that kind of attack still something they can issue at this level?

I don’t know, I thought it was a grandmaster who made a move.

Lin Feng’s expression was flat.

In fact, at the moment when Wu Yao and the three rushed towards him, Lin Feng instantly condensed the thunder doppelganger.

Then, Lin Feng stood behind the thunder robbery doppelganger, cast a divine lightning and thunder, and moved down the mountain.

Therefore, no one could see that it was no longer Lin Feng’s body.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t dare to approach Wu Yao if they killed him.

He is not at all surprised that he can do this.

Even Lin Feng deliberately kept his hand.

Otherwise, with the three of Wu Yao, they would not be able to bear it at all, and they would definitely die!

Lin Feng and the three had no grievances, so there was no need for the human race to lose three geniuses at once.

Hit them hard, it’s enough.

And if you really want to kill 3 of them, Jiangnan University and Central South University will probably have to die with themselves.

This is very unfavorable to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was not unusual, but others set off a huge wave in their hearts.

“Seven-star battle general, freewheeling level control, unparalleled speed!”

Wu Lili’s originally dignified face was suddenly replaced by excitement: “Lin Feng, you are very strong!” ”

“Hahahaha, it’s really goosebumps, Lin Feng, you’re mine!”

The moment the words fell, the 10 Demon Shadow doppelgangers suddenly shone brightly.

The next moment, the number of Demon Shadow avatars doubled!

20 six-star warrior-level doppelgangers appeared!

But that’s not the end of it.

Wu Lili suddenly let out a sharp roar.

The monstrous demonic qi was like a galaxy pouring out.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Lili’s momentum began to rise, and she instantly reached the seven-star battle general level!


Seeing this scene, Ji Wuxiang’s faces changed.


Huangfu Yu’s pupils shrank, and this woman even retained her strength!

On the summit stage.

Originally, the three principals were engaged in a brutal “scolding war” against the wind full bow. ”

But immediately, several people were stunned.

The next moment, all eyes looked at Liu Qingmei.

Liu Qing’s eyebrows did not scold, and he sat upright and stared at the big screen intently.

It’s like watching a game intently.

The wind is full of bows and does not hit a place.

His mother scolded you the most ruthlessly just now, and she kept it for a long time.

Yan Jitian: “Liu Qingmei, the old man is ashamed of you!” ”

The wind is full of bows: “If it weren’t for the fact that I saw that you were a woman, I would have scolded!” ”

After speaking, he snorted coldly, waved his sleeves, and sat down, looking at the big screen intently.

Only Lu Tian was dumbfounded.

Oh, good guy.

After for a long time, what am I a clown?

One by one!

Anger me too!

“Wu Lili, pass me first!”

Li Fengxian’s expression was grim.

Wu Lili was stronger than he could have imagined!

Rival! An absolute rival!

However, even so, Li Fengxian dared to fight!

He wants to weaken U Lili!

Seeing now, Li Fengxian already knew that Wu Lili had the strength to win.

This hip-hop witch is incredibly terrifying.

Lin Feng’s speed may not be useful!

“Senior, you rest.”

Lin Feng waved his hand.

Maybe Li Fengxian still has hole cards, but in the face of Wulili, Li Fengxian will definitely lose.

Moreover, if you lose, you will be seriously injured and may even die.

Without him, so many doppelgangers are too difficult to deal with.

“Cluck, then I’m welcome.”

After Wu Lili finished speaking, it was like a black shooting star, rushing towards the top of the mountain at an incredible speed.

At the same time, the 20 Demon Shadow doppelgangers are also not slow.

However, Wu Lili is fast, Lin Feng is faster!

At the moment when Wu Lili went up the mountain, Lin Feng instantly disappeared in place!

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