After Su Ming and the others left, it was as if the immobilization spell on everyone had been lifted, and the extremely quiet cafeteria erupted with extremely intense exclamations in an instant.

"Damn! Damn! That's actually true! Someone really met the perfect assessment requirements, and destroyed three mechanical beasts in the playoffs. What the hell..."

"Who is that guy? I haven't heard of it before, he looks so young, he looks younger than us, right? Also, what is a mechanical beast? Is it powerful?"

"I bet he is definitely not in the same class as me. I have an impression of all the geniuses in my class. Also, what is a mechanical beast?"

"That's not from our junior year, it should be from the Alliance Armed Forces Department. As for the mechanical beast, it is a product of supernatural power and technology. The strength of the fifth level is very powerful!

"Only the fifth level of strength! From this point of view, it is nothing special, but it is really abnormal to pass through the illusion channel in one minute!"

Everyone was discussing, but Lin Yi remained silent. He didn't expect that the monster he was talking about was actually his junior, which really surprised him.

Previously, Shangguanxiong said that after these seniors entered the training camp, they would probably need Su Ming’s help. At that time, he thought this was an exaggeration of Shangguanxiong, but now it seems that it is not the case!

Others were just surprised that Su Ming passed through the illusion passage in one minute, and didn't discuss too much about the record of the three mechanical beasts.

Perhaps these people think that Su Ming, like them, has a sixth-level strength, and they can do it against a mechanical beast with only a fifth-level strength.

But Lin Yi knew that his junior was only at the fourth rank now!

Following Duanmurui, Su Ming remembered what Lin Yi said before, and the corners of Su Ming's mouth twitched involuntarily.

There is one thing to say, Duanmurui is impeccable in terms of body and appearance, and it would be tempting for anyone else, but every time Su Ming thinks of the smell of garlic, he feels that it is not a good taste.

Duanmurui naturally knew that Su Ming behind her was looking at her. As the chief instructor, she was also aware of some gossip among the students.

Although as a strong person, she has the ability to control her emotions, and she will not have mood swings due to some gossip.

But at that time, Su Ming's domineering power left her a deep impression, so much so that she interrupted the duel between power and power without hesitation. It is difficult to maintain absolute sanity when you are Ming.

"They're inside, go in by yourself, I'll leave first if I have something to do..."

Duanmurui sighed slightly, left Su Ming behind and walked away quickly.

"This a bit strange! Could it really be what the rumors say..."

Looking at the back of Duan Murui going away, Su Ming was a little confused, but when he thought of what Lin Yi said, he was shocked.

After entering the room, Su Ming came out in less than ten minutes. The two maintenance staff came in and talked about it, but it turned out that it was just a talk.

Back in the dormitory, the room where eight people lived was already full at the moment. When they saw Su Ming walk in, the seven people who were lying on the bed stood up immediately.

"Why is it him? The only person who passed the assessment, he is actually in the same dormitory as me!"

"It looks really small! It's a bit like a's over! Living with this guy, you won't be given special care by the chief instructor!"

"It's nothing to look at! How did he pass through the illusion channel? Could it be a spiritual ability?"

After the incident in the cafeteria, Su Ming is no stranger to many people. Now that he sees a real person, it is inevitable that he will discuss with some people.

"Hey, where did you come from? How did you pass through the passage of illusion?"

There was silence in the dormitory for a while, and then it was broken by a rough voice.

Although Su Ming's deeds are somewhat unusual, it is unrealistic to say that anyone is afraid of him.

Those who can come here are all geniuses and elites from the past. Everyone has their own way of invincibility. The true meaning of the training camp is whoever refuses to accept.

"Freshman at Shanghai University, recommended by the Alliance Armed Forces, do you have any questions?"

Although these people are older than me, they have cultivated longer than me, and their realm is higher than me, but in the same way, Su Ming will not be convinced by them, and responded neither humble nor overbearing.

"Freshman? No wonder... what level are you in now?"

The person who asked the question suddenly realized, no wonder Su Ming had a familiar feeling on him, but then he remembered something, a freshman destroyed three fifth-order mechanical beasts, what kind of strength is this guy?

………ask for flowers…

Level 6 in freshman year? Impossible!

Even if it is a special enrollment, there are not many sophomores who have reached the sixth level, and it is impossible for him as a freshman.

"How about... you come and try?"

Su Ming twisted his neck, looked at the speaker with a half-smile and said.

One of the disadvantages of living in a multi-person dormitory is that you can’t calm down and think about your own problems, so Su Ming’s idea is also very simple, that is Liwei!

Determine his absolute authority in this dormitory, so that he has more time to do his own affairs.

It's a pity that Su Ming doesn't have the eloquence of the previous heads of state, so he has only one way, and that is to subdue these guys!

"Primary school boy is really brave! But arrogance sometimes comes at a price!"


The man was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly.

Before, he still thought that Su Ming was a mysterious master, but when he knew that Su Ming was just a freshman, he immediately felt that he had taken Su Ming too seriously.

How powerful can a freshman who has just entered the University of Supernatural Powers be?

Of course, there are many things where freshmen beat old students, but the old students who are beaten up are those with high potential, and such things don't happen in special admissions.

But who can come to this place, which one is not specially recruited to enter the university?

"I understand the truth, but I don't think you are the one who can make me pay the price.

As he spoke, a strangely shaped wristband appeared on Su Ming's wrist, and a spiritual arrow shot towards the person who spoke.

"Spiritual attack! No wonder you can pass through the illusion channel, but..."

Just when that person thought his guess was correct, a strong sense of danger came. As a sixth-level supernatural power user, he could already sense the danger, and quickly gathered supernatural powers to resist.

But once again, the spiritual power soared, and the spiritual arrows sent out through the mysterious wrist guard, how could it be so easy to be instant?

The opponent's supernatural barrier is like a paper window, which did not hinder the arrow at all, and it actually fell on the opponent.

Accompanied by a scream, the latter fell into a coma, and the blood hole on his right shoulder told everyone how amazing the power of Su Ming's seemingly random attack was. .

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