Metropolis: Opening Awakening Space Ability!

Chapter 181 Instant Kill Eighth Order!

The news about the Northwest Ruins had already spread, and Zhao Tianyi naturally knew that his old man was not dead, and was brought back by the fat man.

Although the old man has the right to speak in the Zhao family, in order to control the Zhao family, Zhao Tianyi has already turned out his cards.

He understood that if he wanted to control the Zhao family, he would fail if he failed.

But he colluded with the Qi family to control the Zhao family. This is something the old man will never forgive, so he is unwilling to fail, and dare not fail.

As early as when the news came back, Zhao Tianyi had already made preparations and paid a lot of money to find some experts.

Coupled with the support of the Qi family, two eighth-level supernatural beings led the team, which made him feel very at ease.

After all, there is only an eighth-level and a sixth-level around Fatty, no matter how strong these two are, they will not be able to please the lineup around him.

"Young Master, Master "Four Seven Seven" and the others are here."

Through surveillance, the people in the manor noticed Su Ming and the others, and Zhao Tianyi couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that all of them were familiar people.

"Father is really arrogant! Since we are all ready to come back, but we didn't find help, he really thinks that the two people around me can solve us! Or does he think that I dare not contradict him?"

Zhao Tianyi sneered, although he was happy to see such a situation, but the old man's behavior of ignoring him still made him very annoyed.

Is his own son so worthless in his eyes?

"What about Zhao Mengyi and the others? They couldn't see it a few days ago, are they afraid?"

After feeling upset, Zhao Tianyi asked the people around him that his lineup could be even stronger, but for some reason, Zhao Mengyi and his wife disappeared after learning that the old man was still alive.

"Young Master Zhao, please don't worry, one is eighth and the other is only sixth, I can hold them down and not move by myself."

A middle-aged man answered with a very arrogant and conceited expression. With his eighth-level realm, he could indeed make him so empty.

Although Shangguanxiong doesn't like the two eighth ranks here, he judges this with a professional eye. In the eyes of ordinary people, the eighth ranks are already masters.

Even in the alliance, an eighth level can become the guard of the base city, guarding a line of defense, let alone in the eyes of the people.

"Of course I won't question Brother Fang's strength, but the old man has controlled the entire Zhao family after all. I dare not take him lightly when he comes back! What if?"

Zhao Tianyi said with a smile all over his face, but before he finished speaking, a domineering aura swept over the world.

All parts of the room were obviously sealed, but a violent storm rose up, rustling the plants and curtains inside.

Of course, compared to these obvious influences, the biggest effect of Shishi is the blow to people's hearts, not to mention that ordinary people like Zhao Tianyi feel their minds go blank.

Those supernatural beings and cultivators all turned pale under the impact of this domineering force.

The expression of Fang Bajie who spoke earlier also changed drastically. He turned his head to look at another Bajie, and found that that person happened to cast his gaze over.


In their horrified eyes, they all got the answer they wanted, and they were suddenly panicked.

I thought that this kind of merchant's house would not be able to face some prestigious people. With my eighth-level cultivation base, I can easily deal with it and get a lot of rewards

Unexpectedly, this person also saw, actually saw the legendary potential!

I'm afraid I'll be kicked on the iron board!

To be able to cultivate to the eighth level, even if you have not experienced the baptism of the border, you still have a certain strength. In terms of knowledge, there is absolutely no problem.

Whether it is a cultivator or a supernatural person, the real power awakening is after the sixth level. Regardless of the realm and other factors, it can be said that it is the threshold for a strong person.

It is not to say that everyone who understands the power is a strong person, but the strong must be the one who understands the power, and the gap is self-evident.

At this time, there was a scream in the room, and a seventh-level supernatural person suddenly rose into the air, waving his limbs in a panic, as if he had been grabbed by an invisible big hand.

Before the two eighth-levels could make a move, the sixth- and seventh-level people lay on the ground eating shit, accompanied by a wave of spiritual power, and the struggling people twitched twice before becoming silent.

Zhao Tianyi just came back to his senses, and saw the powerful lineup he was proud of, and now there were only two eighth ranks around him left.

And looking at the faces of these two people, it seems that the situation is very bad.


Fang's surname, Bajie, was just about to ask if the Qi family's Bajie knew something about the situation, and a dangerous warning came from his heart, and he quickly activated his abilities to prepare for the confrontation...

But I don't know what's going on, the supernatural powers in the body can't be mobilized at all, and I can't even exercise my body.

The eighth rank of the Qi family also stared, and hurriedly pulled Zhao Tianyi aside, and when they turned their heads to look at the eighth rank of the Fang family, they happened to see that space burst.

As the silver light circulated, Song, the so-called powerhouse of the eighth rank, left a bit of scum behind.

"Tsk tsk tsk! This is too perverted. Is your boy really the seventh step? Why do you feel like you are lying to us!"

A group of people appeared in the room, looking at some residues on the carpet, Shangguan Xiong said with a face full of surprise, looking at Su Ming with creepy eyes.

Although he doesn't like these two eighth ranks, they are eighth ranks after all!

Su Ming was a seventh-level man, and he managed to solve one without any effort. Judging by his state, it is more than enough to clean up the other. After the growth of this space ability, it is really abnormal.

Not to mention anything else, just take the powerful elemental ability as an example, if you want to cause damage beyond the level, you need to pay some price.

"Why don't you come and experience it?"

Su Ming said angrily, he was also taken aback in his heart, he wanted to try how far he was from the eighth order, but in this attempt, he actually gave away one, what a tragedy!

"Zhao...Mr. Zhao, I'm really happy to see that you are fine!"

Seeing the person coming, the Qi family's eighth rank said with a wonderful expression, although it is a very happy thing that the two people on the opposite side didn't pay attention to him, but the eyes of others are all on him, so it's impossible not to say a word!

"Today's business is a family matter, sir, please leave first, let me say hello.

Mr. Zhao dismissed that person. Although the eighth-level powerhouse was respected, after seeing Su Ming's performance just now, he felt that he didn't need to please him anymore.

The eighth rank of the Qi family seemed to be pardoned, and left in the blink of an eye. Su Ming and Shangguanxiong took a look at it, but did nothing.

After dealing with those unconscious supernatural beings, Su Ming also bid farewell to the Zhao family. The Zhao family will send them over after the technology is released. The rest is their family business, and Su Ming has no reason to get involved.

Moreover, this school year is almost over, and it is time to go to school to settle down. Rapid progress is a good thing, but it must be mastered. .

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