Metropolis: Opening Awakening Space Ability!

Chapter 129 Ying Er's Letter: What A Big Secret!

Okay! This mimicry training lasted for half a month, thanks to the good relationship between Shanghai University and me, otherwise the training will be interrupted forcibly.

After all, mimetic cultivation also requires energy support, and it is impossible for people to use it all the time. The preciousness of it can be seen from the quota allocation in the past.

After bidding farewell to Shangguanxiong, Su Ming took out the letter.

If you don't look at the content, but only look at the decoration, it should be Yinger's handwriting. You can feel the chill when you hold this thing in your hand!

I know a lot of people with ice abilities, but Han Yinger is the only one who can still feel the chill even after the owner has been gone for more than ten days.

But why would this little girl leave a letter for herself? She even asked Shangguanxiong to hand it over when she couldn't wait for anyone, which didn't suit her temperament at all!

"Damn! It seems that I know something amazing!"

After reading the contents of the letter with doubts, Su Yang's entire face changed. Although he is already a seventh-level supernatural power user and practitioner, he has also mastered the peak of skills, and even has a reputation in the ancient capital university. title.

But compared with the things said in the letter, these are not enough to see at all!

"It's no wonder that she can release such a combat skill at the first level. I didn't expect it to be related to the throne..."

Thinking of Yinger's surname and what was said in the letter, Su Ming almost knew what was going on.

The Han family is an extremely powerful family in the imperial capital. From the time when the crack appeared, it has been a family of supernatural beings in the imperial capital.

It is worth noting that the Han family is different from other families. Except for the cultivators, all the direct members of the family, as long as their abilities are awakened, are all ice-type!

This kind of situation is extremely rare, even impossible, but the Han family did it.

Many people have tried this, but the results are not satisfactory. After all, no one knows what the factors that affect the awakening of abilities are.

According to Yinger's letter, it should have something to do with the first supernatural being of the Han family.

As the first batch of people who awakened with supernatural powers, they experienced the initial baptism of the crack, and also passed the era of the outbreak of alien factors. Even if they did not become the throne, their influence is extremely strong.

But who would have thought that in order to break through to the throne, he would actually choose to use the entire family as a stepping stone?

In the beginning, every supernatural power user in the family would awaken the ice power, and the Han family was happy about it for a while. After all, it is an elemental power, and it is still very powerful, and most people can use it in low-level abilities. The high-level power erupted from time to time, which once made the Han family proud.

But after a long time, the Han family found that the more times they used power beyond their own rank, the emotional fluctuations of the clan members became slower and slower, until finally they lost any emotional fluctuations and became puppets.

And after a person dies, the supernatural powers and qi and blood in the body will disappear without a trace in an instant. At this time, the country's talents discovered that something was wrong.

After groping and guessing, they came to a terrible conclusion that someone was using their bodies to hone their abilities.

Combined with the records handed down by the family, through those unconventional power comparisons, this person was finally identified as the pioneer of the family.

But helplessly, that person is already from the era when the mutation occurred, and no one knows where he is, nor how to break this connection, which made the Han family helpless for a while.

Although it is a good thing to have powerful power to use, who can guarantee that the pioneer can influence himself through this connection?

In case, in order to break through to the throne, he takes away all the powers and vitality of the Han family in an instant, who can stop him?

How much affection does a guy who can do this kind of thing to his family have in his heart?

This feeling of being controlled by others all the time is something that no one wants to have.

"I can't help you with this kind of thing`.!"

After reading it, Su Ming smiled wryly. If it was a fight, he could still struggle a bit more than his status.

It's like if Yinger is forced to marry and doesn't want to marry, he can use his name to stop it, but this thing involves the throne! And the connection is still established through blood

How does he get in?

Although the different text is a key to open the supernatural world, it is not a master key! What's more, the WIFI master key also has wireless that cannot be cracked, isn't it...

Think about the Icethorn Throne released by Yinger at that time, the power of that thing, I am afraid that I can't bear it now! It's not a matter of level at all!

Instead of looking for yourself, it's better to go to the group of guys in the research institute! Maybe they took the DNA and cleaned it up, and it was really disconnected.

If it really doesn't work, find a stronger throne, find that pioneer, and just hit it with a knife.

After thinking wildly, Su Ming also withdrew her thoughts. The Han family had worked so hard for so long but could not find a solution. Ying Er didn't seem to be an irrational person, so she would not come to her to solve the problem for no reason.

Now that I have found myself here, it means that I can help her in some aspects, at least play a certain role in this matter.

It just so happened that it was already a holiday, and he also wanted to visit the place of inheritance in the imperial capital, but he could stop by and take a look, if he could help, he would help, if not, he could just forget about booking.

It's not that he is ruthless, it involves a lunatic who thinks he might become the throne, even if he is a licking dog, he still has to consider his life safety.

After tidying up the equipment, Su Ming came directly to the imperial capital through space teleportation. For him, all the places where the space nodes were left were just one step away.

Originally, he wanted to go directly to the land of inheritance (to get Li Zhao), but he heard that Imperial University is managing the relics of the land of inheritance. If someone caught him, it would be embarrassing

Therefore, the research institute became the best terminal, just in time to cancel the research topic of space abilities with Yang Mei.

As the owner of this thing, I can't study it thoroughly, so I don't want to be too fanciful if I expect the research institute to give me any advice.

It just so happens that Yang Mei still has a project in hand, so it's okay to cancel it.

Although it was my own choice at the beginning, but I have to come over every now and then to slice and study, which is somewhat distasteful. It would be fine if there is something to gain, but the problem is that I have cooperated with the sampling many times, and the things I have gained are not as good as he played with his own abilities. Come more, then who wants to suffer is not...

PS: Well, I changed my computer before, and I haven’t found my account for a long time. I don’t know if anyone still reads this book. “Let’s try the water first!.

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