Metropolis: Opening Awakening Space Ability!

Chapter 21 Going To Shanghai University (Asking For Flowers)

Fortunately, after coming back last time, Su Ming put a few sets of clothes in his independent space, otherwise it would be bad to wear a coat on the street.

Back home, Su Ming logged into the Union Mall, and the bets from the three schools had already been wagered. It was more than Su Ming expected. There were 13 million. Thousands of scholarships.

"Damn, it's a big loss! They have millions of scholarships for a C-level, why do I only have hundreds of thousands?"

Thinking of this, Su Ming couldn't help but greet the principal's ancestors in his heart, but things have passed for so long, and he has retreated for more than 20 days, the college entrance examination has long been over, and the school is on holiday.

"Xunying set, each weapon is inlaid with the crystal nucleus of the third-order alien beast, the dark snake, with the additional effect of seclusion and speed."

Soon, Su Ming found a set of war equipment, the price of which was in the early tens of millions. Although it was not equipped with weapons, the attached effects were still very good. There are two effects in the C-level war equipment set, which is already very valuable up.

Especially these two effects are really suitable for survival in the wild. Whether it is seclusion or speed, they all increase the survival rate!

And what makes Su Ming most excited is that in addition to the crystal nucleus of the third-order dark snake, the armor of this set of weapons is also inlaid with a crystal nucleus of the fifth-order dark snake to assemble the whole set of weapons.

Although it is only a C-level weapon set, even if you encounter a sixth-level strange beast, you can still make the other party unaware.

"I bought it, I bought it, it's not bad anyway, you can't be stingy with life-saving things."

With a wave of his hand, he took this set of weapons into his pocket, and then browsed some other products.

Although the hope is slim, you still have to pay attention, what if you encounter something with space attributes? Even the material may not be.

Two days later, the weapon set had been received, and Su Ming also packed his things and was ready to go to Shanghai.

"Hello, sir, please open your palm, and I will scan your chip."

At the exit of Modu Bus Station, the handsome waiter said with a signature smile.

Because of the strange beasts, the space for human activities has been compressed a lot, and the remaining big cities have become the main gathering places.

For the convenience of management, anyone who arrives in a city will make a record.

"How do you know I'm a superhuman?"

Hearing this, Su Ming asked in surprise, some people are neither supernatural beings nor cultivators, and their identity verification is a certificate, not a chip.

"Because you smell like a strange beast. Although it's faint, you must have been in contact with a strange beast. Except for those with supernatural abilities, I don't believe that ordinary people will come into contact with strange beasts."

The customer service said with a smile, and pointed to her nose. It seems that this is her ability. It is a strengthening ability, but it is not suitable for fighting.

"That's it!"

Su Ming responded simply, without saying anything, perhaps the most suitable life for her is to awaken such a supernatural power and engage in such a job!

"There is a special car to see you off at Shanghai University. You are so young and come to Shanghai at this time. You must be a specially recruited student, right?"

After recording Su Ming's information, the customer service pointed in the direction and said.

Su Ming didn't say much, and left after saying thank you.

"A specially recruited student! I don't know what his ability is... A-level! A second-level ability user! Eighteen years old?"

Looking at the back of Su Ming going away, the customer service couldn't help being stunned. With such conditions and strength, I'm afraid that in a few years, he will be on the league leaderboard!

When I came to the side, I saw the special car of Shanghai University, and when I got up, I found that there were already people in the car.

Three men and two women, everyone was sitting scattered, and it seemed that they all came from various cities.

To be able to be specially recruited, it is either a B-level ability or a powerful C-level ability. If these two conditions are not met, other C-level ability holders can only pass the alliance evaluation, and then they will be awarded according to the ability. University standards are assigned.

In other words, a D-level ability can guarantee that you will have a university with abilities, but which university you can go to depends on your fate.

After getting into the car, Su Ming also found a corner and sat down. No one was familiar with them, and no one spoke.

Although it is said that everyone is from the same university, in essence, everyone is a competitor. The resources distributed by the school are so small, and competition is inevitable.

For the arrival of Su Ming, the others just opened their eyes and looked at it, and then closed their eyes to meditate. The time before the official start of school is the time for freshmen to work hard to improve.

The purpose is to welcome the upcoming freshman competition. For freshmen, this is the first and most ambitious resource allocation after enrollment. Not to mention various rewards, an opportunity to practice mimicry is something that no one wants Let it go.

Su Ming also entered a state of meditation. When the space was opened, the spherical space with a radius of six meters was instantly taken over by him, and all the free alien elements gathered towards him.

This made the other five people feel uncomfortable. Why are there so many aliens suddenly?

They opened their eyes with some doubts, and looked at their respective positions. Everyone was sitting relatively scattered, and logically speaking, the meeting should not be affected by it!

"Is it because of him?"

After seeing each other's suspicious eyes, they almost knew in their hearts that it wasn't the reason for them. After all, they had been in the car for a while, and nothing like this happened.

Involuntarily, they set their sights on Su Ming. When this guy got hooked, there would be fewer outsiders. If not looking for him, who would he look for?

"Could it be that his ability is A-level? Isn't the efficiency of plundering aliens too terrifying?"

A boy said softly, facing the situation where a foreigner was snatched away by one person, it was a little hard to accept.

"It shouldn't be A-level. My ability is B-level. Even if it's not as good as A-level, it won't be much worse. But I still can't grab aliens in front of him. It should be some kind of special ability."

Another boy said that when he told about the strength of his power, he took a special look at the girl behind him, and he seemed to have a good impression of her.

But it's okay. When they heard the B-level ability, the two girls didn't react in any way. On the contrary, the boy who spoke before was a little excited and looked like he was hugging his thigh.

"Hey! There are quite a few people who came to report today! Six of them came at once."

At this time, another person got on the bus, and he was not a student by his attire.

"Okay guys, wake up and listen to me. My surname is Zhang, and I am your reception teacher. Before the official start of school, I will be in charge of your cultivation and life at school. There is a book under your desks and chairs. The handbook is the rules and regulations you must abide by in school, memorize them and write them down clearly, and you will be punished if you violate them!"

Teacher Zhang looked at Su Ming and others and said, the words were humorous, which made people feel friendly.

"Okay, all seated, we are ready to go to school."

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