Metropolis: Opening Awakening Space Ability!

Chapter 30 School Is Coming Soon, Choose The Direction Of Development! (Seeking Data)

Time flies like water, the tail of August has passed, and it can be clearly felt that with the arrival of September, the popularity in the school has become much more prosperous.

Since the last time the bill was collected, in the past twenty days, except for eating, Su Ming almost never left the training building.

Of course, I still took the time to check the progress of my dormitory. Although the meditation room is good, there is no bed in it, so it can't feel like home!

Name: Su Ming

Level: Second-level intermediate ability user; Second-level advanced practitioner

Ability: space control

Skills: Mental Perception, Space Blade, Space Distortion, Space Imprisonment, Dimension Smash

Evolution Points: 80

After putting the five small balls back into the basket, Su Ming took a long breath and checked his situation.

The hard work during this time has not been in vain, the ability level has reached the second-level intermediate level, and the vitality is only a step away from stepping into the third level.

Although it is said that Qi and blood cultivation is faster than supernatural powers in the early stage, but in such a situation where he has no resources to supply, the speed is still so fast, which is not a normal situation.

It can only be said that although the mysterious pressure made his predecessor suffer a lot, it also forced out some of his physical potential.

But what is gratifying is still the improvement of the ability. Before using the ability stone, it took more than ten days to upgrade to the second level, but in the meditation room of the school, it only took 20 days to raise a small level.

With such a speed, it's no wonder that supernatural beings are full of yearning for good universities. Except for the four famous schools, there should not be many schools with alien cable networks.

"It's almost time, and I don't know which department I will be assigned to by then."

I simply tidied it up. Freshmen register in September, and special enrollment is also required, because everyone has different abilities, and those with the same ability focus on different directions. Positioning, divided into different departments.

There are five major systems: attack system, defense system, control system, auxiliary system and special system.

What kind of department to choose will have a great impact on future development, so Su Ming dare not be sloppy in this matter.

As soon as he walked out of the training building, Su Ming's school badge began to flash, which meant that someone was contacting him.

But what surprised him was that the contact person was an unfamiliar ID.

"Hello, who is it?"

Those who can use the school badge communication must be people in the school, so Su Ming still connected.

"I'm Liu Ruyue, I'm used to staying in school these days! I heard that you demolished your dormitory as soon as you went there, it's really noisy!"

A familiar voice sounded, it was Teacher Liu who went to Star City to enroll students before.

"Miss Liu! You just came back to school? Do you need me?"

"Of course, you will come to the conference hall right now. Regarding the arrangements for your special enrollment, the school has already started."

Su Ming knew what Teacher Liu meant, and he had already promised at the time of the special recruitment that he would arrange an exclusive instructor for himself. It should be the same condition for other special admissions.

"Okay, I'll be right over."

After speaking, the two ended the communication. The conference venue is not far from the training building, and it takes only a few minutes to walk there.

When Su Ming came in, there were already quite a few people there. Looking around, there were almost forty people. Excluding the members of the previous six clubs, there were more than a dozen new faces.

"It's coming very fast! Wait for a while, the teachers will be here in a while."

Liu Ruyue called Su Ming over and said, seeing her enthusiastic behavior, many special recruits were surprised.

"It must be at least an A-level ability that can make Teacher Liu so excited!"

"How is it possible? When the two A-levels came over, Teacher Liu just nodded, okay? There must be something else between the two."

"Damn! My thoughts immediately became evil when I heard you say that, but let alone, it really feels a little unfathomable for this person to fight there!"

Because Su Ming has been in the training building, some special recruits who came later did not know him.

And those who received 500 credits from Su Ming saw this guy coming, their faces were so ugly, especially Wang Can, they all wanted to find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

Xiaopang and Zheng Yishun waved to Su Ming, and Xuewei also nodded to Su Ming's arrival.

"Tsk tsk tsk! What's the matter with you? Just now everyone was talking and laughing. Why did they stop talking when you came?"

The subtle changes in the atmosphere naturally couldn't escape the eyes of Mr. Liu, a sixth-level supernatural being. He thought that Su Ming must have done something outrageous when he was at school!

She is also aware of the conflicts between the special admissions clubs, Su Ming and some of these people have definitely fought.

"It's nothing, maybe everyone thinks that the teacher is coming soon, so they want to show off!"

Su Ming grinned and said, it seems that these people are saving face and didn't tell about the credits. In this case, he should save some face for his rich boy, right?

"Okay, I won't ask if you don't tell me, I believe you can handle it yourself."

Teacher Liu shook his head, and after he finished speaking, he suddenly noticed that Su Ming's breath was a little different, and asked involuntarily:

"Second level of ability?"

"Well, I just arrived at the intermediate level. The school's meditation room is really great, but the fee is a bit expensive every time."

Su Ming nodded, and immediately attracted a lot of attention, some of them were stunned, and most of them were resentment.

The astonished group of people were naturally frightened by Su Ming's power level. Everyone was the same age, but we were still at the first level, and you were at the second level and rushed to the third level. This is too shocking!

And those who are resentful are naturally because this guy actually complained about the high fees for the meditation room! You have tens of thousands of credits!

It only costs 12 credits to use the meditation room for 24 hours, and you can live in it for a long time. How expensive is it!

Hearing Su Ming's affirmative answer, Teacher Liu was also taken aback for a moment, how long has it been since this kid awakened his abilities! It's about to start hitting Tier 3. Thinking back at my age, I was still working hard for Tier 2!

"The meditation room is just to assist you in meditation, and it's not for you to stay in it all day. If you want to improve your strength, you can't just meditate. Actual combat is the most important way."

Teacher Liu laughed, she thought Su Ming only had 1,000 points, so she thought the meditation room was expensive.

But what she didn't know was that this was what Su Ming said casually, and he really lived in the meditation room during this time.

At this time, there was a burst of sound in the conference hall, several figures appeared on the stage, and the exclusive teachers for special enrollment arrived.

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