Metropolis: Opening Awakening Space Ability!

Chapter 37 Domineering Abilities, Throne Of Icethorns! (Seeking Data)

Just by looking at it, one can feel the threat of this strange beast. Su Ming has absolutely no doubts about how dangerous this strange beast is.

Just a collision, and the C-level saber in his hand was bounced away. If he hadn't put on the saber cover in time, he would have never been able to please him just now.

"Boss Su! Are you okay?"

Seeing this, the fat man and others hurried to Su Ming's side, fearing that something might happen to him.

"It's okay, but this unlucky thing is not simple, be careful!"

At this time, the strange beast moved and made a hoarse sound. Its claws, which looked like daggers, grabbed several people head-on, and its cold light flickered.

Su Ming, who had experienced the strength of this strange beast, naturally would not choose to confront it head-on again, and immediately changed the positions of himself and others with space teleportation.

"Don't stay too far away from me. Fatty is in charge of guarding. Shunzi is optimistic about Yinger. Don't be distracted!"

Su Ming instructed that the speed of this strange beast in front of him was too fast, if it was scattered, it would be impossible to escape. Once it exceeded the space that Su Ming could control, he would not even be able to rescue it.

The alien beast turned around and charged again. Su Ming would not be used to it, so he raised his hand and threw out a few space blades. Although the C-level saber could not hurt this thing, the power of the space blades was not something it could ignore.

The slashed alien beast was broken and stopped killing, howling in pain, and a large number of defects appeared in the shiny black armor on its body.

"The space blade can't cut directly. Fortunately, it can break the defense, otherwise there is really no way."

Su Ming murmured, as long as he can cause damage to him, there is nothing to worry about. He is afraid that with his current strength, if he can't even cause damage to the opponent, then there is no way to fight at all.

"Damn! The shell of this strange beast is so hard! Boss Su can't completely break through the defense, what kind of strange beast is this!"

The fat man said tremblingly, he had searched through what he had learned before, but he couldn't find the origin of this strange beast.

"Fatty! Keep up your spirits, the other party is moving too fast, I can't see it!"

Su Ming yelled, and the injured beast seemed to be aroused fiercely, and it exploded faster than before, and disappeared from the field of vision in the blink of an eye.

Although Su Ming can use psychic sensing and space control to conduct all-round investigations, his mental power has not formed an independent ability after all, and the range of space control is only less than ten meters.

If the strange beast was not within a ten-meter radius, he would have no choice but to rely on telepathy, so he could only rely on Fatty. ,

"Here we come! Behind us, in the direction of four o'clock!"

Hearing this, with a thought of Su Ming, the spatial confinement unfolded, and there was a sound of friction from behind.

This strange beast is fast, powerful, extremely defensive, and powerful in battle.

But it still can't ignore the restraint brought by the space confinement, but judging from its ability to move in the confinement space, this guy's strength and physical fitness may be comparable to that of a fourth-order practitioner.

The space blade flew away, and the strange beast disappeared from everyone's sight again after leaving a howl.

"It's here, circling around us, I can't catch it!"

The fat man yelled strangely. Judging from the expression on his face, he should be terrified. Facing such a powerful unknown beast, even if it was all attached to Su Ming, he still didn't feel safe.

"Damn it! My control combat skills can't control it. If only there was a way to make it stop for a while, I will hold back a big move for it!"

Su Ming also said with a gloomy face, but he wasn't too worried.

Judging from the current situation, this strange beast is very special and powerful, but they have not been cornered.

Although the space confinement can't control the beast, it can make its speed unable to play a role. Once it enters the entered space, it can only proceed slowly.

The space teleportation can make himself and others out of danger quickly, and can also use the space blade to counterattack. If possible, Su Ming can fly a kite to kill this strange beast.

But he had to take care of the three people around him, so his abilities would be too much for him. Anyway, he was only a second-level ability user now.

If your abilities are exhausted, then you don't have to think about others, and if you want to miss someone in the future, just dream.

"Let me come! Although I don't know if it can be fixed, but you can try..."

At this time, Yinger said timidly, obviously it was just a very simple sentence, but when Su Ming and others focused their eyes on her, the little girl actually lowered her head in embarrassment.

"Sister Yinger, hurry up! When you come back alive this time, the fat brother will provide you with unlimited snacks every day, and promise to make you fat and weak, go to hell!"

The fat man said excitedly, he had heard from Su Ming before, saying that this girl is second only to the president Xue Wei in combat power in Piaoxue.

Usually the little girl doesn't have a high sense of existence, but when she said this, even Su Ming couldn't ignore it.

"Bah! Your family raised your body to eat snacks! Don't hurt others, it's almost the same with some tonic..."

Su Ming was also speechless. Of course, he also knew that what the fat man said could not be taken seriously. With his current appearance, it was not easy to stand still.

"That's right! Take the tonic, look at my mouth..."

"Boss Su, stop your ability first! My combat skills are limited in scope, and your ability exists, so it doesn't dare to approach."

Yinger nodded and said, Su Ming heard that Su Ming patted the fat man on the shoulder, and stopped the space confinement.

The fat man also knew what he should do, so he forcibly calmed down immediately, his mental power covered the audience, and he had insight into all the behaviors of the strange beast.

"Here we come! Straight ahead!"

The fat man looked at the front in horror and said, a black shadow was rapidly approaching.

Su Ming couldn't help but get nervous here, the space confinement is ready to go, and if Yinger is too late, he can still make up for it. With the physical strength of this strange beast, it is not impossible to make a sudden sharp turn. things!

"Icethorn Throne!"

However, after Yinger's combat skills appeared, Su Ming realized that his worries were completely unnecessary. With a soft shout, the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped.

With the four of them at the center, an ice crown rises from the ground, and from the surroundings of the ice crown, thorns of ice spread out, and everything it touches is instantly frozen, and the moving beast is no exception. .

"Boss Su, hurry up! It's very powerful, I can't control it for long..."

The three of Su Ming were dumbfounded by the scene in front of them, and they didn't react for a while.

Such gorgeous and powerful combat skills are too far away for them who are still in the first and second ranks. Su Ming also has to admit that Yinger's abilities are really fucking overbearing!

PS: The old sister opened a new store, I went to help during the day, and strive for four chapters at night, if not, I will get three chapters, I am tired all day, please forgive me!

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