Metropolis: Opening Awakening Space Ability!

Chapter 39 This Group Of People Is Actually Eating Hot Pot! (Ask For Evaluation Votes)

Soon, under Shangguanxiong's acupuncture point, the mysterious beast's actions became extremely unstable, like a drunk.

"Let's go! This thing is still changing, I won't be able to seal it for long."

Wrapping up Su Ming and others, Shangguanxiong led them away from the strange beast.

"What was that just now? It seems very unusual, and my abilities have been suppressed."

On the way, Su Ming asked involuntarily. Although the two alien beasts are very similar, if you look closely, there is still a big difference. At the very least, the alien beast just now is different from the one he killed. Only, the calls are different.

"I don't know very well. There are many questions that make people think about it. If you insist, it is a beast of origin! But these can only be determined after the people from the research institute intervene. Anyway, it has nothing to do with you. Don't ask any more questions."

Shangguan Xiong took a deep breath and said, no one knows how complicated his mood is now. As a person who witnessed the transformation of the strange beast, he was really shocked.

However, Su Ming and others were shocked by the origin of the beast in his mouth.

The original alien beasts, also called the ancestor alien beasts, generally refer to the batch of alien beasts that fell from the cracks in the universe when they appeared.

In order to distinguish it from the alien beast that absorbs alien elements and alienates, it has such a name.

For most people, the ancestor alien is just a word, because the vast majority of people have never seen it, and they have always maintained this sense of mystery.

But everyone knows that the world has become like this now, and countries have jointly formed alliances to target the so-called ancestor aliens.

Compared with the King Beast, the Primordial Alien Beast is more important, more dangerous, and more worthy of people's attention.

The flying speed of the eighth-level ability user is still very fast. Su Ming and others walked a day's journey, and returned to the vicinity of the barrier in less than half an hour at Shangguanxiong's place.

The other five teams have already been brought back, and Shangguanxiong has confirmed the existence of alien beasts, so it is not appropriate to keep the students outside.

Because of Shangguanxiong's confirmation, Su Ming's team has been delayed until now.

"Teacher Shangguan, what's the condition of that thing? Is it true!"

Seeing Shangguanxiong, the dean rushed up to greet him. Su Ming noticed that, apart from the previous teachers, there were many more people here, and some of them were wearing league uniforms.

"It shouldn't be wrong! But I can't be sure, that thing has been changing, it seems to be evolving in that direction."

Shangguan Xiong hesitated for a moment and said, he didn't know what to say about the situation of the strange beast.

"Please lead the way, whether it is that thing or not, it is a scourge after all, before it is completely destroyed, destroy it!"

In the last sentence, the old dean's killing intent was awe-inspiring, and the group walked towards the field without the slightest hesitation.

"Boss Su, it seems that our situation is not bad! Look at their appearance, many of them are bandaged."

The rest of the matter naturally had little to do with Su Ming and the others. Under the arrangement of the observation point specialist, they came to the resting place of the students.

Seeing the state of the other teams, the fat man gloated and said that compared to their well-dressed appearance, the others were really miserable.

"That's right, follow me, who can sleep in the wild with Simmons, and eat with hot pot, how can they compare?"

Su Ming grinned and said, even the shy Yinger couldn't control her emotions.

"Speaking of hot pot, Boss Su, I'm hungry..."

The fat man rolled his eyes, looked at Su Ming meaningfully and said, and the latter immediately understood.

"I'm hungry! It just so happens that I'm a bit greedy too. There's still some meat from yesterday's Wubing snake, so hurry up and eat it. It won't taste good if it freezes for a long time."

As Su Ming said, he took out all the things of the guy. Although the meat of the alien beast decays quickly, it can be preserved after being frozen with supernatural powers.

But most people would not do this. Firstly, freezing requires the consumption of abilities, and secondly, it also requires space for storage. After all, not everyone wants Su Ming to have storage space.

The storage space is completely sealed, and living things cannot survive, which can ensure that the ice ability will not be lost to the greatest extent.

The other five teams were in a state of loss. They always thought they were strong, but only to find that they were the same when they got to the wild. Not only could their teammates not protect them, but they also looked like wild men.

For this group of proud sons of heaven, there is a bit of shock.

As a result, a strong smell of hot pot came out, and immediately spread throughout the rest camp. When I raised my head slightly, I saw the foursome of Su Ming who were feasting.

"Oh! It's a pity that there is no beer, otherwise a sip or two will be so refreshing!"

"That is to say, this fog ice snake is worthy of being the top-level exotic animal meat. It tastes good. The more you eat, the more you want to eat it!"

"Sister Ying'er, eat more, it's good for your body. When I have time, I'll find some lists for you to take care of your body. Seeing how thin you are, it's not okay!"

It's fine to eat, the black-bellied guy, Fatty, is still yelling loudly, for fear that others will not know what they are eating.

But there is one thing to say, things like fog ice snake meat are really rare, and the price on the market is not cheap.

"Damn it! This is too inappropriate! By the way, where does their hot pot come from?"

"Nimma! They are all going to open up wasteland. Why do they seem to be going camping, and we will be messed up. The gap is too big!"

"That's right! Look at their clothes, not to mention they are damaged, you can't even see the threads! How did this group of people get here outside!"

Where do people eat hot pot, it is enough to make people greedy, but when it comes to looking at their clothes, it goes without saying.

It can be said that there is a difference between them and these people!

Of course, they wouldn't think that Su Ming and the others were just wandering around the barrier and didn't go deep into the wild to open up wasteland. After all, there were people watching at the school, and the purpose of opening up wasteland was to let the teachers see their potential.

Unless these people don't want a good teacher, they can't be that stupid.

So the only result is that people really have the strength to live so chic outside!

"Sister Wei, let Yinger follow Su Ming, so she won't be kidnapped!"

On Piaoxue's side, seeing Yinger and Su Ming chatting and laughing, let alone come to look for them, they didn't even take a look here, a member couldn't help but said.

"How about you go and bring Yinger here?"

Xuewei said angrily, although her team is in good condition, there is still a big gap compared with Su Ming's team. Under such circumstances, how could she have the nerve to let Ying Er come over.

Besides, what are you asking people to do here! See how depressed you are waiting for others?

PS: Just three chapters today! Feeling a bit tired····

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